Supreme God King

Chapter 2507: Time of creation

Maybe all beings are not free.

As long as you live under the path of heaven and are bound by infinite laws, order, and the true meaning of the great road, you are not free.

Since you are not free, living a life is also a choice.

The fear in too many people's hearts began to breed, and then spread infinitely.

A word of the God of Creation, like the will of Heaven, can imprint the mind. Similarly, the God of Creation can also give a promise of eternal life, just like the Will of Heaven that takes the catastrophe off the head of all the gods.

Too one could not help backing back.

Retreat step by step.

In the primordial universe, God Kings do not know how many, but before the Great Tribulation of the Era, God Kings were clearly divided into two categories, those who are willing to survive, and those who grow freely, and those who are unwilling to surrender to heaven.

Too one person will never surrender to a certain will and lose his mind.


There was another voice in the body of the creation god.

As soon as these words came out, too many people who were retreating slowly, suddenly looked a little hesitant, their lips were slightly shaking, and their eyes were also flickering. At this moment, where is the divine hidden giant who once smashed the heavens and the world, looks like, It was completely helpless like a lost child.

His mind was originally a strong city, but at this moment, the city was slowly collapsing.

An inch of collapse.

His will is being disintegrated, and the most terrifying thing is that he knows that his will is disintegrated, and the mental seal is forcibly punched into his mind, but there is no fear.

It seems normal.

The most terrifying thing in the world is not that you realize that a terrible thing is happening, but that you realize that this thing has happened, but you don't think it is terrible, you will not resist, but you will obey it for granted.

Too one person's forehead sweats.

He looked at his feet, and slowly raised his head to look at the milky white body of the Creation God. He was suddenly a little sad, then sad, and finally, tears flowed from his eyes.

"Don't..." Too said with trembling lips.

"Why not..." The God of Creation uttered in an incomprehensible way: "We, God of Creation, are the only power able to contend with the Dao of Heaven throughout the ages, and are the ancestors who created the heaven and earth. You are all us Children, we can give you infinite power and eternal life, so that you have the power to fight against the heavens and the power to survive the tribulation of the era. Why not? Do you know how great we are? Do you know!"

do you know!

Suddenly, the eyes of Taiyi were pale, and for an instant, endless scenes flashed before his eyes, and many unprecedented memories rushed into his mind madly, merged with his soul and became his memory.

When the flowers are gone.

He saw it!

A complete, completely savage world, dead, infinite, dead, without even a single grass, bare.

This is not a star, but a very vast world, which is tens of billions of times larger than any great world that Taiyi has seen.

Too one person saw that in the distance, on the edge of this vast world, occasionally some stone residues shattered, slowly rolled out, and then formed their own world power, thus evolving into a great world.

"Everything starts here..."

The voice of the God of Creation echoed in his mind.

"Every dimension has a beginning. What you see is the dimension in which you were born, the beginning of the universe."

Too one person looked shocked, those dusty fragments, but as vast as a great world, formed their own strength in the infinitely long time.

However, everything is still completely dead.

Complete silence.

It seems that with one thought, hundreds of millions of years have passed.

Everything is still dry.

Until then, in front of Taiyi, a man appeared.

Maybe it's a man.

Perfectly proportioned body, milky white skin, bald hair, dressed in a black robe.

This robe is full of holes.

This man, who is slightly more than six feet tall, is the **** of creation.

He walked in this empty world, with no expression, no emotions, no emotions, he just looked at this vast world silently, he didn't need to eat, drink, or even vitality.

What shocked Taiyi was that in this infinitely desolate world, there was no vitality at all.

Taiyi believed that--not only him, but the **** king in the primordial universe, had thought about the beginning of everything, and also thought that vitality and laws were the forces that existed in the primordial universe since ancient times.

Because everything depends on vitality to survive.

Even if there is a world in the Age of Domination, the vitality is extremely thin, thousands of times thinner than the heavens and worlds, so no monks can be born, no powerful martial arts civilization can appear, but all living beings can survive, but they are very weak, because As long as they have vitality, even a tiny bit, thin, is enough for their survival.

But at this moment, Taiyiren couldn't feel any vitality at all.

Not a single bit!

And that **** of creation does not need vitality to live.

However, when the creation **** walked, vitality appeared.

It was vomiting out with the breath of the creation god, gradually filling the void.

This creation **** is like a walking fountain of vitality!

Too alone can't understand.

He doesn't understand why a creature can live without vitality, but can generate vitality on its own.

He watched this creation **** walk for many years, maybe hundreds of years, maybe millions of years, in short, the power of vitality gradually appeared in the completely empty void.

Then, Chuangshi Shen stopped leaving.

He stopped, suddenly knelt down on one knee, stretched out his milky palm, grabbed a handful of soil, and then sighed against the soil.

The dry soil became moist.

In the wet, a small green bud was born.

After a long time, Chuangshi Shen, who was always expressionless, showed a smile, looked at the little green bud, gently touched the corner of the bud with his other hand, and then placed the bud on the ground.

"A new dimension, a dimension full of vitality, was born."

This **** of creation spoke softly with a voice full of contagion, like ancient music, very pleased.

At this moment, the originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, rumbling, lightning and thunder, and the dark clouds split with a blast, from which a powerful force of catastrophe came!

It was much more terrifying than the catastrophe that the King of God would experience.

Too one person even calculated in shock that if this catastrophe befalls him, then he will undoubtedly die!

It seems that the entire universe is prehistoric, and he has not seen any creatures that can survive this catastrophe.

So he held his breath and looked at the creation god, knowing in his heart that the power that can obliterate sentient beings is absolutely impossible to obliterate the creation god.

Seeing the catastrophe that came down, the God of Creation did not escape or leave, but suddenly squatted down and blocked the tiny bud with his body.

Calamity is coming!

Disperse again.

The **** of creation, kneeling on the bud.

The shock in the heart of too many people can not be added.

Chuangshi Shen, dead.

His flesh and blood gradually rotted and melted away. The silver blood nourished the young shoots and allowed it to grow vigorously.

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