Supreme God King

Chapter 2488: Most domineering

The pain of dying.

Dong Miaoxin has been groggy for how long.

The realm of the **** king is to inherit the way of heaven and can change fate against heaven.

Since he can change his fate against the sky, he can naturally infer his own life.

I can also clearly feel that my life is exhausted bit by bit.

Just like a huge hourglass, every grain of sand in it is one's life left.

Day after day passed.

When there are thousands of years to pass, the time passing by day by day is so vast.

But when there are only a dozen days left in life, every second is extremely precious.

So Dong Miaoxin fainted several times under the torment of the end of life, and even lost his will.

She didn't even know where she was, she was totally confused.

Until this day, her ears were noisy, and she opened her eyes slightly.

What I saw was a scorched void.

There are huge holes one after another in the sky.

It was like a charcoal battlefield bombarded by Infinite Tribulation, and the stench irritating people wanted to gag.

This is where?

When Dong Miaoxin got up, the first thing he saw was his still delicate body.

The power of creation and the meaning of time reversed her body, returning her aging appearance back to her youth.

However, the youth of the physical body cannot contain the demise of the soul.

Dong Miaoxin raised her head and looked over.

In the distance, a cyan figure sits cross-legged on the coke-like expansive earth, looking at the back, like an anchor of the Ark that has been left here since ancient times, without moving a bit.

Next to it.

It is a corpse.

Each corpse still has the law and vitality.

The corpses of a **** king!

Hundreds of them!

Dong Miaoxin was shocked by the sight in front of her.

Why are there hundreds of gods and kings falling here?

But she soon knew the answer.

On the ground in the distance, there stood a group of barbarians, hundreds of them, but without exception, they were all barbarians in the realm of God King!

These barbarians, with large statures and taller than two feet tall, most of them were naked to the upper body, showing strong muscles, each of them exploded with amazing murderous intent.

The barbarians have always been called "hybrid races". Their bloodlines are very similar to human races, but they are fundamentally different, with the breath of beasts.

In Wanyu, when Meng Fan had not become the overlord and the human race had not become the first race, there were several races called "cholera" in Wanyu, namely the Western Ghost Race, the Eastern Demon Race, the Southern Gu Race, and the North Barbarians.

Afterwards, the four major races suffered heavy losses in the battle between the dark alliance and the restricted area, and then they were completely extinct by the hands of Meng Niuniu.

The barbarians do not have the wisdom of the human race, but they have power and vitality that surpass the human race, especially some barbarians, can "beastize" and incarnate into various powerful beasts, so in some places, the barbarians are also called "orcs".

In the history of humanity, some people speculate that the barbarians are a race that split from the original humanity. In other words, at the moment when the ancestors established the humanitarian order, there was a group of aliens who did not follow in the footsteps of the ancestors. , But continue to survive like wild beasts, even mixed with many monster races and beast races to form offspring.

Looking at the two or three hundred barbarian **** kings in front of him, Dong Miaoxin’s gaze fell next to the cyan back figure who was sitting still, and when he looked at the corpses, he was shocked to discover that the hundreds of **** kings who had died were all It is a barbarian.

"Senior..." Dong Miao said weakly.

The cyan figure was visibly taken aback, then turned his head, then slowly got up and walked step by step.

Meng Fan was injured.

Although his back is still so elegant and steady, there are blood holes in front of him.

Seeing these wounds, Dong Miaoxin was a little surprised. He didn't understand why someone could leave wounds on the Creator's body. When Meng Fan approached, Dong Miaoxin could understand that some of the wounds contained terrifying poison. One drop was enough. Directly obliterate below the realm of the **** king, the realm of the **** king will also be severely injured, and the body will decline.

There are also wounds with seal marks, which are very old and complicated. They are obviously some kind of barbarian marks left over from ancient times.

It was these marks that left wounds on Meng Fan's body, and he hadn't recovered for so long.

In some wounds, bones can already be seen.

But even so, Meng Fan was still calm, standing in front of Dong Miaoxin, unreservedly showing his back to two or three hundred barbarian **** kings, under the dazzling sun in the sky, Meng Fan's ordinary height In front of Dong Miaoxin, who was sitting on the ground, she looked towering and tall.

"Woke up."

Meng Fan's voice was very soft and gentle.

There are some concerns.

This made Dong Miaoxin startled, then flattered.

She couldn't believe that she was famous in all the worlds and the world, and she did not know how many strong people were killed. The creator who looked very lightly about life and death would actually be concerned about her. Speaking of which, she and Meng Fan are only two-sided, although There seems to be a certain connection in the dark, like Meng Fan grasps the meaning of emptiness, and Dong Miaoxin also has the meaning of space. What's more, because of the meaning of space, two people have passed through the dimensional wall at the same time and came to the third. Ten heavens.

However, that's all.

Why does Meng Fan care about her so tenderly?

Dong Miaoxin, a talented rookie, a powerful young **** king, felt a little warm in her heart at this moment, melting the same feeling.

At the moment that this feeling occurred, Dong Miaoxin couldn't help but smile. He was really a dying person, sentimental.

"I have a sister." Meng Fan said softly. "Leaving, just like you after thirteen days and two hours."

Dong Miaoxin was taken aback.

Thirteen days and two hours.

It was the moment when her birthday was about to dry up.

Dong Miaoxin lowered her head slightly, stretched out two slender fingers to pull up the ends of her hair, revealing a free and easy smile.

"I have not lived for more than a thousand years, but I have witnessed too much history, I admit it." Dong Miaoxin smiled.

Meng Fan was a little sad.

very sad.

It shouldn't be so.

He has traversed the heavens and worlds for so many years, especially after he became the Creator, how has he been sad for others?

Except for the people of the dark alliance, he doesn't care about anyone.

Even if the Era Alliance, although many people secretly named him as the leader, even if the Era Alliance fell apart, he would not have the slightest mood swing.

But in just a few days, he has been sorry for irrelevant people twice in a row. The first time was Zhou Yun, which made him realize the difference between mortals and gods. The second time, it was now Dong Miaoxin, which made him feel deeply. Thinking back to the moment before my sister left.

Unfortunately, there is nothing he can do.

It seems that the Creator is able to reverse life and death, but it only stretches life.

Divine Soul is the foundation of all living beings, and it is also the biggest card in the hands of Tiandao. To this day, Meng Fan has not really seen a way to unlock this card. Qin Taichuan’s smelting the Divine Soul of all living beings, or other methods, are all The lowest means is not the fundamental means.

In the face of Dong Miaoxin, who is one step closer to death every moment, Meng Fan really can't do anything.

"Senior...what happened here?" Dong Miaoxin asked suddenly, not knowing whether he was asking the question sincerely or he wanted to break the topic.

"This is not the heavens and the world." Meng Fan said, squatting in front of Dong Miaoxin, reaching out to hold Dong Miaoxin's wrist, and feeling her vitality. "The Sky Splitting Spear tore through a black hole and pierced the dimensional wall, but I don’t know where it sent us, but it must not be the heavens and the world. This is a barbarian world. Any creature is a slave of the barbarian. Under their control, there is almost no possibility of cultivation, not to mention the **** kings other than the barbarians, even the Tianyuan realm other than the barbarians.

Our appearance surprised the barbarians very much. They did not allow the existence of other living gods, just like mortals did not allow domestic cattle and horses to become emperors, so they called all the barbarian gods and kings they could call to besiege us. The first day , There were only a dozen barbarian **** kings, the next day, there were one hundred and seven barbarian **** kings, today, what you see, there are more than two hundred more, almost all the **** kings of this dimension. Done. "

Dong Miao was very shocked in her heart, but she could only nod unequivocally. He saw hundreds of corpses of barbarian **** kings everywhere, and then looked at the two hundred **** kings on the opposite side. She suddenly found that the eyes of those **** kings were more than incomparable. Anger, and... fear!

Of course.

A character who suddenly appeared, stood in place and killed hundreds of barbarian **** kings in a row in three days. It is conceivable that this is a scene in their dimension that they have never seen before!

It's horrible.

Even Dong Miaoxin felt extremely horrible.

"An hour ago, they decided to truce and sent an emissary to talk to me. I agreed, but some conditions were not negotiated, so they might have to kill another time." Meng Fanyun said calmly.

"Conditions? What conditions did they offer?" Dong Miaoxin asked in doubt.

Meng Fan shook his head: "It is a condition I mentioned. It takes a lot of vitality and lifespan to activate the Sky Splitting Spear. According to my guess, it is about two million years. Therefore, only characters in the realm of the gods can activate. And every time I actuate it is tantamount to suicide. In order to leave this dimension, I hope they actuate the Sky-Splitting Spear for me."

"Forcing a figure in the realm of God King to commit suicide?" Dong Miaoxin was dumbfounded. "Senior, you are so domineering."

"It's not one. I don't know how many times I need to try to return to the heavens and worlds, so my proposal is to give me fifty barbarian kings, or I will slaughter this dimension."

Meng Fan still said lightly.

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