Supreme God King

Chapter 2499: Dimensional war

In the shattered void, hordes of monks constantly rushed out.

Is the king of gods.

One after another, hundreds of **** kings!

These **** kings, without exception, are some kind of terrifying wild beasts, possessing powerful bloodline power and ample physical strength. Moreover, these hundreds of **** kings are just the **** kings who appear in front of them. After the **** king they saw, there were vaguely traces of afterimages. I don't know how many **** kings did not appear.

After experiencing the five decays of the heavens and the humans, and the God Realm of the war between good and evil, for hundreds of thousands of years, God Kings have been very rare existences. The vast world, almost the same vast world as the universe, has only more than 100 God cities. And more than three hundred **** kings, concentrated in this central area full of great power.

The divine kings that appeared in front of them at this moment could not be counted, and they had completely surpassed the number of divine kings in the realm.

"This is..." Er Tianwang looked solemnly.

"The dimensional war has begun." Tian Zhimei took a deep breath.

Dimensional war.

A word that the kings of God's Domain have never heard of.

Even the word dimension, the kings of God's Domain have never heard of it.

To understand this concept, it cannot be done in a moment.

"Ring the alarm bell." Behind the two heavenly kings, a series of vitality and law dragons, gathered into a series of sharp blades, murderously awe-inspiring.

The voice just fell for a few breaths. In Hongdao City, there was no big bell, but there were bells constantly ringing, rumbling, like a thunderbolt, penetrating out, I don't know how far it passed.

But soon, a similar bell sounded from outside Hongdao City.

This is a wake-up call.

It hasn't been sounded for 300,000 years. It's just that in a very old age, when the decent and powerful evil spirits represented by the Supreme Sovereign fought against each other, the Sovereign Sovereign created the first warning bell by himself.

Just like the beacon tower, any alarm bell that is ringing will cause the echoes of all the gods. The figures of the gods and kings will quickly assemble and face the stormy waves.

The war of dimensions has begun.

Just like the Three Lords of the Thirty Heavens, in the ancient times, they were originally powerful **** kings of another dimension, but they forcibly penetrated the dimension, stepped into the Thirty Heavens, and ruled the Thirty Heavens.

Just like Dong Miaoxin who wants to escape the catastrophe of the era.

The Great Tribulation of the Era is affecting the entire universe, and it is also changing the structure of the entire universe.

Hundreds of desolate beast kings descended from the sky above Hongdao City in the center of God's Domain. Immediately, the entire Hongdao City was laid out with layers of restrictions and formations.

But Hongdao City, which has less than ten gods and kings, can't imagine how long it can last when watching the sky descending, an unprecedented invasion.

Can only delay.

Delayed until all the kings of the gods arrived.

In the dungeon, there is still darkness, in the divine realm where the vitality is already withered, in the dungeon, there is almost no vitality at all, completely empty.

A figure suddenly fell.

It is a petite and agile ring.

She looked at Meng Fan in the dungeon across the fence of the dungeon, biting her lip and not knowing what she was thinking.

"It's fighting outside." Meng Fan asked.

Suhuan said: "In another dimension, many gods and kings have descended into God's Realm. When they reach the sky above Hongdao City, they come with a murderous aura. Obviously, those who came are not good."

"This is a dimensional war." Meng Fan said weakly: "When the Great Tribulation of the Era came, when my soul passed through the dimensionality, when Dong Miaoxin passed through the dimensionality, when I used the Sky Splitting Spear to tear the dimensional barrier twice, The dimensional war has already broken out.

Each dimension has a completely different state, some are prosperous, some are withered, some have order, some are in chaos, some are prosperous in humanity, and some are in power, strange, suspicious, Greed, madness, and other emotions and desires, so that there is only confrontation and killing between dimensions, and there will never be peace.

Perhaps, under the threat of the Great Tribulation of the Era, the **** kings of all dimensions will have the desire to unite, but it is too difficult. The epoch alliance composed of three hundred gods and kings has experienced too many twists and turns. , All kinds of distrust, can make the possibility of this union become illusory and even meaningless.

So, there is only killing.

Constant killing.

Until in the big wave scouring the sand, in the end only some powerful kings were left.

This is a dark age and a tragic age, but it is never possible, it is a heroic age. "

Meng Fan finished all the words in one breath, a little weak, so he lowered his head and coughed a few times, then raised his head, looked at Su Huan, his tone became softer.

"Please, let me go."

Suhuan frowned.

When all the formations of Hongdao City were opened, Suhuan had only one purpose for coming here.

Although Suhuan feels light and agile, he is also a 130,000-year-old King of Gods. It cannot be naive. She knows that Hongdao City, and even the entire God Realm, are experiencing an unprecedented catastrophe. In this catastrophe, the weak Meng Fan might die unexplainably.

She struggled a bit, should she let Meng Fan go.

But when Meng Fan said those words and made this request very humble, Suhuan frowned. All the touches he had caused by hearing Meng Fan’s story were gone. He only felt that he was afraid of death and greedy for life. the man.

"Please, let me go." Meng Fan said softly if there was nothing in his voice: "Sister is in danger, let me go out and let me protect my sister. I will never lose my sister again."

Su Huan's heart trembled violently.

"Now you, with so many restrictions on your body, I can't solve them." She said softly: "And even if I can solve them, your injuries will be too serious. You are just a cripple. What can you do?"

"My sister has unlocked my origin restriction, you only need to unlock my bloodline restriction again." Meng Fan said.

Suhuan frowned, walked through the fence of the dungeon, and came to Meng Fan's body. His thoughts flew out and walked around Meng Fan's body and saw the restrictions left by several heavenly kings.

"I can solve these, but with my means, it is difficult to solve in a short time, at least a few months."

"No, you just need to force one to untie it."

"Forcibly unlocked?" Su Huan looked surprised: "In that case, the prohibition will explode, and your physical body will surely shatter!"

"No." Meng Fan shook his head: "The six gods and kings used their killer skills together to attack the unsuspecting me. I am not dead. You can do it."

Suhuan hesitated.

At this moment, Hongdao City trembled violently again, cracks appeared in the dungeon, and the sound of killing was vaguely heard.

Suhuan bit his lower lip, made up his mind, and immediately nodded a finger on Meng Fan's shoulder.

One of the restrictions was forcibly broken.

Immediately, with repeated explosions, Meng Fan's flesh and blood continued to explode wounds one after another, with a terrifying appearance, and Su Huan backed away in shock.

It was a chain reaction of bans, which exploded one after another.

This explosion lasted a long time for a stick of incense. Although the scope of each explosion was not large, it was, after all, a restrained explosion that occurred in the body of a **** king, which was really terrifying.

Wait until the last explosion goes out.

Meng Fan was already lying on the ground, motionless.

Suhuan's body trembled slightly, and asked tentatively, "Are you... still alive?"

"Mingming Tianyi, supreme, suppresses all directions..."

A few words were spit out from Meng Fan's mouth.

"Soul restraint, break."


It was not a loud explosion.

It's a sound like Hong Zhongda Lu, righteous, humming and reverberating.

Su Huan only felt that as a **** king, he suddenly seemed a little humble, but he also felt calm and calm.

She is very familiar with this feeling. This is the feeling that only those believers who provide the power of Hongyuan can have!

Before God, I feel humble.

But because of the blessing of God, I feel calm.

This is the feeling.

Suhuan looked at Meng Fan in amazement. This **** man lying on the ground, in front of her, in front of her as the **** king, actually had a god-like brilliance gleaming!

"The supreme existence, sacred and inviolable, martial arts prohibition, break!"

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