Supreme God King

Chapter 2506: Thought imprint

Young, old, and adolescent, Taiyi's three fleshy bodies, tried their best to pull a six-foot-long milky white body.

This body is not heavy, weighed by too many people, but it is only a thousand pounds, but it is difficult to pull, too many people with three incarnations at the same time, but they can only walk at the speed of a mortal on foot.

So much so that he gritted his teeth and sweated from his forehead.

This body, between the laws of heaven and earth, is like an elephant, sinking into silt. It is difficult to move every inch, and every inch of movement is very slow.

After pulling for half an hour, one person finally felt that some vitality was exhausted, so the three incarnations sat down at the same time, breathing slowly, and regaining their strength.

Only a teenager, without rest, is still exploring this body.

This is Taiyi’s habit. After all, he is a million-year old monster, a giant on the path of the gods, who has lived for so many years. His scheming and the city are all terrifying, especially very cautious, so every moment, None of his three avatars can do their best to do one thing. He always retains the strength of one avatar. For example, at this moment, the old avatar and the young avatar are doing their best in the pulling process, so rest, and the young , Has always retained power.

The young man walked slowly and explored, because he still didn't see any results, so Taiyi young man frowned and thought for a while, lowered his head and took out a compass-like thing from his arms.

This thing looks very old, the whole body is silver-gray, there are many cracks and gaps, I don't know what age it is.

Taiyi boy gently placed this object on the milky white body, moving very slowly and very carefully.

After putting it down, back off immediately.

A retreat is a few hundred steps, and a step is ten feet.

His throat throbbed and was very nervous.

When I snooped a little bit of the news of the "Creation God", this compass played a very important role. According to too many people's guesses, this compass is the relic of the "Creation God", based on the evolving spirit. Some words deciphered from the compass.

In particular, there is a paragraph of "Return to the original owner, the creation of the gods", which made Taiyi people more firmly believe that this is something left by the creation of the gods, but they are also very scared and dare not easily expose this thing. In front of this milky white body.

However, for finally finding the authenticity of the "Creation God", it is the Creation God itself, but he can't see through any mystery, and it is even more difficult to move. He wanders through the precipices of the universe at the speed of a mortal on foot, without moving a single inch. Any difference can be said to be helpless. Too one person has only one choice, which is to try to use this compass to cause some changes.

When the compass falls.

Too one person saw the effect.

On that decayed and broken compass, the pointer that too one person had used all kinds of methods and did not move, slowly, turned!

At first, the rotation was very slow.

After a few breaths, it becomes extremely fast, almost every breath, it can spin tens of thousands of times!

The three avatars of Taiyi opened their eyes, wanting to see some strangeness and clues from this rapidly rotating pointer.

When the time for a stick of incense passed.

The pointer speed slowed down again.

Getting slower.

Until the end, completely stopped.

Too one person's nervous apple trembles, the avatars of the old and the young retreat quickly at the same time, while the avatars of the juvenile step forward step by step and come to the compass.

Still pointer.

Taiyi took the compass carefully.

I was surprised to find that the compass no longer seemed to be a decadent old object. As he gently picked it up and turned, the needle on the compass seemed to be pointing in one direction forever.

The young boy was shocked and immediately walked in the void. Looking at the compass in all directions and at all nodes, all he saw was that the pointer pointed to one direction, an absolutely fixed direction that could not be changed by any method.

"Take me home……"

Suddenly, there was a misty voice in the void, which shocked the whole group of people. The spirits of the three incarnations dispersed at the same time, looking for the direction of the voice in the void.

In the end, the eyes of the three incarnations gathered at one place at the same time, which was the body of the "Creation God".

"Take me...home." The ethereal voice came from his body, from his body, full of penetrating power, I don't know how far it went.

"Young creatures, take me home, return to the place where I was born, return to the place where I grew up, let me see the twinkling light again, see my family and close friends, take me back, I dare not promise you Infinite glory, but can promise you eternal life..."

eternal life……

eternal life……

Too one person heard this sound, the whole person, the spirit is already a little tranced, every word, every sentence, and every syllable he heard is like a steel mark, which deeply leaves the mind of too one person hot. The traces cannot be erased or eliminated.

These words seem beyond doubt!

Too one person, there is an unprecedented feeling, that is an unprecedented fear, a strange feeling intertwined with an unprecedented hope.

The reason for fear is that only a few words are the steel mark, and they cannot refuse. Too one person even has a premonition. If the creation **** said that he would be a slave forever, he would have to bow to his knees. Even if he escaped, his mind became The mark of a servant is almost impossible to erase!

This is of course fear.

But at the same time, it is hope.

Too one person, not Meng Fan. Like the Central Emperor, he is a **** king who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years. He has lived to this age and has seen too many ups and downs, joys and sorrows, life and death impermanence. I'm used to seeing it, but the longer I live, the more I fear death.

The so-called newborn calves are not afraid of tigers because they do not understand the horror of death.

And the longer you live, the more traces you leave, the more you fear death.

Especially at this moment, all **** kings are hanging on their heads with natal catastrophe, the so-called "doomed to escape", death is very close.

Not long ago, Taiyi felt a huge fluctuation in the catastrophe above his head, and seemed to fall at any time.

This fear of death and dying at any time made Taiyi live in fear.

Let all the gods live in fear without end.

That’s why the "Tianzong" appeared, that is, those **** kings who feared death sold their souls to the heavens and became servants of the heavens, so as to completely get rid of disasters and escape death. For this, I don't know that How many gods become puppets without thinking.

Too one person suddenly realized that the puppets of the heavens were born in this way, and the reason for their birth was also the imprint of steel.

To be precise, it is the brand of thinking.

Just like the words spoken by the God of Creation who knows nothing about life and death, it is unquestionable and unshakable. Those servants of the heavens have been serving the heavens and are receiving the baptism of the will of the heavens all the time. In the end, they will naturally become watching It seems alive, but there is no puppet of its own thinking.

Just like the younger brother of the Xuanyuan ancestor back then, his speech and behavior are not puppets at all, but very thoughtful and thinking, just like other gods, but his thinking has been subtly changed by the will of heaven, completely changed He is a real puppet, completely obedient to heaven.

The mind imprint is countless times stronger than any puppet spell.

However, giving up freedom in exchange for eternal life is also extremely tempting.

What is freedom?

Maybe all beings are not free.

As long as you live under the path of heaven, you will never be free.

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