Supreme God King

Chapter 2520: Blood sacrifice

In the fourth hour of the siege, those kings who chose to surrender to the chaotic world decisively rushed out of the ark, rushed into the tide of strange ghosts, and directly chose to surrender to the chaotic world. As a result, they were all reduced to the rations of strange ghosts. ???

The army of strange ghosts, under the command of the sons of chaos, without any hesitation or mercy, directly tore the dozens of **** kings to pieces and swallowed them. At that time, the wild and cold laughter of the sons of chaos spread over two ships. ark.

It also made those Divine Kings who wanted to surrender, but still holding a wait-and-see attitude, completely frustrated, knowing that this time the army of alien ghosts has absolutely no mercy, they just want to completely destroy the era alliance and completely swallow it.

On the fifth hour of the siege, those **** kings who had been secretly communicating with the gods and souls, and had to give up the freedom of the gods and souls, and were blessed by the gods, also gave up.

Because they never got a response from Heaven.

At that moment, the era alliance, which was originally a mess of scattered sand and disintegrated, suddenly calmed down. Many **** kings who never showed up and never participated in the emergency meeting convened by the seven main gods arrived at the venue one after another and began to discuss countermeasures.

Because at that moment, they already knew that this fight is a fight or death.

Since there is no war or death, then there is only war.

As a result, Qiankun’s Ark tried several breakthroughs. Unfortunately, although this reshaped ancient ship without sea is strong and powerful, it has the power of creation, but no one can really spur the Ark. They even half of the Ark. He couldn't bring out his power, so several assaults ended in failure.

A little bit of time passed, the army of alien ghosts, very patient, just surrounded it tightly, while constantly attacking from all directions, oppressing the defense of the two arks.

The demise of the Epoch Alliance seems to have become a matter of time.

At this moment.

The tens of thousands of giant spirit races led by Lei Tiangong are here!

They smashed into the tide of alien ghosts fiercely, intertwined with the army of alien ghosts.

The sudden appearance of tens of thousands of giant spirit tribes caught the alien ghost army off guard, and immediately there were many chaos children commanding the alien ghost tide to fight, and after that, it was a terrifying battle!

And Qiankun's Ark and Fengshen's Ark also found a gap at this moment and immediately attacked with all their strength. Finally, they broke out of the encirclement of the strange ghost tide!

When the kings of the Era Alliance realized that the strange ghost tide or the chaotic world, as long as they occupy an absolute advantage, they will not leave the kings any way to survive, and the fierceness of all the gods will be completely exploded. The fight is carried out. After a few hours, Qiankun's Ark, Conferred God's Ark, and many giant spirit races led by Lei Tiangong withdrew, and all the way, they withdrew to Swing City.

The tide of strange ghosts did not stop chasing and killing them, but relying on the terrifying power of tens of thousands of giant spirit races, the Epoch Alliance fought and retreated, and was not surrounded again. In the Whirling City, a large number of fortresses and fortresses were quickly established. Has repelled several waves of strange ghosts.

At this moment, in the "meeting hall" temporarily established by the Epoch Alliance in the center of Swing City, the Seven Lords of the Dark Alliance and the leaders of several factions gathered together to discuss various countermeasures.

All **** kings have a big mountain in their hearts, which is the endless darkness outside the city of circling.

In those darkness, I don't know how much danger lurks, how many strange ghosts and children of chaos are watching.

However, under this mountain, the two hundred **** kings left in the Era Alliance are extremely united.

Several waves of strange ghosts suddenly appeared. To encircle the Swirling City, the Epoch Alliance reacted as quickly as possible. A group of giant spirit races led by dozens of **** kings rushed out to meet the tides of strange ghosts. Victory, but there is no longer the scene of Qiankun Ark and Fengshen Ark being surrounded and waiting to die.

On a huge picture of the universe, several **** kings who were leaders in the Era Alliance watched carefully and kept thinking.

These **** kings, like the ancient emperor and the female emperor, invite the moon princess and the battle giant to be around.

In addition, Zhiweiyi, Lei Tiangong, Yang Zun, and many other powerful **** kings are also nearby, including the talented rookie Tian Xing Cang and Fairy Bai Xue.

The gods and kings had their eyes solemn.

Although the Epoch Alliance is completely of one heart and one morale, the countless crises hidden in the darkness outside the city can not be solved by one heart and one morale. There is hardly any way to get rid of the encirclement and suppression of strange ghosts. And chase.

"Four large formations have been established in the four directions, southeast, northwest, and connected to the city. Once connected, there will be a sky full of vitality enchantment. If hundreds of thousands of ghosts rush and kill again, these large arrays can resist for about ten days. More." The empress said solemnly: "What about after ten days?"

All the gods frowned.

These gods, any of them, have thousands of thoughts and thoughts, and they can think thousands of times in an instant, and come up with all kinds of countermeasures, which are enough to survive the Jedi, but at this moment, there is absolutely no possibility of the Jedi to survive, it seems There is no possibility at all.

"Abandon the Ark of Conferred God." Gu Huang suddenly said.

As soon as this remark came out, all the **** kings' eyes were surprised.

The three large arks are the foundation of the Epoch Alliance. These three arks carry countless common people, as well as worlds and empires, all of which are in it. Although Qiankun’s Ark is a ship of creation, a reshaped ancient ship without sea, Amazing capacity, but Qiankun’s Ark has already carried most of the creatures of the Epoch Alliance. If the creatures in the Conferred God Ark are transferred to it—

can do! However, under the urging of the kings, only half of the Ark of Universe can be swung. Once more creatures are accommodated, the speed of movement will become slower.

This approach has disadvantages but no advantages.

Many **** kings didn't understand the meaning of the ancient emperor, but knew that the ancient emperor would never be aimless, so they all looked over.

"The Ark that carries sentient beings contains infinite power, layers of space, and nodes. In other words, the Ark of Conferred Gods is a volcano that can explode violently and destroy the earth."

As the ancient emperor said, his fingers drew a few random outlines on the grand map, connecting the large formations in all directions of Swirling City to the Ark of Conferred God.

In this way, an extremely vast formation was formed.

This scene made the eyes of many gods shine.

"The Ark of Universe can smash the vacuum. What we have to do is to lay a bait enough to make all the ghosts flood into the city of whirlwind without reservation, and then urge the Ark of Universe to crush the vacuum and leave. Before leaving, Detonating the Ark of Conferred God will also detonate all the large formations and strange ghost tides in Swirling City, which will cause heavy losses, even more than half of it will be wiped out."

The female emperor took a close look at the grand plan, thoughtfully, but found that there were many problems in it.

"Except for Meng Fan, no one can really urge the Ark of Universe to smash the vacuum. There are no **** kings that can do it, because only Meng Fan is the master of the meaning of space. This has nothing to do with the number of **** kings. The key lies in who holds it. Holding the key.

In addition, it is very difficult, very difficult, to detonate the Conferred God Ark and all the big formations together, and it cannot be done by the idea of ​​a certain **** king. "

"The ancient emperor wants blood to sacrifice to the common people." Princess Yueyue said coldly. "Whether it is urging the Ark of Universe to smash the vacuum or detonating the Ark of Conferred Gods, the power needed is amazing. To do this, there is only one way to sacrifice blood to the common people. Remember Qin Taichuan?"

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