Supreme God King

Chapter 2514: Rob relatives

Compared with the ghosts and gods in the 30th heaven, the catastrophe caused by Dong Miaoxin in Hongdao City is far less powerful and earth-shattering.

However, there was still a wave of waves in Hongdao City, and many monks felt a certain resonance in the formations of Hongdao City.

This resonance lasted for more than an hour, causing the six heavenly kings to rush to the core line. Seeing the scene in front of them, they all looked at each other, but no one knew what was really happening, with a blank expression.

After an hour passed, the power of catastrophe disappeared.

In the eyes of the array, Meng Fan was still sitting silently.

There was nothing in front of him.

Meng Fan didn't have any expression, just stretched out his hand, grabbed a hand in the void in front of him, and caught nothing.

Dong Miaoxin couldn't survive the catastrophe, she disappeared completely.

The walk is casual and natural.

"Little girl, I wonder if you have seen the source of the heavens?"

Meng Fan's words were purely self-talking to himself. When he was finished speaking, he stood up, slapped the blue shirt, turned around and looked at the six heavenly kings.

"I have something to ask for, maybe a bit embarrassed, and I hope some of you can agree."

The six heavenly kings did not respond, but frowned one by one and looked at Meng Fan. Although in the previous fight, Meng Fan did stand on their side and prevented the catastrophe that God’s Domain might face, but in the face of such a powerful force, it is entirely possible to fight against the terrorist characters of the six heavenly kings alone. The gluttonous torrent at the junction of dimensions, it is impossible for them not to be serious and vigilant.

It can be said that if Meng Fan had only one thought, it would not be difficult to destroy the entire God Realm.

The only supreme ruler who could stop him has not left the barrier yet.

"The dimension I came from is called the Heavens and Myriad Realms. There, I have a lot of concerns. Now, I have to use the powerful force of the gluttonous torrent to devour the void and tear the dimensional wall. Because there is the Sky-Splitting Spear in my hand, I think, It shouldn't be difficult to find the heavens and worlds, but I have left to take away my sister."

After speaking, the six great kings immediately showed anger.

They already knew that the sister Meng Fan kept saying was Tianzhimei and their niece.

She is also the only daughter of the Supreme Ruler.

They also knew some of the reasons for this, but no matter how they thought about it, and how they discussed it, they all found that all of them couldn't be explained at all.

Meng Fan’s older sister, Ruoshuiyi, has accompanied Meng Fan’s growth. It can be said that the most important woman in his life, although the existence of emotion cannot be measured, Meng Fan himself knows that Ruoshuiyi is in his heart. Heavier than everyone.

This is the most sensitive hidden thread that is deeply buried in his heart and cannot be touched easily.

And the beauty of the sky, recognized by Meng Fan, is Ruo Shuiyi.

They didn't know how Meng Fan determined this, but the dream Ruoshui had before leaving the pass seemed to confirm something, and there could not be no connection between them.

However, there is no explanation at all.

Meng Fan is very powerful.

But he is only a young **** king over 10,000 years old, and Tianzhimei, as the junior of the six heavenly kings, has lived for hundreds of thousands of years!

How could it be a person?

Moreover, the two people are completely in two dimensions. Before this era of great catastrophe, the various dimensions of the universe were completely isolated from each other. There are very few connections, such as the three masters using the sky-splitting spear, and the gluttony torrent. The nomadic animals are extremely rare cases.

It doesn't make sense to say it, and it doesn't make sense to look at it.

However, the six heavenly kings would not reason with Meng Fan.

Meng Fan is an unreasonable person. Since he has determined that the beauty of the sky is his sister Ruo Shuiyi, there is no need to reason.

The Second Heavenly King took a step forward and said gloomily: "Shen King Meng, are you trying to **** your relatives from Hongdao City? Although you have a monstrous power and extraordinary methods, we all recognize these, but the dimensions of God's Domain and the universe It’s all different. Our Hongdao City is not the sects you’ve seen before. We **** kings don’t want to survive. We can do whatever we can. Tianzhimei is our niece and the daughter of the Supreme Lord. If you want to grab , Hongdao City, or even the entire God Realm, no one will agree. Even if you are powerful, even if there are thousands of gluttonous gods following, my God Realm can fight you to death!"

He said something loud and violent, as if thunder exploded in a secret room.

Meng Fan whispered: "Is the fish dead and the net broken...I am not really someone in God's Domain, but any **** king in God's Domain can't stand a stick of incense in front of me."

As soon as these words came out, the six heavenly kings became extremely angry, and even the two heavenly kings and the four heavenly kings were about to break out!

But suddenly.

The six heavenly kings were stunned.

Meng Fan bent over and gave a deep salute.

The attitude is extremely sincere.

Very real.

"You are all sisters' relatives. I will never attack you, Hong Dao City, or even the entire God Realm, but I must return to the heavens and the world, and I must take away my sister. I absolutely cannot. Lose sister again!"

Then, Meng Fan bends deeper.

At this moment, the six heavenly kings were even more stunned.

The dignity of the king of gods is extremely important, because it is about the "Dao Xin". Once subdued, once retreated, it will not affect the Dao Xin for a while, but the life!

Especially a powerful **** like Meng Fan, in fact, even in the minds of the six heavenly kings, even if the supreme ruler goes out and fights against Meng Fan, it is difficult to judge the outcome, and the entire God Realm can indeed stand in Meng Fan. God king, none of them.

What's more, he still has thousands of gluttonous gods to follow?

This kind of character, wanting to destroy God's Domain is just a matter of thought.

There are hundreds of **** kings in God's Domain, I'm afraid they will all be wiped out.

However, he made such a gesture.

Even the six heavenly kings felt Meng Fan's sincerity and the kind of heart that would never lose his "sister".

"Humanistic Desolate Lord..." The Five Heavenly King opened his mouth slightly. This is what Hongdao City and even the entire gluttonous torrent call Meng Fan. He should have become the Lord of the Desolate World, but the Lord of the Desolate World has always been The gluttonous family, so the kings called him the humane desert lord. "I have talked with Xiaomei, and we have all talked about the great kings, I think, a strong person like you should have guessed some clues, not to mention that Xiaomei is not the Ruo Shuiyi you have been looking for. And no matter whether she is or not, there must be some kind of cause and effect, some kind of...formidable power, do you know what kind of consequences you may have caused by this choice?"

"I know." Meng Fan still lowered his head, but his tone was too firm and he didn't hesitate: "This powerful force, the greatest possibility, is the way of heaven. This may be my third calamity, which is what I will do. Faced with the immense catastrophe, I may die and disappear in the long river of history."

After speaking, he raised his head, looked at the six heavenly kings, and smiled softly.

"But what's the big deal then?"

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