Supreme God King

Chapter 2498: Shattered Void

The two heavenly kings, the three heavenly kings, and the five heavenly kings stepped into the dungeon. First they saw the petite and agile figure, Suhuan, who was about to speak. Then he saw Tianzhi standing in the center of the dungeon, no more than two feet away from Meng Fan. Mei, the three heavenly kings were shocked immediately, and the two heavenly kings were about to rush up directly, with a vigorous sword intent brewing in the palms of their palms.

However, the Second Heavenly King just took a few steps, and Su Huan suddenly grabbed his palm.

The Second Heavenly King said angrily: "Suhuan!"

"Wait." Su Huan said softly.

The Second Heavenly King was about to have an attack, but seeing Su Huan's eyes, there were tears for some reason.

Clear tears hovered in the eye sockets.

The three heavenly kings are a little surprised, but they don't know why.

Meng Fan told a story quietly.

A very long, very tortuous story full of waves and sentiments.

Tian Zhimei also listened quietly.

"From that day on, I have been looking for a way to resurrect my sister. Although throughout the ages, there has never been a complete death and resurrection. The body of Jiuquan Demon Venerable is shattered, but the bones and souls are still there, God Monkey, Yuhan, There is still a ray of soul left, including me who destroyed my body. There is still a remnant soul that travels to the thirtieth day. But sister, you are completely dead, the body is destroyed, the soul is extinguished, no matter where you go From a perspective, no matter which method I use, I cannot bring you back to life.

But I don’t believe it. The so-called change of fate against the sky, is it only the first level of the **** king, breaking the law and extending life?

Where is this changing fate?

Even if it is a **** king who can live for thousands of years, or even like the Great Chaos Emperor, who can live for several epochs, what he does is to continuously extend his lifespan, but only to live and survive. Where is the rebellion? Change of fate?

I believe that I will be able to change my fate against the sky and resurrect my sister.

I firmly believe.

I firmly believe. "

Meng Fan grinned, the sun was shining brightly.

Tian Zhimei has no expression.

It's just that there is a little light in the eyes.

After a long time, she finally stood up, walked out without saying a word, waved her hand, and the infinite restraint of the dungeon was restored.

Then, she and Su Huan, the Second Heavenly King, the Third Heavenly King, and the Five Heavenly King continued to go out.

Just before leaving the dungeon, Tian Zhimei couldn't help but glance back.

What I saw was Meng Fan's overly sunny smiling face in the dark dungeon.

"Sister Mei, what he said is true..."

Su Huan asked softly, her voice was very small, as if whispering.

Tian Zhimei was silent for a moment, and took a deep breath: "Every word he said is said with heart, there is no lie."

Su Huan was completely stunned: "It turns out that our world is just one of many dimensions? He is a top powerhouse in another dimension, and he has experienced so many incredible things? It is a little unbelievable how to think."

Tian Zhimei nodded: "Yes, what he said, every sentence, every word, is subverting our cognition and changing all our concepts."

"But he is indeed a hero of the world." Suhuan smiled sweetly: "Really, although he is now down, he is still a hero of the world, sister Mei, is he the one you are waiting for?"

"Yes, he is the one I am waiting for, but I don’t know what it means for me to wait for him. What does his appearance mean to me, and more importantly, I don’t know, am I? The man he was looking for."

As Tian Zhimei said, she returned to her boudoir step by step, closing the heavy door.

Su Huan took a deep breath, still recalling the ups and downs of Meng Fan's story. He always felt that it was so unreal. Even if it was the existence of the first-level god, everything that Meng Fan had experienced for thousands of years is still It's too legendary.

Into the night.

There was peace in Hongdao City.

Because of the huge changes in the deep palace, although there was no news, the six heavenly kings started a curfew and carried out a lot of controls, and they were not even allowed to hold the lights.

In the middle of the night, Tianzhimei stayed in her boudoir silently, never meditating, nor practicing martial arts, but just stunned for two hours.

A light and shadow fell, and Tian Zhimei didn't need to look back to know that the five heavenly kings had arrived.

"Aunt Wu." Tian Zhimei whispered: "Heaven and earth change, I guess, a new era of catastrophe is about to come."

"We have also sensed it." The Five Heavens King said solemnly, "If it is really like what Meng Fan said, this time the Great Tribulation of the Era, all dimensions have been affected, then our dimension is one of them, how should we deal with it? , And wait for the eldest brother to leave the customs, see what he means."

Tian Zhimei nodded: "Father should be out soon. It should be the matter of the past few days. I can feel that my father's retreat stone is loosening."

The retreat stone is the repressive boulder that blocked the entrance of the mysterious realm. The retreat stone is loosening, indicating that the absolute realm is gradually opening, and the supreme ruler is about to leave.

Tianzhimei and Wutianwang fell silent at the same time.

After a long time, the Five Heavenly Kings broke the silence.

"If what he said is true, Xiaomei, I am very worried about you." Although Wutianwang's expression remained normal, he was a little nervous.

Tian Zhimei said calmly: "I guessed it."

The two looked at each other and didn't say much, but they did guess something.

Tianzhimei has lived for more than two hundred thousand years. It is by no means the Ruo Shuiyi mentioned by Meng Fan, but regardless of the scenes that Tianzhimei saw during retreat, or Meng Fan’s sudden appearance, in all this , There must be cause and effect, there must be a cause, there must be a road.

What is this avenue?

Tian Zhimei and Wu Tian Wang both guessed a result, and the two guessed the result, in the spirit exchange, they found that they were very consistent, but it was frightening.


This is a huge layout.

The person who manipulates the layout of this scene can hardly say that the target is Meng Fan, or the beauty of the sky, or the entire God's Domain, or even a wider range, but no matter who it is, the person who can manipulate such a huge layout will definitely not simple.

It is even possible that no one is controlling this layout.

It's a more illusory existence.

Coming to this answer made everyone tremble.

It is not only the beauty of the sky, but the five heavenly kings. At this moment, all the heavenly kings in the high tower of Hongdao City are meditating on their own, their souls are running, and they are performing endless deductions, wanting to come up with a meaningful answer.

But at this moment.

Three thousand walls, Hongdao City with trillions of creatures, suddenly rumbling and shaking.

The earth was trembling and surging.

The palaces were cracked one after another, and some even collapsed directly!

Tianzhimei, the five heavenly kings, Suhuan, and all the heavenly kings immediately released their power to suppress the entire Hongdao City, and flew out of the palace into the air.

Everyone frowned tightly.

In Hongdao City, countless monks also raised their heads, dumbfounded, and were shocked by the sight in front of them.

The void is broken.

The laws of circles spread out like ripples. Layers upon layers, endlessly rolling.

There was a huge hole, a gap.

But that gap is not a gap in space, but a gap in everything.

In that gap, all the laws are divided, completely blank, and at the other end of the gap, a completely incomprehensible, complex and chaotic world is displayed in front of everyone, an aura that has not appeared for many years, from the gap. Out.

It is vitality.

Majestic vitality!

It is the incomparably vast vitality that no one in God's Domain has felt for thousands of years!

As indifferently as the sky's charm, he has already frowned at this moment, looking at the several heavenly kings who are also standing in the air, and some other **** kings of Hongdao City.

Just yesterday, these gods could not understand the scene before them.

But now, they thought of a word.

Another dimension.

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