Supreme God King

Chapter 2523: Great mess

The female emperor's pupils contracted and enlarged several times.

The ancient emperor's "I can't help you" finally made her understand the result of this battle.

Regardless of whether the Era Alliance wins or loses against the tide of strange ghosts, the tide of catastrophe will come, and it is surging, no one can stop it!

"No..." The Empress's voice was already trembling: "Doing so will kill the fish and break the net. The entire Era Alliance may be completely destroyed!"

"Either blood sacrifices to the common people, or they die together!"

The voice of the ancient emperor was thunderous, as if the sky collapsed, and the entire conference hall was shaking violently!

The female emperor was drunk with a bang, and her mind was completely pale for a while, unable to react at all.

The ancient emperor stretched out a finger, pointed at the sky, and pointed to the outside of Swirling City: "This is not ten thousand realms, this is the heavens and ten thousand realms, this is not a war, this is the disaster of extinction, do you think there is the best of both worlds? Blood Sacrifice Sealed God Ark The common people’s life is enough to allow Qiankun Ark and the kings to escape, leaving behind the fire, and there is a chance. Since there is no blood to sacrifice to the common people, then the result is to fight to death, and the entire era alliance will be completely destroyed!"

He strode towards the female emperor, every step, the trembling hall buzzed, and the majestic female emperor was completely a little woman at the moment. Seeing the imposing ancient emperor, she couldn't help but back again.

"Since you don't want to live."

The ancient emperor stood in front of the female emperor, his slightly taller body allowed him to look down on the female emperor slightly, condescendingly, with a serious face.

"Then you will join the entire Era Alliance and die here as a hero. Then, let's pass on forever."

Tears flickered in the eyes of the empress.

In her heart, she couldn't help but call that name again.

"Gu Huang." Gu Xin proudly frowned: "Step back and stay away from the female emperor. I will only say this once."

In the words, Gu Xin arrogantly clenched his fists slowly.

As his fists clenched and his five fingers exerted force, the whole hall shrank slightly by an inch, and then returned to its original state. There was a breath of silence, death, and a breath that can only be found in the grave, comparable to the breath of meditation, in the hall. Spread among them.

This kind of breath, even if it is a **** king, will be uncomfortable, and the mind will be affected.

Gu Huang's brows were imperceptibly beating, and he turned his head to look at the lonely heart and proudly from the corner of his light, and said coldly: "Gravekeeper, you don't have to worry about the grave."

After that, the ancient emperor had already walked out of the conference hall in stride.

The figure disappeared from sight.

Lonely and arrogantly watched the ancient emperor leave, and then turned around, what she saw was the empress who was already weak and sitting on the ground, her head down, her shoulders trembling slightly, as if sobbing.

"Your burden is too heavy. These things that should have been borne by Meng Fan fell on your shoulders." The lonely and proud voice drifted by like a breeze, but it was difficult to comfort people's hearts, because his words In the middle, there was a cold smell of being a tomb guard in the dark alliance, which made Shen Xiang tremble. "What's your plan?"

"I can't watch the Era Alliance collapse." The empress tried her best to make her tone gentle and calm, but the sobbing voice could still be heard. "I... I want to tell everyone, tell them... The tide of disaster may come... The Era Alliance may be destroyed."

As soon as he said this, even arrogant and lonely couldn't help being a little surprised.

The female emperor raised her head and whispered softly: "Xin proud, what would he do if Meng Fan was there."

"I don't know." Gu Xin proudly replied quickly: "Meng Fan's actions have always been elusive. I am afraid that only the ancient emperor and Meng Fan have been friends and enemies for so long to be able to guess Meng Fan's actions. , And more importantly, what Meng Fan can do, others cannot."

"What Meng Fan can do, others can't." The empress nodded: "I can't send everyone to death, I can't do... Even if this choice is the best choice, I can't do it. No one can insight into the mystery of the catastrophe. Once it comes, it will give birth to a powerful **** king, the existence of another realm, or complete destruction. I don’t know. I only know that I can’t do this. So, I want to tell everyone, Xinao, tell me if I am wrong..."

Lonely proud did not answer.

Just silent.

Inside the city of Swirling, there was a depressing silence.

For a few hours, there have been no traces of strange ghosts outside the city of Swirling, but every **** king in the Era Alliance knows that the tide of strange ghosts cannot disperse, and the chaos world cannot give up. The longer the silence, the more like The tranquility before the storm makes people distraught.

Almost all **** kings know that the strange ghost tide is preparing for a general attack.

The children of Chaos, secretly command the army of Chaos World.

Although dozens of days of melee, fighting, and chasing have crushed tens of thousands of strange ghosts, none of the core of the army, the sons of chaos, has been beheaded by the Epoch Alliance, especially the Epoch Alliance, which has also lost a lot. God king, and gradually exhausted.

The next general attack is likely to be a decisive battle between the Epoch Alliance and the strange ghost tide.

Time gradually passed.

The anxiety in Swirling City became more and more obvious.

A news that spreads like wildfire is a matter of disaster.

There was no light in a side hall, and the ancient emperor was sitting quietly. Suddenly the door was pushed open, and the serious Yuhan walked in and came to the ancient emperor.

It has been a while since she returned to the King of Gods. In today's Era Alliance, although as a junior, she has little right to speak, especially when she was overwhelmed by Meng Niuniu, the seven main gods of the Dark Alliance, and she did not show up. But in the first battle with the Purple Light Empire, she was indeed quite elegant, and now she has a place in the Epoch Alliance.

"Father, Era Alliance, chaos."

Stepping into the side hall, his mouth was just eight characters, and the meditative ancient emperor opened his eyes and looked straight at Yuhan.

"The Empress?"


The ancient emperor sighed long, then lowered his eyelids.

"The kings of the Era Alliance are saying that the father is striving for a battle. In the melee, he will use the will of heaven to communicate the source of the heavens, find the operation law of the catastrophe, ignite the *, trigger the tide of catastrophe, and let the kings reconcile. The tide of ghosts is all gone, and many **** kings said that the father did this to push the entire era alliance into the Jedi!"

Yu Han said solemnly.

The ancient emperor blinked his eyes lightly: "What is the attitude of the kings now?"

Yu Han said nervously: "Some **** kings call for sanctions against the father and imprison him and seal him up."

"What is the attitude of the empress?" Gu Huang asked again.

"The female emperor...has been closed for a few hours in the conference hall. The **** kings of the dark alliance are all gathered in the conference hall at this moment, quietly, and don't know what the situation is."

"Where are the others?" Gu Huang asked again.

Yu Han took a deep breath: "There are some **** kings who think that the only way to allow the Epoch Alliance to survive is to sacrifice the common people of the Ark of God with blood, and let the Ark of Heaven shatter the vacuum and leave, so..."

"Is there a big trouble in Swing City?" Gu Huang said first.

Yu Han nodded: "The kings of the Conferred God Realm, and even the leader of One, confronted those **** kings who proposed blood sacrifices to the Ark of Conferred God, and the temperament of oneness... the scene is tense and will go to war at any time! "

Gu Huang smiled.

Yang Tian laughed.

With this smile, only Yuhan, who knew the ancient emperor very well, could appreciate the helplessness and sorrow in it.

"If I were the son of chaos, at this moment, it is the best time to launch an attack." Gu Huang said with a smile. "No, that's not right, wait a while, until the moment when Zhiweiyi fights with the kings of all roads, is the best time!"

The voice did not fall.

Outside the city of Swirling, a frantic long howl had already come out.

That voice is too clear, and you know it when you hear it. It is the One.

At this moment, the kings of the Conferred God Realm, under the leadership of the Supreme One, and many **** kings who wanted blood sacrifices to the common people, were fighting together!

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