Supreme God King

Chapter 2460: Dimensional barrier

"Some people laugh at the frog at the bottom of the well, saying that it can only see the sky as big as the well head, and they think that the sky is only as big as the well head, which is ridiculous.

But people, isn't it ridiculous? They can only see the sky above their heads, and they think the sky is only that big.

After stepping into the Divine Origin Realm and being able to travel around the world, you will know that the empire and the land you live in is only a small part of a great world.

When becoming a **** king, stepping out of the barrier of the great world, thinking that you have seen the entire universe, the entire universe, in fact, it is also a frog at the bottom of the well. "

Dong Miaoxin shook his head again and again: "They are all bottom frogs, they don't see much, and no one is qualified to laugh at anyone.

I did not expect that the heavens and the world, plus the heavenly realms and the three realms, are not the entire universe. It turns out that there are other realms besides this one. This realm is called a dimension. There are people who have created another dimension and forcibly opened up the world. Another world was created, independent of the heavens and all realms. This world is called the Thirty Heavens. "

She slowly leaned forward, looked at the nine **** kings of Shura, and asked softly: "If the heavens and the world, the heavens, and the three realms are one dimension, this is another dimension, then are there other dimensions?"

The female Shura God King in a blood-colored robe said indifferently: "You are wrong."

Dong Miaoxin said in surprise: "Oh?"

"The heavens and all realms, the heavenly realms, and the three realms are not in the same dimension. Here, there are also the heavenly realms and the end of the gods, but here, the gods are called the'source of all things,' and the end of the gods are called 'Chaos World'."

The blood robe **** king said lightly.

Dong Miaoxin was startled: "What do you mean?" She couldn't understand it for a moment.

"How did you come to the thirtieth heaven?" the blood-robed **** king asked indifferently.

Dong Miaoxin said: "At the beginning of the Great Tribulation of the Era, the **** king of the heavens and all realms held the first Era Conference. At that time, I also came to the scene. At that time, there were three schools of opinion. One of them was a man named Yang. Zun’s veteran **** king proposed that he had witnessed the demise of a very huge world, created a huge black hole, penetrated the dimension, and connected to another piece of void, so he once suggested that the kings should join hands to penetrate it. Dimension, jump out, avoid the catastrophe of the era.

However, the first era conference became a tragedy. More than a hundred **** kings were obliterated by the heavens, so no proposal was passed, and Yang Zun also left. Now, he should be with the Creator. "

The nine **** kings of Shura looked at each other, their expressions a little weird.

First of all, they don't know who the creator and the sun are, and they don't have a concept.

But what really makes them look weird is Dong Miaoxin's sentence, "More than a hundred gods are obliterated by heaven!"

This sentence is really shocking.

In their hearts, **** kings are almost immortal existences.

In the thirtieth heaven, there are **** kings who have lived for millions of years everywhere.

Moreover, in the Thirty Heavens, although various ties continue, they maintain a strange order with each other. Although the characters of the **** king realm may often fight, but on the surface, they maintain a kind of peace. .

The existence of the **** king, in the eyes of the top figures in the thirties, the death of one is a major event.

Hundreds of gods were killed?

Era Great Tribulation?

The nine **** kings of Shura have no concept.

"I didn’t participate in the second and third epoch conferences afterwards. Instead, I was always looking for the black hole that Yang Zun said. I have the meaning of space. Although compared with the creator, my strength is still weak. Very, but I always think that I can break the dimensional wall and find another world.

Finally, I found that place, called the common people world.

Qin Taichuan, the emperor of the common people, turned the thirty-six great worlds into a melting pot, turned the endless living beings into tonics, swallowed them all, and after continuing the vitality, he drove the common people’s ark to leave, but the thirty-six great worlds became A mortal enemy, a little bit of collapse, collapse, and finally an explosion, so an unprecedented huge black hole was formed, and I came here through this huge black hole. "

After a few words.

These **** kings of Shura, even though they didn’t understand many of what Dong Miaoxin said, those characters, what common people, and Qin Taichuan knew nothing about, but they could deduce many things, after all, they were gods. king.

"Does that huge black hole belong to your heavens or the thirtieth heaven?" asked the blood-robed **** king.

Dong Miao thought about it: "Does a bridge belong to the East Bank or the West Bank..."

The answer is ready.

Dong Miaoxin was startled: "At the end of heaven and gods, are the passages of all dimensions?"

"Yes." Said a woman Shura who is a little old but still beautiful. "But it's not entirely correct. It should be said that the Chaos Realm is a passage in all dimensions. The Heavenly Way is not. It can only be said that the Heavenly Way is everywhere. Therefore, through the Heavenly Way, you can reach all dimensions, and the Chaos Realm was excavated by the Great Chaos by force The world, because his power was too great, he penetrated the cosmos and created a channel between dimensions."

Dong Miaoxin licked her lips: "So, with the exception of a few black holes that can appear, only through the source of the heavens and the chaos world can you return to the heavens and the world? Black holes appear casually, and even if the black hole is turned on, Isn’t it necessarily the heavens and the world?"

The blood-robed **** king said coldly: "We don’t understand the mystery between the dimensions. It’s just that in the history of the thirty heavens, there are very few people who have passed through the dimensional wall throughout the ages, and almost none. We know the heavens. The existence of the universe, but these records are millions of years ago, that is, the last era. In our eyes, the 30th heaven is the home ground of the primordial universe. The heavens and the universe are The other world, centralism, is everywhere. I think in the eyes of your heavens and worlds, it should be the other way around."

Dong Miaoxin blinked: "The last era?"

"We also have the Great Era." The blood-robed **** king said coldly: "It's just that, I don't know what the reason is. Our last Great Era was millions of years ago, and this time, our Great Era is coming. , It should be synchronized with the heavens and the worlds. We are also very curious about the heavens and the worlds. We want to see you. We also have ideas for finding another way out, but unfortunately, This time, the great catastrophe of the era seems to cover all dimensions."

As soon as this remark came out, Dong Miaoxin thoughtfully.

The blood-robed **** king said: "This time the Era Great Tribulation is much stronger than every previous one. In our thirtieth heaven, we have seen several incarnations of Heavenly Dao, which are called the'source of the gods' and'death. The gods’, they just appeared, they are the strength of the gods. They were later killed by our team, but they were reborn again and again, becoming stronger and stronger. We can conclude that the method that can really resist this era of catastrophe is The nodes of each dimension are the chaos world, the source of the heavens."

"In addition, in addition to these nodes, in fact, there are other nodes in the primordial universe, but we have been looking for them." Another **** king said.

"But the Great Emperor Chaos is too powerful. The source of the heavens is also infinitely mysterious. Many years ago, some of us stepped into the source of the heavens and the chaos realm, but they were all buried there." said the blood-robed **** king. .

Dong Miaoxin's eyes flashed.

As she said, everyone is a bottom frog.

The kings of the heavens and all realms thought that the heavens and the earth were such a big one, and the Great Primordial Chaos was the leader at the end of the gods, the oldest and most powerful **** king in the history.

Unexpectedly, he has another identity.

A figure connecting two dimensional channels with a pedal.

In the Thirty Heavens, he didn't know anything about the various figures in the heavens and the world, but he also knew the Emperor Chaos.

Such a character who is equal to the sky, the nine gods and kings of the ancient heavens and ten thousand realms are unable to fight, and who is killed by his shadow, who can confront him head-on?

After much deliberation, it seems that there are only those powerhouses of the same age as Chaos Great Emperor.

The ancestor of humanity, the Lord of Elephant, the great dragon.

But these people have long since disappeared in the long river of history.

So who is this era?

The first person Dong Miaoxin thought of was the creator Meng Fan.

But there was one thing she didn't tell the nine **** kings of Shura.

After many days of collapse in the common people, it turned into a black hole. Shortly before she stepped into the black hole, there were rumors that the creator, Meng Fan, was already dead.

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