Supreme God King

Chapter 2517: Beloved

Holy area. ?

The Huanglong Desert covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, except for the yellow sand, which is the storm.

Standing in the yellow sand, Meng Fan waited quietly. Every breath changed the shape of the entire Huanglong Desert. The emerald green shoots burrowed out of the sand and rain fell in the air.

He stood for an hour.

The entire Huanglong Desert has changed from yellow to green, full of vitality.

At first, Meng Fan stood in the desert with his hands behind his back.

The green shirt is precarious, infinite demeanor.

After that, Meng Fan dropped his hands.

He was at a loss.

Waited too long.

That moment will come soon.

He, who has always been vigorous and resolute, suddenly hesitated. If his sister did not come, would he stay or leave?

He did what he said.

But sister...

He wants to return to the heavens and worlds, where there are his men and horses, and I don't know whether it is life or death in the surging tide of strange ghosts.

But sister...

The Empress, Linglong, Niuniu, and so on were all waiting for him. There were many people who didn't believe that he would die.

But sister...

Meng Fan's fingers began to tremble.

His feet unconsciously rubbed against the muddy ground under his feet, and he felt at a loss for what to do.

Like a child criticized by adults.

After being criticized, he looks like a little boy who is desperately waiting for an adult to praise him.

But the adults are not coming.

My sister is not coming.

Meng Fan suddenly felt that the whole world was so empty and cold. He seemed to be abandoned by the whole world. He could only hide in a small corner, pitying himself.

Time is up.

Meng Fan blinked his eyes and silently looked at the direction of Hongdao City. For a long time, finally, he gritted his teeth, moved a step, and walked towards the junction of dimensions, towards the gluttonous torrent of thousands.

Suddenly, his face was pale, he fell to the ground, his hands tightly pinched his chest, tears could not stop flowing out, the big ones fell on the ground, and some small plants and trees suddenly possessed the sage. , Became a powerful demon spirit, and bowed down to him.

It hurts.

His heart, tearing like a sharp pain!

The soul of a person is a collection of thoughts and spirits, and it exists in the mind. Any emotions should burst and collide there.

But at this moment, Meng Fan suddenly knew that his heart would really be in pain because of emotions.

It was really a tearing pain, an unprecedented pain. Meng Fan had experienced so many life-and-death struggles, and he was destroyed when he first encountered a strange ghost and the first son of Chaos.

However, he can bear the pain of flesh and blood.

He couldn't bear this kind of incomprehensible heartache.

After breathing for a long time on the ground, the pain still did not disappear. Meng Fan wanted to turn his head and glance at Hongdao City behind him, but he didn't dare. He was afraid that if he turned around, he would abandon the entire dark alliance and everyone. Stay here.

So he held on and took another step.

One more step.

With each step he took, his pain increased by one point.

The gap in dimensionality cannot exist forever. It must be dissipated and bridged. Meng Fan masters the method of creating a dimensional channel, but each time a dimensional channel appears, which dimension leads to it is unknown.

Even if Meng Fan walks several times in the same channel and the same black hole, he may reach different dimensions.

Because in it, space and time are meaningless.

So where it will go and how long it will take, it’s hard to tell.

Leaving this time, perhaps, is a farewell.

Not only the distance, but also the time, and they are not allowed to see each other.

In the last chapter of the Era, the entire universe was shrouded in the Great Tribulation of Era, everything was precarious, and everything was unknown.

Meng Fan was getting closer and closer to the gluttonous torrent.

He held his chest and shed hot tears.

Many gluttonous **** kings looked at him, silently.

In the eyes of these gluttonous **** kings, Meng Fan was an incredible existence. He was the first foreign race to challenge the leader of this wild army in history, and he succeeded.

All the gluttons gathered around him and became his soldiers.

However, this unprecedented humane desert lord is crying bitterly at this moment.

Simply embarrassed to the extreme.

When Meng Fan walked into the gluttonous torrent, his tears still couldn't stop flowing.

"Let's go." He said hoarsely, still holding his chest: "If you are willing to follow me, you can follow me. If you don't want to follow me, just leave."

His voice was very soft, but he was still clearly heard by all the gluttonous kings.

The gods looked at each other.

A gluttonous **** king stepped forward and said: "Where are you going?"

Meng Fan never looked back, he didn't dare to look at Hongdao City more, just said lightly.

"I'm going to tear up the heavens and end this era of catastrophe."

Very casual words.

After speaking, Meng Fan flipped his palm and the Sky-Splitting Spear appeared in his palm, step by step into the dimensional turbulence.

All the gluttonous **** kings were silent and slowly, following Meng Fan.

None of the gluttonous gods left.

Everything is repressive silence.

However, these gluttonous gluttons felt infinite heroic, because their leader actually said that he wanted to tear the heavens apart!

The gluttonous torrent has swallowed creatures of many dimensions over a long period of time. For them, constantly piercing through the dimensions and constantly nomadizing in the primordial universe is a normal state and a way for them to survive.

But every gluttonous king knows why they started nomadic in the first place.

Just like the Three Lords, it is to avoid the Great Tribulation of the Era.

Therefore, the strongest of them is king, therefore, they converge into rivers and waves.

And at this moment, Meng Fan wants to shred the heavens!

At the moment when Meng Fan said these words, the power of heavenly catastrophes loomed above his head. It seemed to fall at any time, but it never fell. It was just brewing, and after a moment, it dissipated.

This made many gluttonous gods and kings watching the scene of fear, hanging above Meng Fan's head, but Meng Fan, calm and calm, without even looking at it.

After that, all the gluttonous gods opened their mouths at the same time.

A deep breath!

The power of devouring the decision, burst together!

That is more than a thousand gluttonous gods and kings at the same time cast a big swallowing decision, and in an instant, the entire dimension was broken.

In the first era conference, Yang Zun once deduced that as long as two or three hundred gods and kings are together, they can create a black hole leading to other dimensions, so as to escape, so that all beings in the heavens and all realms have a way to survive.

However, that was just a plan, and Yang Zun's guess.

At this moment, more than a thousand gluttonous gods and kings worked at the same time to directly turn this plan into reality!

Meng Fan held the Sky Splitting Spear and tapped the broken dimension with the sharp tip of the spear lightly.

Originally, every time the Sky Splitting Spear was activated, almost all of the life of a **** king had to be consumed.

However, at this moment, the dimensional wall became very fragile under the power of the **** king of thousands of gluttons, and it was broken directly by just one click.

A black hole emerged quietly.

Looking at the black hole, the tears in Meng Fan's eyes have drained.

He lifted his steps.

Suddenly freeze.

Turning his head dumbfounded, he looked behind him.

The gluttonous torrent slowly separated into two teams, giving way to a path.

A woman, from far to near.

This woman, with her brows locked tightly together, seemed to be still struggling and hesitating, but she still walked towards Meng Fan step by step.

Meng Fan could hardly believe the scene before him.

He just watched Tian Zhimei walk towards him step by step until he stood in front of him.

"Why?" Tian Zhimei almost roared. "why!"

Meng Fan smiled.

Tears also flowed from the eyes.

He couldn't give Tian Zhimei a real answer.

But he knew that Tianzhimei couldn't bear the separation from him.

Meng Fan smiled in the bright sunshine.

Hot tears wet the clothes.

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