Supreme God King

Chapter 2459: Dong Miaoxin

Ghosts and gods, the highest hall, "Asura Hall".

In the hall, a huge statue looks very similar to the human race, but has three heads and six arms, and although it is only a statue, it looks very majestic and terrifying, giving people a kind of murderous intent.

This is the legendary "Asura".

According to many ancient records of the Shura family, Ashura is the ancestor of all Shura.

It is like the great dragon, the ancestor of all dragons.

At this moment, many of the Supreme Elders and "Ghosts and Gods" with the highest status in the ghosts and gods are all together. Different from the other disciples, these **** kings of the Asuras are all handsome and upright, and this Ashura Hall Although they are all decorated in black and gold colors, they also give people a solemn and majestic feeling, and the atmosphere is completely different from those areas where the low-level disciples of the ghosts and gods are located.

There was a huge contrast in this scene, but it was a bit similar to when Jiuquan Demon Venerable had just resurrected with a corpse.

The Demon Sovereign of Jiuquan, the leader of the demons in the ancient era, is awe-inspiring and lawless. In many legends, it is a hideous monster. However, it turns out that it is not the same thing at all. Baipao, every move, is very elegant and good-natured.

Only when he speaks and hears his words, can he feel the jealousy and madness of Jiuquan Demon Venerable, and the tone of ignoring the way of heaven.

In fact, any **** king, no matter what race or status, always looks very angry and awe-inspiring.

Could it be that the ghost king must be wretched and treacherous?

The Demon God King, must he do everything without scruples?

Those who can become the king of God, no matter what their identity or race, must have endured many horrors, many calamities, many lives and deaths, and they cannot be just superficial insignificance, treacherous, and domineering.

Even if it is a giant of the sky, Meng Fan and Gu Huang always laugh at his stupid brain, but he really has some meanings that are wise and foolish. What he says occasionally is ridiculous at first, but the meaning is even Meng Fan amazed.

Just like at the beginning, Meng Fan asked, "Why did the way of heaven give birth to me, why did it give birth to countless gods, is it just for the gods to change their fate?"

As a result, Zhantian Giant said in a daze, "I was not born of heaven, and you shouldn't be, you should be born to your mother."

A deep mark was left in Meng Fan's heart.

God king, there is no simple role.

Even if it swallows the world again, and then does everything to improve the realm, the **** king who is outside of the evil spirits, on the surface, must be dignified.

Qin Taichuan is a guy who doesn't care about turning 36 great worlds into a melting pot and refining all living beings in order to survive, and he doesn't care about the lives of his children and grandchildren.

But in the eyes of all beings in the common people world, this emperor was the most benevolent, and all living creatures worshipped him infinitely.

The Central Emperor is even more complicated. He is Meng Fan’s greatest enemy outside the Chaos Emperor. He is the leader of the Ziguang Empire. He is the heir to humanity and luck. He is inexhaustible in his mind. Although it was Meng Fan’s opponent, the Dao Dadao was called "the hero." [Zero↑9△small↓say△net]

In the eyes of Meng Fan, the evolving soul, the impermanent immortal king, and the **** Xumi, although powerful, are not called heroes.

Qin Taichuan is a hero.

Only the central emperor can be called a hero.

But in fact, what kind of person Central Emperor was, Meng Fan couldn't tell. He was much more complicated than Meng Fan. If you only look at the surface, Central Emperor was more like a loyal but wise "saint".

Obviously he is one of the top **** kings in the world, but he has an ordinary appearance, always white shirts and plain clothes, which completely accords with many people's cognition of sages.

The same is true for these **** kings of Shura. Some are dressed in black, but the edges are gilded, some are dressed in red robe, are female Shura, very gorgeous, and some wear a jade crown on their heads, feet on five-color lotus boots, etc. The dress is more gorgeous than many human kings.

A total of nine Shura gods.

Each one was sitting on a thick and wide stone chair. This chair was different from what they were wearing. It looked gloomy and very cold. It seemed very old, maybe hundreds of thousands of years.

The nine ghosts and gods with the highest status appeared just to welcome one person.

A human race.

A woman.

Wearing a short Tsing Yi, his appearance is delicate, he seems to be very young, and he can't see any powerful means, but it is very similar to those chivalrous women in the world.

But she is a **** king.

Because she debuted too late and she didn't make a name for herself, she didn't have any title, and she was all called her real name.

Dong Miaoxin.

The nine **** kings of Shura looked at Dong Miaoxin and didn't speak, but everyone was thinking.

Because I really don't understand Dong Miaoxin.

In fact, not to mention that Dong Miaoxin's appearance in the heavens and the world is too short, even if it is the famous names of the Central Emperor, Qin Taichuan, and Jiuquan Demon Venerable, these nine Asura gods are ignorant.

The reason...

"The Shura tribe is warlike by nature, bloodthirsty, and can eat any spirit or flesh and blood, and they are best at raising war by fighting. The more you fight, the more you fight, the more you kill, the stronger your strength."

Dong Miaoxin said, her voice was crisp, like a copper bell, very pleasing to the ear.

"It is said that six hundred thousand years ago, Shura was originally the leader of the Slaughter Dao. I knew nothing about these thirty heavens and six paths, just like you did not know anything about the heavens and the world. But even so, I I also know that the Slaughter Dao and the Sky Dao, which are not bound by the various laws of the Thirty Heavens, are the best Dao, and are also the residences of the most powerful God Kings. Since the Shura Clan used to be the leader of the Slaughter Dao, they have fallen into After this **** road, and a few sects to take care of the Paradise of Bliss, these thirty years Hedong and Hexi for thirty years are quite interesting."

Dong Miaoxin smiled lightly.

The nine **** kings of Shura had some actions one after another.

Yes, the blood flooded the pupils, it was the real blood flooded the pupils, and the eyes were completely scarlet, which was a sign that their Asura bloodline was awakened.

Also, some bones stick out in the flesh.

Bai Sensen's, without a drop of blood, just stretched out from their spine and the back of their hands, extremely terrible.

For a time, the killing intent spread.

Dong Miaoxin was slightly taken aback when he saw this, and waved his hands again and again: "Sorry, sorry, please calm down your anger, I am young, I am too fast to become the king of God, there is a reinstallation in my words, please forgive me, hehe, but the Shura clan stepped into God After the king, the bloodline awakens and the killing intent is soaring to the sky. It is really incredible. The Asura clan has never appeared in the heavens and the world. This is the first time I have seen it."

"Dong Miaoxin." Suddenly a female Shura **** king said coldly: "This is not the heavens and the world. This is a dimension that has not been entered by outsiders for millions of years. When you speak, be careful, although what the heavens and the world are? Well, we don’t know, but here, if you dare to speak rashly, you will die miserably."

"Dimensionality, dimension..." Dong Miaoxin blinked her eyes and nodded lightly: "As the first divine king who broke the dimension wall in millions of years and came to the thirtieth heaven, I am very proud. Actually, I just wanted to find what Yang Zun said, the world at the other end of the black hole, but I did not expect that I accidentally stepped through the dimension and came to this world that has hidden many years. I am a little curious now-am I going back? not going?"

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