Supreme God King

Chapter 2512: Humane deserter

Dimensions junction.

There was silence.

This fight has been going on for several hours.

The gluttonous torrent, and the several **** kings in Hongdao City, have never seen such a fierce battle, such a level of battle.

Including the **** kings who gathered near Hongdao City when they heard the warning bell, they all chose to be silent, raised their heads, and looked at the shining light in the sky.

Under this light, they were overshadowed.

Meng Fan didn't have the slightest scar on his body, but his vitality was exhausted.

Repairing the physical body three times in a row, even if it is the creator, this consumption is too shocking, and even shocked many gluttonous gods, because Meng Fan’s physical body is too strong, and the vitality consumed every time it is broken is equivalent to a great thousand. The vitality of the world was repaired for the first time, and the injuries he suffered the second time were heavier, and the heaviest for the third time. After the three repairs, he has consumed the vitality equivalent to six great worlds.

This kind of vitality surging, even if it is the gluttonous **** king, it is inferior to it.

The Lord of the Desolate World, although he is rebirth and self-transformation every time, this is the power of flesh and blood, and it has nothing to do with vitality, and it can be regarded as an amazing method, but after three consecutive flesh and blood rebirths, his flesh is already very immature. Even weaker than many ordinary **** kings.

It can be said that the two powerful **** kings have reached the end of the crossbow and cannot be broken.

Their power has changed the shape of the entire dimension junction.

The hot air rose and spread everywhere.

"Second Uncle."

In Hongdao City, Tian Zhimei whispered: "This fight has not been able to see the result until now. What will the outcome be?"

The King Ertian narrowed his eyes completely, his gaze penetrated too far.

How is the outcome?

In fact, he already had a guess in his mind.

Not only him, but Tian Zhimei also had guesses in her heart.

Many gods can see some clues.

The vitality and law at the junction of dimensions always present two forms, one is chaos and the other is order.

When the lord of the desolate shows his might, it is chaos.

The Lord of the Desolation, leading the gluttonous torrent, has swept through many dimensions over the long years, traversing an average of every two hundred thousand years. This is a true nomadic tide. There is only one rule for the entire ethnic group, that is, the weak eat the strong.

However, this rule sounds very ridiculous.

The strong eat the weak, in itself, there are no rules!

The existence of the strong and the destruction of the weak are not rules, but what they should be. They are more natural laws than the laws of heaven. Where are the rules?

Therefore, once the Lord of the Wasteland is strong, the boundary will be chaotic.

But Meng Fan himself is a little heaven, and his existence is order!

Once his power has the upper hand, the entire junction is safe.

And now, the junction is still unstable, but between chaos and order, it is closer to order.

This subtle form can only be felt by some powerful gods, such as the six heavenly kings, such as the beauty of the sky.

The vitality was completely exhausted, and there was almost no trace of Meng Fan left. Only the mortal body remained. On the opposite side, although he was full of vitality, he was reborn in flesh and blood three times and became very tender.

What is the outcome?

It's still unclear.

But it seems that there will be a result soon.

Meng Fan breathed gently.

The Lord of Desolation frowned.

Suddenly, without warning, the Lord of the Desolate World rushed towards Meng Fan in the most fierce posture!

At this moment of rush, whether it was the gluttonous torrent or all the **** kings in Hongdao City, they all took a breath of air-conditioning, and at the same time, a thought came out-the real tough and fierce!

Although Meng Fan's vitality is completely exhausted, his methods are indeed terrifying. Even at this moment, the entire boundary is extremely thin due to the existence of too many gluttonous kings, but Meng Fan still has the means to draw vitality from the infinite space. It was his means of space, so as long as Meng Fan was given some time, he could recover quickly.

The Lord of the Desolate Realm just didn't want to give Meng Fan any breathing time, so he killed him directly!

Without the vitality of the **** king, there is only one body left, no means can be used, and it is impossible to break the vacuum and escape. In this case, the Lord of the Desolate has already won the battle.

Originally, many powerful **** kings onlookers thought that Meng Fan had the upper hand, because the shape of the junction was closer to order than chaos, but they did not expect that the Lord of the Desolate Realm would just be reborn in flesh and blood, and would be able to rush to the already "flesh" Meng Fan of "Fan Fei".

Too fierce, too violent.

The outcome has been divided.


There was a roar of surprise in the gluttony torrent.

In Hongdao City, many **** kings were stunned!

Meng Fan stepped back three hundred and seventy steps and stood there. The arms he used to protect him in front of him emitted bursts of steam, which was the result of burning the air and the laws too hot.

Then, he slowly lowered his arms.

Looking at the Lord of the Desolate Realm, whose body is gradually rupturing three hundred and seventy steps away.

"Actually..." The Second Heavenly King opened his mouth: "There is no vitality, no laws are urged, purely with the power of the flesh, to withstand the collision of a Divine King, but the Divine King is shattered in the opposite direction!"


The Lord of the Desolate Realm at this moment, because of three rebirths of flesh and blood, his body is immature, but even so, his state at this moment is still the state of a **** king.

Almost, it is the strength of those who have just broken through the realm of the gods and stepped into the realm of the gods.

And Meng Fan, exhausted his vitality, couldn't use any **** king's means at all.

But only by relying on his physical body, he shattered this body of the Lord of the Desolate World!

The Lord of Desolate, his face was also full of surprise, he slowly staggered back a few steps, sitting on the ground, panting.

Meng Fan said, "You can still reincarnate again."

The Lord of the Desolate World raised his head, looked at Meng Fan, exhaled a long breath, and smiled freely: "Every time I reincarnated, my body will become more fragile. This time, I will no longer be your opponent. Rebirth once...what's the point? I lost this fight.

I was completely defeated.

The gluttonous torrent will only follow the strong. When I lose in your hands, I will no longer be the leader of the thousands of gluttonous gods, and they will no longer follow me.

From this moment on.

You... Meng Fan, is the only person this gluttonous torrent follows.

Good, good..."

The Lord of the Wasteland chuckled and slowly closed his eyes.

Meng Fan's brows throbbed, and suddenly, he felt a feeling that the Lord of the Desolate Realm had disappeared!

The body is still there, but his soul has disappeared on its own!

When the soul dissipated, the physical body broke faster, but in a few blinks, it turned into dust, completely dead.

A **** king who has lived for tens of thousands of years, experienced a leader war, lost, and then dissipated. This free and easy nature surprised Meng Fan. Could it be that this is the countless nomadic years of the gluttonous torrent In, the xinxing cultivated by the law of purely weak food? Should you die if you lose?

Even Meng Fan was shocked.

There was a torrent of gluttony and silence.

Then, a gluttonous **** king suddenly knelt on one knee, his huge body rumbling in the trembling void.


One after another, the gluttonous **** king knelt down on one knee.

The entire gluttonous torrent, with the attitude of treating leaders and kings, knelt toward Meng Fan on one knee.


But it shocked the minds of only twenty or thirty **** kings in Hongdao City!

The one kneeling here is a thousand gods!

Moreover, they are all powerful gluttonous gods!

Even if it is the most powerful alliance of forces that has appeared in the era of the heavens and the world, there are only more than 300 gods, but it is already earth-shaking, and it is considered to be a power that can be compared with the heavens and the gods. Can form a three-legged situation.

At this moment, it was one thousand two hundred and ten **** kings who met a king at the same time.

Meng Fan looked around, watching the crowds of gluttonous gods.

In Hongdao City, the two heavenly king whispered: "Humanistic deserter."

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