Supreme God King

Chapter 2497: dream

In the deep palace dungeon, under the chains, Meng Fan was bound to death. His body was covered with the restraints left by the six heavenly kings, confining all his power, origin, qi and blood.

Outside the dungeon, Tian Zhimei, accompanied by Suhuan, quietly looked at Meng Fan in the dungeon.

"He has passed out." The petite and agile Su Huan said. "After suffering such a serious injury, he just fainted and didn't die. Moreover, although his origin and physical body were continuously destroyed by various restrictions, they were always recovering on their own at the same speed. This kind of vitality is really scary."

With that said, Suhuan took Tian Zhimei's slender arm and said affectionately: "Sister Mei, is it really him?"

Tian Zhimei nodded.

When she woke up and left the customs, the man in her mind was lingering, but Tian Zhimei had no concept in her heart, and had no concept of the identity, appearance, etc. of this man.

But one thing she knew was that when she saw this man, she would definitely recognize him.

"Sister Mei, do you know him?" Su Huan asked softly.

Tian Zhimei shook her head: "I have never seen it before, but I always deja vu, as if he knew each other many years ago when he was a child, really..."

"He is indeed a child, Wu Yi said, he is only 13,000 years old at most. How young, I am 130,000 years old." Suhuan leaned forward curiously, trying to look like Meng Fan. Look more carefully: "I always feel that Sister Mei’s man must be a hero who can turn the tide and save the common people, but he did not expect to be a reckless fanatic. Not only did he oppose the entire God’s Domain for a woman, he was also locked up Entered this dungeon and became a prisoner, really embarrassed.

Sister Mei, after the master has left customs, I don't know what to do with this man? What does Sister Mei want to do with this man? "

Tian Zhimei did not respond, took a step forward, stretched out a white jade finger, and lightly tapped the pillars outside the dungeon that were full of lines and formations, and immediately, the pillars disappeared. Up.

In Hongdao City, there are formations everywhere, such as teleportation formation, shuttle formation, gas gathering formation, ban, killing formation, etc. The method used to distinguish the identity of the monks in Hongdao City is to see what a monk can open Level of formation.

The highest status in Hongdao City is the six heavenly kings and the beauty of heaven. Here, any formation can be opened or cancelled by them.

Opening the dungeon at once, Suhuan was taken aback, and cautiously said: "Sister Mei, you are going to..."

"I want to see his face clearly." Tian Zhimei stepped closer to Meng Fan.


Ten feet.

Three feet.

Tian Zhimei could already smell Meng Fan's body. It was a **** smell, full of killing, but at this moment, she was very wilting.

Indeed, as Suhuan said, Tian Zhimei never thought that the man she was waiting for would be such a murderous god. Before he came to Hongdao City, he had obviously gone through several battles with a lot of injuries. Hongdao City that I came to was not in its heyday.

But also because of this, his hideous aura is enough to suppress many **** kings, and some **** kings have some difficulty even standing in front of him.

It was the monstrous murderous aura in him that shocked everyone.

"You are not necessarily a hero of the world." Tian Zhimei said lightly, not knowing whether she was talking to Meng Fan or talking to herself. "But you are indeed infinite and powerful. Even the six uncles and aunts may not be your opponents, but who are you? Meng Fan? I have never heard of this name, and why do you seem so familiar. "

The man in front of her has passed out, and her words seem to be talking to herself.

"Essence is defeated, he is really too weak." Tian Zhimei looked at the restraints on Meng Fan's body. After a moment of contemplation, she suddenly stretched out a finger to break a restraint in Meng Fan's origin.

"Sister Mei!" Su Huan exclaimed.

"It's okay." Tian Zhimei said indifferently, very calm and unconcerned. "There are so many prohibitions in his body, six uncles and aunts have left dozens of seals, and the natural chain of vitality in the dungeon. I just unlocked the original prohibition to wake him up. Nothing. Something."

Tian Zhimei tapped a finger on Meng Fan's heart, and whispered in her mouth: "Wake up."


In the entire dungeon, there were waves of ripples, but not the ripples of vitality, but the waves formed by the distortion of space.

This scene made Su Huan take a few steps back in shock. She also couldn't understand this method of forcibly distorting the space, so she was instinctively panicked.

But Tianzhimei, who is very close to Meng Fan, is indifferent. She has an extraordinary temperament that is calm and calm. She can face everything without rushing. When Meng Fan takes the initiative to destroy the entire hall, she can also directly Stepping into the hall, they talked with Meng Fan indifferently, and even asked questions one after another.

Meng Fan slowly recovered.

He had a dream.

How many years have you not dreamed?

He even forgot, when was the last time he dreamed.

Tianyuan Realm?

Maybe earlier.

The way of martial arts is not only to temper the body, but also to temper the soul, thoughts, spirit, and powerful existence. The world will collapse without moving, and the spirit is extremely strong and hard to be shaken.

However, Meng Fan did have a dream.

He raised his head and saw Ruo Shuiyi's face.

It is so familiar and so kind.

"Is this still a dream?" Meng Fan murmured.

Tian Zhimei knelt down and squatted in front of him: "What did you dream of?"

"I dreamed of a place called Wuzhen. I saw some people who seemed to know but did not know. I met you. I called your sister. You grew up with me. Now, I wake up, but I can’t tell. Dreams and reality, are they still in dreams now? Or, I have never walked out of Wuzhen, I have never become a **** king, I am still in Wuzhen, practicing martial arts hard, relying on my mother, and all this is nothing but It's a dream of mine..."

Meng Fan said quietly, yes, he hasn't dreamed in too many years. After he woke up, he couldn't tell whether it was in a dream or in reality. Those deep memories became blurred, like dreams and illusions. Can't tell.

"I don't know you. I can be sure that I haven't seen you before, but it's like old acquaintance. In your dreams, am I your sister?"

Tian Zhimei asked, frowning slightly, her brows very pretty.

"You are my sister." Meng Fan smiled, smiling very brightly, very happy.

This scene stunned Tian Zhimei. What she saw was not a murderous **** or a monstrous monster. What he saw was a big boy, a big boy who relied on his mother and sister.

"I have been looking for you for many years, many years..." The embarrassed, blood-stained Meng Fan smiled brighter, full of sunshine, and childlike innocent. "At one time, I thought I would lose you forever. I thought that even if I turned the world upside down, I couldn't see your reflection again. I lost you forever, forever...

But I didn't expect to see you again today, sister, I miss you so much, I miss you every day.

I don't understand why you appeared here, or why you became the charm of the sky, not Ruo Shuiyi, but it is you, it must be you, and it will not be someone else. "

The corners of Meng Fan's mouth kept flowing blood, drop by drop on the ground, each drop of blood was hot and hot, and even burned traces on the black spar floor tiles, but he didn't care.

Even at this moment, he didn't care about anything.

As long as he can continue to look at Tianzhimei-or Ruo Shuiyi's face, just keep looking at it, he will be the happiest person in the world.

Tian Zhimei didn't know Meng Fan at all.

I don't know what the illusion and the people in the illusion that I saw during the retreat mean.

But she felt a little distressed when she heard Meng Fan's words.

It really hurts.

However, this distress quickly disappeared.

In the reason of Tianzhimei, she did not know Meng Fan at all. The appearance of Meng Fan must have some meaning, but it was not enough to make her realize Meng Fan's pain.

"In the realm I reached during the retreat, I saw many pictures and got many broken memories. In the memory, I saw a man. I was curious about the identity of this man and who this man was. Uncles and aunts proposed that I want to get married. They want six uncles and aunts to find this man for me. Now I see you, if you can tell me the meaning of your appearance, you might be able to live."

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