Supreme God King

Chapter 2518: Return of the King

A burning star suddenly went out.

Too one person, to be precise, it is too one young man who descended on this star.

He was wounded.

He carried the body of the **** of creation, panting.

"My two incarnations, it took how many years to condense..." Too said with gritted teeth.

He saw it.

He saw it with his own eyes. Although it was not the deity of the Great Chaos, it was a projection of the Great Chaos. It was the shadow of the Great Chaos himself. The appearance was chaotic and indistinguishable, but the monstrous aura and the terrifying coercion made it too. People feel suffocated.

When that projection came, the two incarnations of Taiyi, a young man and an old man, were directly crushed into powder!

Everything is only born in one thousandth of an instant.

And there was a young body with a human spirit, it was because he happened to stand behind the creation god, and he escaped, but it was also scarred.

A few blood holes appeared on the body of the creation **** who could not leave a trace with all his strength.

After that, the compass suddenly spun quickly, opening a direction and a channel, allowing too many people to escape with the God of Creation.

Up to this moment, Tai Yi still had lingering fears.

That's just a shadow!

Only a shadow of the Great Primordial Chaos almost directly obliterated too many people. The two powerful incarnations that took many years to refine were also directly shattered into nothingness.

These methods, let alone too many people have never seen it, even go through various literature and history books, and have never seen it.

Even in some unfounded legends, those mighty **** kings can't reach it.

Taiyi is very self-aware, thinking that he is just the second rate among all the gods in the primordial universe.

In his mind, the creator Meng Fan, the central emperor, the impermanent king, and Qin Taichuan are the first-class figures.

This recognition was after he completely lost his mind.

However, even so, he is confident to face the top **** kings. He still has the power to fight, and even has a magnificent heart. He thinks that he is qualified to fight against the top **** kings for a few rounds, even if he loses, he can leave safely. go with.

All this is because of his three incarnations, each of which is a very powerful **** king, comparable to the female emperor, and the three incarnations are three female emperor-level **** kings.

The female emperor has always been regarded as the first female heavenly arrogant of the ten thousand domains, and one of the seven gods of the Dark Alliance. Too one person is equivalent to three female emperors.

Then the heavens and the world, the top **** kings, even if their strength crushes too many people, it is too difficult to wipe out too many people, and it is almost impossible.

As a result, a shadow of the Great Primordial Chaos fell directly, killing the two flesh bodies of Taiyi directly, without any suspense.

Chaos Emperor is recognized as powerful.

It has even been regarded as the most powerful **** king in the cosmos, and there is no one.

However, any person at the level of the **** king is aloof and fierce. Although many **** kings who know the Chaos Emperor willingly regard the Chaos Emperor as the most powerful **** king, they will never believe that there is a relationship between them. What a gap.

Until too many people saw it with their own eyes.

His Dao Xin almost collapsed.

Imagine a **** king, especially a giant like Tai Yi, who has ruled the roost for so many years on the path of the gods, suddenly realized that he is so humble and small, even the shadow of the Chaos Great Emperor can’t stop it, even Not to mention blocking it, it was completely crushed by strength, and it was almost immediately obliterated.

How can his Dao Heart not be broken?

Too one person is already considered firm.

He also finally understood why Meng Fan would say that the ancient nine great gods led countless heroes to the end of the gods. It seemed to be a vast and surging war. In fact, no one of the nine great gods should have seen the deity of the Chaos Great Emperor. .

Even if it is the old man of Dutuo Buddha, the object of the conversation is a shadow of the Great Chaos.

When an ant finally sees the beauty and hugeness of the swan goose, that kind of humble and uneasy, and even the thought of feeling too struggling, will breed, and once it breeds, it is almost irrepressible.

Taiyi put the body of the **** of creation on the ground.

This body is too heavy for him.

"Only in my world can you live."

The voice of the God of Creation is still echoing.

This body was motionless, not even blinking eyes, no heartbeat, no signs of life, just body temperature, not knowing whether it was dead or alive, but it kept talking in a way of thinking, every word, Are deeply imprinted into my mind.

That is the power of the spirit.

"Emperor Chaos, who can penetrate dimensions and infinite space to find you, then no matter where you go, you will definitely die. He must have a way to release a projection. You can only survive by following me to my hometown."

Too many people gritted their teeth.

no respond.

"When you arrive in my world, you will escape the Great Chaos, escape the Great Tribulation of the Era, live forever, and gain powerful power.

Every one of our creation gods possesses power comparable to that of Chaos Emperor.

It’s just that I’ve been sleeping for too long, and I’m on the verge of dying at any time, the weakest moment.

Go to my world, you will receive grace and blessings.

Let's go. "

The God of Creation kept making voices, his voice, and the imprint left by him was too deep. Every time he heard a sentence, too many people could feel that his mind was changing a little, and the initial fear of God of Creation and The rejection has disappeared unconsciously.

The change of thinking is subtle.


Too alone, finally spoke.

"In the direction of the pointer, you have to use your blood to refine the compass. In this way, the compass can open a road again and again, walk on that road, and keep walking. You will be closer and closer to my hometown. ."

Too much thought for a moment.

The finger was shaking, and a drop of blood leaked from the skin and landed on the pointer.


One dimension has been penetrated.

Another dimension was penetrated.

One dimension after another was forcibly penetrated.

Gourmet torrent, crazy shuttle.

For more than ten days, the gluttonous torrent tore through hundreds of dimensions, but it did not stop. No gluttonous **** knew where their humane desert lord was going, but just followed.

It can be said that this gluttonous torrent is really a nomadic tribe. First, their powerful force can forcibly create a void passage. Second, as a race that has crossed the dimension countless times in the long years, they can always be clear and sensitive. Detect some fragile points in the dimension, and then pierce through with one strike.

In particular, Meng Fan still has the Sky-Splitting Spear in his hand. This 33-day treasure that can penetrate dimensionality, turns the dimensional barrier that isolates everything into a wall that can be pierced and is no longer insurmountable.

At this moment, the gluttonous torrent suddenly stopped.

Because an idea of ​​Meng Fan was conveyed.

They stopped in a world that didn't seem extraordinary, a very ordinary dimension.

It can be seen that this dimension has withstood the influence of the Great Tribulation of the Era. In many places, there has been a state of withering, but it is not as withered as the gods, and can only rely on the power of Hongyuan to maintain the existence of the monks. Here, the vitality is still It is abundant, and the place where you can really see the catastrophe here is some floating worlds.

In the gluttony torrent, two very abrupt figures floated out.

Are two human races.

Meng Fan in a green shirt, and Tian Zhimei in a white shirt.

Tian Zhimei turned her head and looked at the dimensional hole that was gradually recovering, feeling a little surprised.

Every time the dimensional tunnel is opened and then closed, where that dimension is and whether it can go to that dimension is unknown.

In the primordial universe, no one knows how many dimensions there are. It may be endless. It is almost impossible to find a certain dimension.

Tian Zhimei didn't understand whether Meng Fan's wish to return to the heavens and the world was just a wish.

But seeing Meng Fan traversed so many dimensions in more than ten days, he was obviously not joking.

"You can still return to the realm of the gods." Meng Fan saw through Tianzhi's thoughts at a glance, and smiled softly: "Everything is connected, unless the cause and effect are completely cut off, otherwise, this connection will be forever There are traces of existence. As long as you find this trace, you can find God's Domain again."

As Meng Fan said, he took a few steps forward, stepped out of the gluttonous torrent, and stood in the void.

"Just like me, I returned to my hometown. Here are the heavens and the world."

Meng Fan said softly.


He is back!

Everything is connected. This connection may be very small, maybe very small and insignificant, but it must exist.

It's just that very few people can see these connections clearly.

The **** Sumi, who masters cause and effect, can see some orderliness.

The evolving soul must also be able to see these rules clearly.

In the same way, Meng Fan can also see certain rules from it. After all, he is a little heaven, especially, in the heavens and worlds, he has too much concern. The empress also mastered some of the providence he left behind.

The true meaning of the avenue is unbreakable forever.

The will of heaven is even more supreme.

Meng Fan is back.

He set foot on the heavens and all realms again.

From fighting against the first son of Chaos, being crushed to pieces, leaving the heavens and all realms, first reborn in the bliss of the thirtieth heaven, resurrected, returned to the **** king in the ghosts and gods, fought with the three masters, and left the thirtieth heaven, Enter the wild world, slay hundreds of barbarian **** kings, and finally reach the realm of God.

What Meng Fan would not have imagined was that in this process, he ushered in his own catastrophe, reached the realm of the God King of Two Calamities, which was rare in ancient times, and became the leader of the gluttonous torrent.

Most importantly, he found his sister.

Although, this elder sister did not know Meng Fan at all, and completely forgot everything she had ever had.

But Meng Fan knew that the beauty of the sky was Ruo Shuiyi.

No matter how many conspiracies, tricks, and methods there are, Meng Fan doesn't care.

In the end, he returned to the heavens.

It is close to a hundred days.

I don’t know, what happened to the entire Dark Alliance, Era Alliance?

Because of the connection of the will of heaven and the will, the last scene he saw about the heavens and the world was that the Ark of the Universe and the Ark of Conferred Gods were being horrified by the trend of strange ghosts, many giant spirit puppets, and hundreds of children of chaos. kill.

Under the impact of that terrifying force, the possibility of Era Alliance surviving is too small. The entire heavens and the hundreds of **** kings will also fall. The Third Era Conference also failed, time and time again. The setbacks and catastrophes will completely destroy the hearts of the kings of the heavens and the world.

The entire heavens and worlds will fall into a completely dark age, an age of tragic songs.

Meng Fan didn't know if he came back late.

But he came back.

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