Supreme God King

Chapter 2441: Thirty-three days

Of course Meng Fan would count this step. It was inevitable that the three arks would be attacked and be watched by the end of the gods or the source of the heavens.

Therefore, he created two incarnations, in the Ark of Conferred God and the Ark of Impermanence. It was just this hand that only he knew. Besides, no one knew.

Too one person used blood to rebirth and created two incarnations. This method is of course powerful, but in Meng Fan's eyes, it is not profound.

The incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, the several gods, can also be said to be ancient mysteries, but as a small heavenly Dao, Meng Fan can also guess the mystery.

So when the three arks set sail, he used two drops of his own essence and blood to regenerate two selves, just like the Wu She he created when he fought against the evolving soul, but Meng Fan, both of these two physical bodies, captured the thoughts of divine souls, but instead gave part of his thoughts to his mind. In other words, these are two "puppets."

After that, Meng Fan used the meaning of time. In a middle-thousand world, these two puppets spent thousands of years and became the king of gods. After thousands of years, the strength of the two puppets continued to be consolidated. Uplifting, constantly growing their physical blood source with the power of creation.

Although the bodies of these two puppets are powerful, they are far behind Meng Fan, but they surpass many **** kings.

This puppet located in the Ark of Impermanence, after appearing, looked at the God King shrouded in white light, and his words were full of mockery.

"One of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Artifacts, Going Out the God Hook? Well, I have heard that the 33 Heavenly Artifacts are rumored to be the supreme gods created by some powerful God Kings stealing the power of the Heavenly Dao in the distant years. Objects, but according to the memory of the gods of good fortune, it seems that these thirty-three heavenly artifacts are something similar to bait, created by the gods, used to lure some powerful gods to obtain them, and then corrupt their spirits. They become powerful puppets, just like the desolate gods created by the heavenly law, so which answer is the real answer?"

Meng Fan said, raising his hand, the power of good fortune in his palm.

The Last Dharma King was a little strange and couldn't understand, and said leisurely: "As a puppet, why can you show the true meaning of the Great Dao?"

"The incarnation of the heavenly path, why can it display the powers of heavenly punishment, vitality, and laws that belong to the source of the heavens? The true meaning of the Dao Dao is the most unbreakable force in the world, just like the Jiuquan Demon Sovereign set an era conspiracy and manipulated it with the mind In the beginning and Tai A, my avatar can certainly display my power. What kind of puppet of the heavens, the king of the last law, is rare and strange."

Meng Fan said coldly, suddenly shot!

The God King of the Last Dharma immediately rotated the hook, buzzed, rubbed the laws of heaven and earth, and immediately screamed and cried, and the five emperors and the Lord of Time had an illusion that their flesh and blood would be cut off and their hearts would be taken out.

The hand of the creator violently collided with the gouache hook!

Splashing blood.

The palm of this Meng Fan puppet was directly divided, and the entire arm was divided into two, bones.

Just as casual as cutting white paper!

Although this incarnation puppet of Meng Fan is not as strong as his own body, it is after all a body created by him two thousand years before and after the meaning of time. It is beyond the ordinary **** king to know how much, but it is so easily divided. Shocking, I'm afraid no one believes it.

"Thirty-three heavenly artifacts, gouging the **** hook, good, very good, it is the natural nemesis of the **** king, all the laws and vitality are restrained, it is very interesting, I thought this puppet incarnation can protect the ark of impermanence several times , But I didn’t expect that I would give it up the first time.” Meng Fan said with a sneer, and suddenly his figure moved, his flesh and blood sprang up, turning into clumps of squirming, and then, like a dragon and snake, from all directions, from various tricky angles, twisted The King of Dharma at the end of the day.

The moment he saw this scene, the God King of Last Dharma analyzed what Meng Fan was going to do.

This is going to blew up!

The one in front of me is just an incarnation puppet of Meng Fan. Although it took two thousand years to create it after reversing time in the middle-thousand world, it was only an incarnation. For other **** kings, such as Taiyi, It is a pity to give up such an incarnation, and the blood will flow out, but for Meng Fan as the creator, he has a big mind and a big vision, and he doesn't care at all.

Facing Meng Fan’s avatar blew himself up, even if he was the King of Dharma, he knew that this was a big deal. He quickly retreated, swiping the hook in his hand and severing the flying flesh and blood, but no matter how he cuts it off or retreats, the flesh Still in hot pursuit.

The meaning of space in one of them is constantly shattering the vacuum and wandering quickly, even if it is the King of the Last Dharma, it is absolutely impossible to get rid of it.

"With the blessing of Heavenly Dao and possessing 33 Heavenly Artifacts, I think that the world is invincible and there is no disadvantage? Remember, I am Meng Fan!"

The loud voice resounded through the sky.

Thousands of flesh and blood are unstoppably wrapped in the body of the King of Doom.

Then, explode! Although an incarnation exploded.

It is the incarnation of the Creator!

At the moment of the explosion, a trace of fear flashed in the eyes of King Mofa. Although he was a puppet of heaven, his spirit was washed away, and his emotions were washed away, but at this moment, the most cryptic fear in the hearts of all living beings still broke out. He was afraid of death. He didn't want to fall into the last abyss and completely disappear into the heavens and worlds. Suddenly, the half of his body that was entangled first began to crack.

This is when he wants the strong man to break his wrist, discard a part of his body, and hold the sacred hook in his hand, and immediately burst out of the Ark of Impermanence!

The violent explosion engulfed half of the body of the King Mofa in the endless vortex of laws, and disappeared instantly.

However, in addition to the explosion, there was another package of spatial meaning that did not affect the Ark of Impermanence.

After a while, everything subsided.

A few divine and soul thoughts drifted away, the thoughts left by Meng Fan at that time.

"Repulse these Heavenly Dao puppets as soon as possible and rush to the Hundred Flower Realm."

There was a voice from Nian's hair, and then disappeared, it was returning to the deity of Meng Fan.

Emperor Beicang gritted his teeth and stood up, his eyes projected, and he saw the fighting erupting in the Ark of Impermanence. His eyes flashed. He knew that this battle was extremely dangerous. Although the incarnation of Meng Fan repelled the King of Dharma, so much. The white robe puppet should not be underestimated.

But now, there is only one way to go.

At this moment, there was a loud humming in the void, and the Five Emperors and the Temple Master of Time both raised their heads. For a moment, they saw a pitch-black ark appearing on the Ark of Impermanence.

Fengshen Ark!

Above, Zhi Weiyi had already pulled out Fang Tian's painting halberd.

Beside Zhiweiyi, "Meng Fan" stood proudly.

This is an incarnation of Meng Fan staying in Fengshen Ark.

When news came from the Ark of Impermanence, Meng Fan learned that the avatar in the Ark of Impermanence was immediately awakened. At the same time, the avatar in the Ark of Conferred God was also awakened, telling Zhiwei to change direction and rush to the rescue at the fastest speed. The Ark of Impermanence.

Therefore, before a few thoughts float away, Meng Fan will say "repelling these heavenly puppets as soon as possible".

The two arks will reconcile, then this Tiandao sect named Jue Rantian will either escape or be buried here.

Heaven has its calculations.

Meng Fan also had Meng Fan's calculations.

He left behind more than one.

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