Supreme God King

Chapter 2515: wait

The powerful characters in the universe often divide their speech and behavior into two schools. One is the impermanence fairy king, the central emperor, the five emperors, and the gods and Buddhas such as the gods and Buddhas. Their voices are magnificent and vast, and their conversation is refined. ?

The other category is people like Meng Fan and Princess Yueyue. They are either domineering, unruly, or rampant, but their speech and behavior are always casual, not grandiose.

The six heavenly kings sat in a circle, and among them was the beauty of the snowy skin and bones.

"Meng Fan, shouldn't be tough." Five Heavenly King said softly: "A person with absolute power does not need to use any conspiracy and tricks. When he is alone, he dares to challenge the entire God's Domain. Now he is even more unscrupulous. ."

"It's just for me." Tianzhimei thoughtfully, in her beautiful eyes, gracefully moving: "But this is God's Domain, this is my home, I don't even know who he is, and I don't even know who he is. Is there any reason to follow him? He is so powerful that we can all see. Don’t you want to understand this simple truth? What if I just don’t agree?"

"I will wait."

A clear voice sounded outside the hall.

The six heavenly kings were taken aback for a moment, and then they showed a different color, and the five heavenly kings even sighed, knowing that this was Meng Fan who ignored all the defenses of the entire Hongdao City and all the restrictions of the formations and went directly to the hall.

None of the formations reacted, nor did any of the heavenly kings react.

Even, the six heavenly kings vaguely guessed that this Hongdao city, the domain where they had been a family for thousands of years, no longer belonged to them. They are no longer the masters, because their every move seems to be unable to escape Meng. Fan's eyes, no door, could not stop Meng Fan's footsteps.

Tian Zhimei gently rubbed her delicate and tender chin: "How long will you wait, can you wait forever?"

"one day."

Answer, simply and neatly.

"Sister, in the past, I only had you, but now, behind me, is the huge dark alliance, the era alliance, the luck of the heavens and the world, and the Linglong who has been waiting for me at the end of the gods.

I can't wait too long, at most, only one day.

At this moment tomorrow, I will leave, travel through dimensions, and find a way to return to the heavens and worlds, and return to my people.

I am no longer alone.

I can no longer do whatever I want.

Being strong means more responsibility.

At this moment tomorrow, I will not stay, I will not continue to wait.

Maybe, at that moment, my sister's mind will not change the slightest.

After leaving, I will worry about and miss my sister every day.

it's fine.

One day, I will come back again.

Waiting for me to settle everything, I settled everything, I will come back and stay with my sister.

Until the sky is old. "

Every word is so clear.

Tianzhimei's eyes were no longer cold, but soft.

She raised her head, looked at the nothingness in the sky, and pursed her mouth: "You really love her so much."

The void rippled.

Meng Fan, dressed in a green shirt, quietly stepped out.

He is no longer the creator who is so powerful that many gods and kings of the heavens and the world fear.

It is no longer the killing **** who slaughtered hundreds of gods in the barbaric world.

He was smiling.

Sweet smile.

A bit shy.

He slowly drifted to the front of Tianzhimei, with his feet three inches off the ground, and said softly: "It's you."

Tian Zhimei's eyes suddenly felt a little bit sad.

She didn't know why she wanted to cry.

Just standing up gently, this woman who appeared beautiful among the gods, enough to make all the gods crazy in the entire gods, slowly stretched out a palm and held Meng Fan's palm.

"I have lived for hundreds of thousands of years. I have read many ancient books, documents, and mastered many martial arts and great masters.

When I was young, I once saw a story that I will never forget.

There is an empire in the mortal world, strong and prosperous, but that is only the surface, the empire itself is rich and vast, at the cost of the people's poverty.

People, there is nothing, cumin.

So a person appeared, and he wanted the people to follow him in revolt*, but no one responded.

This person began to do good deeds, giving all his wealth to the people.

After giving it to the people for the first time, the people tasted the sweetness, but soon their wealth was robbed.

So the rich man gave alms again.

Soon, it was raided by *.

After several iterations, the rich used their last bit of wealth to build weapons and then distributed them to the people.

The uprising began.

The empire is destroyed.

It's hard to be shaken by someone who has no concerns.

You just want to be contaminated with worry.

Is it worth it? "

"It's worth it." Meng Fan smiled. Seeing Tian Zhimei holding his palm, he suddenly felt an unprecedented happiness. He hoped that this moment would last longer, but he quickly released his hand and stepped back. Gradually disappear into the void.

"one day."

He said.

The figure disappeared.

At night, Hongdao City became very quiet.

In various places in Hongdao City, there are some places opened up for the gods to rest, but they are not magnificent halls, but squares surrounded by large formations. The majestic and vast power of Hongyuan gathers Come.

In every square, there is a **** king, sitting silently, raising his head, looking at the quiet gluttonous torrent at the junction of dimensions in the sky.

These gluttonous gods move, it is a torrent.

Stillness is the river of Enron.

Everything depends on what Meng Fan meant.

Every time, a new God King of God’s Domain comes,

They sat steadily in some formations, raised their heads, and watched the gluttonous torrents in the sky with the other gods. No matter how their expressions were, calm or not, at this moment, they must have set off a stormy sea.

No **** king can be truly peaceful.

Outside Hongdao City, above the newly restored tower, Tianzhimei quietly looked at the stars in the sky. She may be the only God King in Hongdao City who did not watch the gluttonous torrent.

She believed in Meng Fan.

Believe thoroughly, believe unconditionally.

What's ridiculous is that she herself doesn't know why she believes in Meng Fan. Why does a person whom she has never seen suddenly appeared in front of her, just like the closest person?

Suhuan looked at her for a moment and said softly, "Sister Mei, what is your choice?"

Tian Zhimei looked at Suhuan with a little surprise: "What else can it be? I was born in God's Realm and grew up in God's Realm. I am the daughter of the Supreme Lord. I have uncles and aunts, you, and other people, I Why should you leave with someone you don’t know each other?"

Suhuan was silent for a moment, and looked at the starry sky with the beauty of the sky.

"I know he loves you, he loves you very much, I have never seen such a love, so simple, so pure, and so unshakable, and even he can challenge the gluttonous torrent and death for you.

Sister Mei, since we entered the martial arts, is there still love?

It should be gone. In Hongdao City, because of the Supreme Ruler, we are united together, at least there is family affection, but in other places in God's Domain, the leaders of God City have no love at all, nothing. They can do it for their own way, for their own life and death. , And sacrifice everyone.

This is God King.

However, he really loves you, he loves you very much, and his love is very deep.

I also want to believe him.

Of course you will not leave for someone you never met.

But, Sister Mei, have you ever thought that a few hours later, the day will light up, when the time he said is up, once he leaves...

Maybe you will never see him again? "

Su Huan's words are finished.

The pupils of Tian Zhimei suddenly enlarged.

She was full of panic in her heart.

Never again... can't see him?

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