Supreme God King

Chapter 2516: Dominate

Never see anymore. ??

For Meng Fan, Tianzhi's heart has always been very subtle.

However, when she wanted to come, Meng Fan was always an outsider and a stranger.

Until Suhuan said something that he would never see again, Tianzhimei suddenly gave birth to infinite fear in his heart.

She was afraid, afraid that she would never see Meng Fan again.

It is true fear, fear from the bottom of my heart.

Fear of losing.

"I do not want."

The sky said instinctively. "I can't lose him."

Suhuan looked at Tianzhimei: "Really?"

"I don't understand why. Although I feel familiar with him, I really don't know him, and I have never met him, but I don't want to leave him..."

Tian Zhimei suddenly felt a little bit painful, and frowned deeply.

For an instant, Hongdao City, which was already gloomy, suddenly looked a little cold.

The six heavenly kings who had always been waiting in full battle felt the coldness and looked at each other.

The King of Five Heavens said: "Xiaomei was born with the'image of all living beings'. Every move affects the luck of heaven and earth and affects the sorrows and joys of all living beings. The **** king of heaven and earth uses her joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. ."

"Big Brother, isn't it yet." King Ertian sighed: "In these days, first Meng Fan suddenly appeared and disrupted the entire Hongdao City, and then the gluttonous torrent fell from the sky, and God's Domain fell into the disaster of extinction several times, although we all I've survived, but now, the thing that worries us the most is still born, Xiaomei is moved by Meng Fan."

The entire Hongdao City now can be said to be completely under the control of Meng Fan. Although there is no **** king who can feel Meng Fan, Meng Fan is truly everywhere and everything is in his eyes. .

Formidable strength, thousands of gluttonous kings army, if it weren't for Meng Fan's belief in a certain kind of justice that could not be called justice, the entire God's Domain would now collapse and completely collapse.

At this time, if the beauty of the sky is really tempted.

The six heavenly kings only feel discouraged.

In the realm of God, the six heavenly kings are recognized as the strongest under the supreme ruler, but the six people teamed up, and none of them could defeat Meng Fan.

Even using the word grasp is an overestimation. If the six of them add up, it is absolutely impossible to defeat Meng Fan, which is correct.

The gluttonous army came, and they were also powerless. Hongdao City would be destroyed at any time, but in the end it was Meng Fan who turned the tide and changed everything.

Now, if Tianzhimei, the proud girl of God's Domain, the first woman, no matter what means, strength, status, and other people besides Yansha can rank first, she is really tempted by Meng Fan...

However, the six heavenly kings are certainly the elders of Tianzhimei, but as long as Tianzhimei is really tempted, it is impossible for the six heavenly kings to keep her.

Time, a little bit passed.

When the six heavenly kings were racking their brains and wondering what a good time was, the horizon was lit up with white light.

The day that Meng Fan said was coming soon.

At this moment, Meng Fan was still sitting in the middle of his eyes.

That’s right, in the current Hongdao City, he is the ruler, every plant and tree, and even the crawling movement of an ant, he knows and can sense it, and he has already figured out many formations in Hongdao City. , Forbidden, display the meaning of emptiness, can appear in any place.

In other words, in the current Hongdao City, as long as he is willing, he can immediately find a person's position. Whether this person is a **** king or not, he will be killed suddenly by him, and there is no possibility of escape.

He closed his eyes and looked calm and peaceful, but the waves and entanglements in his heart were unimaginable.

He was also afraid.

Also afraid.

The last choice for fear of the glamorous sky.

If Tian Zhimei doesn't leave with him, then he can only leave by himself, but his heart will always worry about God's Domain, and always miss his sister.

at this time.

Suddenly, Meng Fan felt that his five senses became dull and his body became heavy.

Originally in Hongdao City, his perception could extend to every corner, and his body moved with his heart. He could walk anywhere he wanted. Suddenly he felt his five senses dull and heavy. After he was slightly surprised, he also Understand what was born.

Open your eyes.

In front of him, sat a teenager.

It is the appearance of a mortal who is thirteen or fourteen years old, very immature, with white and clean skin, and a very beautiful boy. However, it was more than ten feet long, slowly fluttering behind him, like a flowing cloud.

The young man looked at Meng Fan silently, and after a moment of silence, he laughed and said: "It's really a majestic prestige to step into God's Realm alone, break into Hongdao City, and kill the Lord of the Desolate World to become the leader of the gluttonous torrent."

Teenagers do not need to introduce themselves.

Meng Fan also knew his identity.

The first person in the gods, the leader of Hongdao City, the father of Tianzhimei, the supreme ruler.

Many years ago, the man who led the right way to master the power of Hongyuan, killed the Gorefiend with the purpose of devouring sentient beings, and established the order of God's Domain today is him.

Meng Fan's clear eyes turned into white eyes of creation.

The supreme dominates the white long behind him, fluttering and dancing wildly.

Two powerful leaders, at the moment they met for the first time, they all raised their strength to the highest level!

Both of them are also using various methods to discover each other's details and strength.

The result is exactly the same, the strength of the two is like a sea!

It really is **** for tat.

The leader of a dimension, although this dimension appears weak because of the five decays of heaven and man, but after all, it is also a dimension.

"You came to my god's realm with a monstrous power, and your every move is enough to affect the fate of the entire world. Throughout the ages, there has never been a character like you." The Supreme Lord said, smiling and hiding the knife.

"The world is very small." Meng Fan said lightly: "When the dimensional barrier is opened, many **** kings who think they are powerful will find themselves as frogs at the bottom of the well. I am only involved in the fate of this world. It is not worth mentioning. ."

The Supreme Lord was silent for a moment, and it was obvious that the Soul was spinning and thinking.

"I don't know who you are, let alone what your fate is, but I hate you very much."

Hearing the words of the Supreme Ruler, Meng Fan couldn't help but smile: "Of course you will hate me."

"At the end of the epoch, everything perishes, everything returns to silence and desertedness. The realm of God, which is already in the five decays of heaven and man, is even more at stake. But with you, my daughter is even more precarious. Life and death are hard to say. And once she leaves, nine out of ten, Just say goodbye to me."

"Master Master said..." Meng Fan blinked, "What do you mean? In my opinion, sister, maybe won't follow me."

"No, she will definitely go with you." The Supreme Lord chuckles and said, "She will not understand why. Not only she, me, the Six Heavenly Kings, and no one in the entire God Realm understand why, except you, who I don’t understand, but I know, she’s already tempted. Once a certain thought takes root, it will continue to grow and is indelible. She will be inexplicably afraid of losing you and can’t bear the torment without you, she will definitely follow you. ."

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