Supreme God King

Chapter 2489: Gamble

Let fifty gods commit suicide, or I will slaughter this dimension.

In the primordial universe, there are definitely not many people who are qualified to say such things.

In Dong Miaoxin's eyes, perhaps only Meng Fan is the only qualified person to say such things.

"The result is not satisfactory." Meng Fan sighed, "They disagree."

Dong Miaoxin smiled bitterly: "Of course they would not agree."

"It's a pity that the characters of the **** king realm have extraordinary methods. Even if they are crushed by their strength, it is still too difficult to capture them alive." Meng Fan let go of Dong Miaoxin's wrist. "Time is not enough. First, you only have thirteen days left. Second, the three masters should be coming soon."

Dong Miaoxin was surprised: "The three masters?"

"The black hole opened, but did not close immediately. The three masters also stepped into the black hole, following our footsteps. I sensed it in the dark, but time and space in the black hole completely lost its meaning. The three masters may be lost, maybe They were delayed in a certain space, but after all, they are the ones who successfully broke the dimensional wall. It is not difficult to find clues to chase them, and they will be there soon."

Meng Fan was doing endless calculations in his mind.

The three masters are getting closer and closer to him.

Of course, in a black hole, distance is difficult to measure, and there is even no concept of distance at all.

In Meng Fan's mind, the distance in the black hole is not a straight line, but an infinite curve, like a maze, with many forks.

The three masters wandered in this maze at a fast speed. Although they took many side roads, they could immediately reflect where they were, then adjusted their direction and continued pursuing.

The strength of the three masters is very powerful. The existence of the King of Two Tribulations, so far, only he and the three masters are known to Meng Fan. Although none of the three is Meng Fan’s opponent, the three of them joined forces. , But firmly prevailed.

At this moment, Meng Fan is not in his prime.

After several days of fighting, although hundreds of barbarian **** kings fell, Meng Fan was not lightly injured. He is the creator, but not invincible.

"Time is running out." Meng Fan patted Dong Miaoxin's shoulder: "Stay here." Then he turned around and looked at the hundreds of barbarian kings, motionless.

His laws and vitality have become tangible.

Turned into pieces of weapons.

A series of humanoid shadows.

If there is nothing, it is like a dream and a fantasy.

This hand, just like the arm that Heavenly Dao was about to withdraw its mind, forcibly distorting everything in the world and transforming into it!

At this moment, law and vitality are slaves, and Meng Fan is the great master. There is no power to resist his manipulation, only obedience.

"Unlimited looting..." Dong Miao's eyes flickered slightly.

As a talented rookie who has grasped the meaning of space, Dong Miaoxin felt a strong spatial vibration from these weapons. It seems that every force is shaking and shuttle infinitely. In an instant, it shuttles hundreds of layers of space. Locked, it is impossible to predict.

This is how Meng Fan "Ling Chi" infinitely plundered and killed one of them when dealing with the three masters.

This is the means by which the meaning of space and his own many powers are extended to the extreme, and it is also his most powerful means of killing, but the vitality consumed at every moment is extremely astonishing.

Only Meng Fan, the creator of the God King of Two Tribulations, was able to consume his vitality so unscrupulously.

Dong Miaoxin suddenly thought, I don’t know if the legendary original **** king, who is also the battle giant of Brother Meng Fantie, has such a vast vitality?

"Since you don't give it, only the strong will come." Meng Fan's figure moved and disappeared.

But in the next moment.

Among the barbarian kings, a space node expanded infinitely, and Sumima expanded thousands of times, and the means of infinite plundering and killing also exploded at this moment.

Flesh and flesh fly.

I don't know how many barbarian **** kings were immediately smashed and torn apart at this moment, with no corpses!

In the infinite looting method, almost all of Meng Fan’s power is contained, not only the space, divine intent, and meditation to obliterate all living beings, but also the reversal of vitality, absolute God’s intent, disaster, time, etc. Fan's own martial arts skills.

Not only was it to obliterate the bodies of many barbarian **** kings, but also to destroy their souls!

This kind of looting is difficult to resist, let alone dodge, and the physical spirit is eradicated, and it can truly be called "infinite".

Just as many barbarian kings reacted and prepared to fight back, Meng Fan suddenly disappeared.

Everything happened suddenly.

Rao is Dong Miaoxin, who can see through some space, but still can't find the trace of Meng Fan. He is truly out of sight and cannot be locked.

Suddenly a cyan flashed before her eyes.

It's Meng Fan.

Reached out and hugged Dong Miaoxin.

Between the lightning and flint, Dong Miaoxin saw that in Meng Fan's hands, in a space node no more than a thumb, a barbarian **** king was firmly suppressed.

This barbarian **** king was struggling at every moment, and even tried to explode himself several times, but was completely sealed by Meng Fan's power, unable to move.

This is absolute strength suppression. In front of Meng Fan's methods, he has no right to blew himself up!

Meng Fan opened his mouth and spit out a silver-black shadow. It was the Sky-Splitting Spear, which fiercely pierced into the space node and directly penetrated the flesh and blood of the barbarian **** king. He was aging rapidly in a short period of time, and his life and longevity were passing by at an astonishing speed, crazily.

The Sky Splitting Spear, on the other hand, grew stronger every moment, and seemed to be alive, shaking violently.

Seeing this scene, Meng Fan flicked his finger, and the dying Barbarian King was immediately thrown away as trash. With another movement of his palm, he held the Skycracking Spear, turned around and stabbed, and shot it in the void.


A black spot immediately appeared in the void that was spotted.

At first, it was very small, like an ant.

Gradually expand.

getting bigger.

From a few feet to a few feet.

A huge black sphere cannot be seen through. All the light seems to be swallowed. Wherever the black sphere passes, any existence is also involved in the sphere and disappears immediately.

"Black hole..." Dong Miaoxin said with trembling lips: "Where will it go this time?"

"It's just a gamble." Meng Fan whispered: "I can't guess where it will go, but it was delayed for nearly 20 days in the 30th day, and it was another three days in this barbarian world, which left me. Time is running out. I can catch a barbarian king, suppress him, and prevent him from exploding, but it is impossible to suppress it for too long, so it is impossible to take a few barbarian kings away as a sacrifice. If a dimension is not the heavens and the world, how to leave, this has become a big problem. Maybe it is a world without a **** king, maybe it is a completely degraded dimension."

After Meng Fan said, he shook his body and walked into the black hole with Dong Miaoxin.

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