Supreme God King

Chapter 2521: Catastrophe

Princess Yueyue pointed out the core in one sentence.

The ancient emperor also responded with silence, which was considered tacit.

At this moment, all the **** kings present are clearly divided into three factions. One faction is indifferent and regards the ancient emperor as an example. Whether or not the **** king of this faction guessed what the ancient emperor meant, they were not surprised. .

The other faction, that is, the Empress, Yang Zun, Meng Niuniu, Misty Immortal Venerable, Jade Immortal Venerable, etc., their complexions changed slightly.

Among them, it also includes the Supreme One. Although the Supreme One is a rebellious, arrogant and fierce God King, he is after all the leader of the Conferred God Realm. The entire beings of the Conferred God Realm are in the Conferred God Realm. Of course it will destroy all beings in the Fengshen Realm.

Even as Yi was already running vitality, showing murderous intent, he looked at the ancient emperor fiercely.

In the end, they invited the Moon Princess, Thunder God, and Battle Sky Giant. These people seemed to have guessed the intention of the ancient emperor, but there was no expression of this idea. Some were like the Battle Sky Giant, who were hesitating, and some were hesitant. Like Princess Yueyue, although she feels wrong, she has no objections.

Since there are all **** kings present, then the meaning of the ancient emperor is broken by a single word, and everyone will understand.

Let the Ark of Universe smash the vacuum, no one can do it, only Meng Fan can do it, but since Meng Fan disappeared, it has been a hundred days today, although many people don’t believe that Meng Fan will die, but the facts are. In front of him, with the exception of the female emperor, the ancient emperor, and the giants of the sky who had a deep friendship with Meng Fan, the other gods almost all admitted this.

Therefore, the only way to learn from Qin Taichuan and sacrifice to the common people is to generate tremendous power to spur the Ark of Universe.

In addition, to detonate the Ark of Conferred Gods, the power needed to explode is also huge. However, it is much easier to detonate the Ark of Conferred Gods compared to smashing the vacuum of the Ark of Heaven and Earth. Line, his intention is to sacrifice all the creatures on the Ark of Conferred God.

Because he wants to detonate the entire swing city, he needs the big formations around the city to cooperate, but according to the current situation, these big formations can last up to ten days, and that is two or three days, these big formations will It becomes a deadly defense and will not be urged.

To transfer all the creatures on the Conferred God Ark to Qiankun Ark, two or three days is not enough.

The ancient emperor meant that to detonate before these great formations failed, it was natural to sacrifice many creatures.

The idea of ​​using an ark, countless common people, and the entire Swirling City to severely damage the tide of ghosts is completely feasible, but it is too cruel.

A person at the first level of God King, no matter how cold-blooded and ruthless he is, he must think twice before doing so. The reason is simple. It is because of the demons.

Everything the Era Alliance has done is to stop the ghost tide and the Era Great Tribulation, and also to save the common people of the heavens and all realms. If it does so, it is completely contrary, how many gods will be shaken by this, and doubt, especially, Born an insurmountable demons?

In the end, even if it succeeds, Qiankun’s Ark really shattered the vacuum. After leaving Swirron City, most of the ghost tide was destroyed in the city. Can the remaining members of the Era Alliance have pure confidence to fight against the disaster of heaven and earth?

Therefore, silence fell in the conference hall.

The more than 20 powerful **** kings who participated in the meeting all said nothing.

The ancient emperor looked around in the hall for a week, saw no one to say, and suddenly said: "I will recite the eternal crime of the Demon King."

The kings' expressions moved slightly.

His plan is completely feasible, but there is a lack of one person, a person who is willing to bear the blame, a person who bears all the grudges, blame, and notoriety that has been passed down forever.

"You have passed all living beings, you can't pass yourself, you can't pass the Era Alliance, and we can't deceive everyone." The Empress said softly, "Whether you die as a hero or live as a sinner is a big question, but We don’t want to be a hero who deceives the world, and we don’t want you to do it."

The kings were silent again.

"In this case, there is only one way left to choose, kill it." The Zhantian giant suddenly sat up from the ground, his tall body immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Lei Tiangong put his hands around his chest and said, "I like it."

The two fierce kings spoke at the same time.

The battle giant is now recognized as the number one powerhouse in the era alliance.

In the past, the battle giant was the most powerful ally next to Meng Fan. He used to face the central emperor in a tit-for-tat match. In the Era Conference, the battle spirit was soaring to the sky, and many gods knew him.

Among the Seven Lords of the Dark Alliance, he ranked first. In the Era Alliance, after Meng Fan disappeared, he was the well-deserved number one God King. Although his temperament was upright and he rarely spoke, his influence was amazing. If in an era of peace, what he said may not be heard by many people, but at this moment, strength is everything, his words and deeds will resonate with many people.

Lei Tiangong, too. He led tens of thousands of giant spirit tribes suddenly appeared. It can be said that he is the one who really turned the tide, and he is also a berserker. When Qiankun Ark and Fengshen Ark retreated together, he was still fighting, and finally was persuaded by Yang Zun. , They left temporarily. After all, the Era Alliance at that time was seriously damaged and very exhausted. Although the tens of thousands of giant spirit races were powerful, they were not enough to fight the horrible ghost wave.

"The Era Alliance now has more than two hundred **** kings and tens of thousands of giant spirit races. Is the winning rate in the battle against the ghost tide very small?" The battle sky giant said, "I can't figure it out, but even if it is small, I believe that there is also the power of war, just like what my younger brothers and sisters said." He reached out and pointed at the empress: "Either die as a hero or live as a sinner. Now, the tide of ghosts will not give anyone a chance to live as a sinner. , So our choice is much simpler, there is only one left, let's prepare for battle."

Many gods looked at each other.

"Prepare for war." The empress nodded.

In an instant, the beams of light were everywhere, and all the **** kings left the conference hall and went to various places in the swing city.

That's right, today's Era Alliance, the only choice that can be made is this one.


Not without chance.

It's just small.

The conference hall was immediately empty.

Only the female emperor remained, and the ancient emperor who had slowed down the other **** kings a few steps.

When the ancient emperor walked to the entrance of the conference hall, he suddenly stopped, his yellow robe no longer fluttered, but fell silently, somewhat cold.

He turned his back to the Empress and whispered: "After Meng Fan disappears, the burden of the entire Era Alliance is on you, do you know?"

The empress had no words.

Of course she knew.

In terms of strength, she is incomparable with many strong players in the Epoch Alliance, not to mention such top figures as Zhan Tian Giant, Thunder God, Ancient Emperor, Yang Zun, and Lone Heart Proud. They are much stronger than the empress.

Her strength is similar to Fairy Bai Xue and the Five God Kings of the Dragon Race.

However, these powerhouses, except for Lei Tiangong, who is not stingy, all surrounded the Empress because of Meng Fan’s relationship, helping her support the huge Era Alliance, and she became the core of the Era Alliance, with many burdens. They all fell on her silently.

The ancient emperor sighed a bit, this woman, as the woman of Meng Fan, the number one man in the heavens and all realms, also shouldered too many burdens that should not be undertaken.

"Before the giant spirit race joined, we had no chance of winning in the face of the strange ghost tide. Even if we now have the Thunder God and the giant spirit race, what is our chance of winning?" The ancient emperor still turned his back to the female emperor and asked lightly. .

"Twenty percent." The empress said, somewhat weak.

The ancient emperor sneered: "The most meticulous thing between heaven and earth is the king of gods. What's the difference between a 20% chance of winning and no chance of winning?"

"Gu Huang, you have something to say straight." The empress did not make any waves.

Gu Huang stretched out a finger and pointed to the top of his head.

"There is only one way to defeat, and that is to cause a tide of disaster."

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