Supreme God King

Chapter 2511: Fear of the Creator

"The era of heaven, the era of creation, the era of ancestors, the era of era..."

Too one person meditated on the name of each era, recalling everything he saw in his heart, and at the same time, before his eyes, the history of the heavens and worlds continued.

In each epoch, many strong men were born.

Some names are very unfamiliar, and have never even heard of them.

Some names are resounding throughout the world, whether they are still alive or not, they are remembered by many people.

The heavens and all realms have gone through one era after another.

Then, it was the Age of Dragon.

The pure-blooded Tianlong clan created by the prehistoric Tailong possesses the unprecedented blood of the innate saint king and the sacred blood. Therefore, in the era of dragons, it becomes very powerful. The Tianlong clan is already the most powerful race in the universe.

At this time, the nine great kings also appeared.

In the final battle, the power of the Great Primordial Chaos led to the division of the entire universe of the heavens. The worlds that were originally connected were all split by the path of the gods and hidden, and they became independent worlds.

However, no matter how many things have happened in the heavens, how many years have gone through, and how many epochs there have been, one thing remains the same.

The Great Tribulation of the Era is of course a sharp blade hanging over everyone’s heads. At the end of each epoch, there are many gods and kings who sensed the coming of the Great Tribulation, so they looked for a way to survive the Great Tribulation. To judge their own cause and effect, some kings choose to create a realm, hide deeply, others choose to sleep, some choose to borrow a corpse to resurrect, and so on.

In addition to this sharp blade hanging above the heads of all gods, there is also a big mountain standing in front of all living beings.

Emperor Chaos.

The Great Chaos Emperor, who created an unprecedented sea of ​​nos and created the Chaos Realm, will always be that mountain, and he will also have a king who is in the hegemonic position of the heavens and all realms. He is absolutely powerful and cannot be shaken.

Finally, a brand new era.

The existence of each epoch is shorter than the previous epoch.

Too one person has seen many strong people he knows.

When the long river of time came to the end, a character was born at the moment when it was about to overlap with the real time.

The appearance of this character is very short. In everything that too one person has witnessed, millions of years are just a few breaths. The heavens and worlds have gone through countless billions of years, so this character who has just been born for ten thousand years , Of course, is a flash, if you don’t pay attention, you will almost never see it.

The boy who grew up in Wuzhen.

That young man who even paid more attention to the God of Creation.

His name is Meng Fan.


All the sights have disappeared.

Too one person was in an extremely empty situation. What he saw was pitch black, deep pitch black. He could see his body, but except his body, everything else was pitch black.

"Is it over...I have seen the entire history of the heavens and the world, I should be the only one throughout the ages... So, the history of the universe began from the heavens and the world? The creatures of all dimensions, Are they all spread from the heavens and worlds?"

It seems to be responding to his question.


The endless scene exploded before his eyes!

The spirit of the etheric person was unexpectedly unbearable for a moment.

He saw another dimension.

A dimension that is not the heavens and the world.

He saw the same scene.

A **** of creation, walking in an empty world, but this world, not a huge land, but a vast ocean, this **** of creation created a fish with his own power.

Another dimension, a **** of creation, created three ants in a desert.

In another dimension, a creation **** created several reptiles on a piece of rock.

Infinite dimensions.

One dimension after another.

Uncountable how many dimensions there are.

Almost at the same time, it was the time node that Taiyi believed should be called the "Era of Creation". In all dimensions of the universe, the earliest creatures and the oldest vitality were created!

It's just that each dimension has embarked on a different path and has spawned a variety of different creatures. Ninety-nine percent of the creatures have a lifespan of one million years, and the experience of so many years is actually unheard of!

Every dimension is growing savagely.

They all experienced the age of heaven, the age of creation, and then ushered in the age of ancestors.

Occasionally, due to black holes or broken dimensional walls, there will be some dimensional creatures that overlap. However, this effect is minimal, and most of the dimensions are growing independently.

Therefore, although they have ushered in their own ancestor era, some are fast and some are slow.

And the heavens and worlds are among all the dimensions, the earliest ushered in the age of the ancestors, ahead of all the dimensions, hundreds of millions of years!

The reason is that a Chaos Emperor has appeared.

Because the Great Primordial Chaos cut off the giant tree of the ancestor, it caused the entire heavens and all realms to have a huge change, making the age of the ancestor come many years earlier.

And the Great Primal Chaos was not only the first to become a **** king in the heavens and all realms, but also the first to become a **** king in the entire universe!

Too one person saw the infinite dimensions, growing in their respective chaos, and suddenly, he withdrew a step back, and the scene before him completely disappeared.

He returned to reality, separated from all kinds of scenes, looking at the body of the creation **** floating in front of him and the compass, he was silent for a moment, his face turned red and white, and suddenly he vomited "Wow".

Vomiting, crazy vomiting.

Too much information suddenly flooded into his mind, not a piece of history, nor the Hundred Sacred Academy of the Purple Light Empire, but the many dimensions of the ancient times in the prehistoric universe, all flooding into his mind!

He felt his soul swell and seemed to explode at any time, an unprecedented pain, madly swept through his mind, burning his thoughts and spirit, pain, too painful, endless pain, almost crazy.


His soul has a feeling of being emptied.

In an instant, a piece of Qingming, he restored the original, the spirit that was about to burst at any time, also restored.

He panted and looked at the body of the God of Creation before him.

He knew that it was the creation **** just now, and he had completely withdrawn many of the information in his mind, leaving only some that he needed to know, such as everything that happened in the heavens and the world, he had not been taken away. All remember, as for what happened in other dimensions, he didn't know at all, he just had some concepts, about what happened in the entire universe.

"Take me...home..." Chuangshi Shen said again.

Too alone continued to gasp.

For a long time, Taiyi straightened up, looking at the body of the creation **** with panic and anger.

"I don't believe you." Too one person said feebly: "You have a strong power, which can profoundly affect the spirits of other people, and even change the spirits of other creatures. You can leave me with a mark of thought and create more for me. Infinite illusions, you can even use vast information directly to burst my soul and kill me. I don’t believe you, I never believe, I don’t believe everything you see to me, the creation **** created All beings? Then who is the God of Creation? Where does it come from? I will never be your puppet."

Too one person finished speaking, turned around, three incarnations, and walked out at the same time, he decided not to pry into the secrets of the creation god, and gave up everything.

However, he just took a few steps.

"You can't go."

The voice of Chuangshi Shen was very soft.

However, too one person heard another strange smell from this soft voice.

It's... disturbed.

Nothing wrong, uneasy!

Too one person turned his head abruptly. Why, such a powerful God of Creation, he could not leave any traces with all his best, and the God of Creation who can directly imprint himself with his thoughts would feel uneasy? What can make such a powerful existence feel uneasy?

"You have seen the most unseen secret in the entire universe." The voice of the **** of creation said: "You will die. The only way to survive is to take me back to our home."

Too one person curled his eyebrows and said: "I... see what I shouldn't look at? Heaven's secret? Every time in the Great Tribulation of the Era, the Heavenly Dao is showing its power. What disasters, incarnations, and puppets are no secret. , I see, so what?"

"'s not the secret of heaven, heaven, covering all things, right around all things, there is no secret at all, but you have seen...the past of the Great Primordial Chaos, so you must die, take me away, otherwise... …I must die, no doubt...I, please..."

Too many people felt shocked.

Deep fear in the voice of the God of Creation!

Real fear!

Too one person could hardly believe that such an existence would actually fear the Great Chaos!

"He... has come." Chuangshi Shen said: "He has crossed the dimension, tore through the infinite space, and is approaching here. We will die, the soul is scattered, the flesh and blood are separated, although it is not his deity who came. , It's just a projection of him, but we will certainly die...Take me home, save me, and save yourself!"

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