Supreme God King

Chapter 2524: Green shirt fluttering

Swing City fell into chaos.

Complete chaos.

In an instant.

In the conference hall.

At the highest level of the dark alliance, the Empress, Lonely Heart, Yunfeiyang, Misty Immortal Venerable, Jade Immortal Venerable, Jian Tongtian, Zhao Chuansheng, Qixuan Old Man, Meng Niuniu, etc., all gathered here. It can be said that today’s Era Alliance, a total of more than two hundred and seventy **** kings, nearly one hundred, all members of the dark alliance, at this moment, half of them are guarded by all walks of life in the swing city, and the remaining more than forty gods are here.

Outside the conference hall, the sound of fighting gradually rose, one after another, and it was difficult to calm down.

Inside the conference hall, there is no wave, like two worlds.

"According to the order established by the Third Era Conference, each of the seven leaders of the Era Alliance has one vote and can decide all matters of the entire Era Alliance. Now that the Five Emperors are absent, the Four Saints in the mixed world are missing, and many things are messed up." Yun Feiyang Speaking softly, his fingers slowly tapped the top of the stone table.

"The ancient emperor stayed behind closed doors, who is it now, yelling for blood to sacrifice to the sentient beings of the Ark?" Meng Niuniu said solemnly.

"There is no leader God King taking the lead, just those God Kings who are greedy for life and fear of death, gather on their own." Zhao Chuansheng said: "Because the ancient emperor is going to cause the tide of disaster to spread, this almost sends all the God Kings to a dead end. Therefore, there is no way for the **** kings from all walks of life. The only thing that comes to mind is the blood sacrifice to seal the gods Ark."

The old man Qixuan sighed: "In the beginning, there were not many **** kings who agreed, only a few, but as time goes by, the quieter outside the city, the more fearful the kings, and more and more **** kings agree. In addition, these **** kings are still calling on other **** kings to agree with them, attacking the Ark of Conferred Gods, and offering blood sacrifices to the common people."

"Even if you are one person, of course you will do it." Jian Tongtian said solemnly.

In the conference hall, it fell into silence again.

The empress, who was very haggard, stood in the shadow of the hall without saying a word.

The era alliance at this moment is truly falling apart.

Originally, the leaders of the several factions were equal in status, but almost all surrounded the dark alliance, namely, the Supreme One, the Yang Zun, the Four Sages of the Mixed World, the Five God Kings of the Dragon Race, and the Ancient Emperors. They each have a strong strength, and A strong appeal, or a certain person, can represent a force. These people gather around the dark alliance, so the dark alliance can be said to be the core of the entire era alliance and the dominant.

But now, the leaders of the various factions are completely broken.

Including Yang Zun, did not appear in this conference hall.

The four sages of the mixed world went to find the Six-eyed Immortal Venerable. Many days have passed, and there is no answer, and the whereabouts are unknown.

The ancient emperor even vaguely stood on the opposite side of all **** kings.

Only the five dragon kings still appeared in this hall, but they also sat on the edge and said nothing.

The entire Era Alliance is completely in a state of collapse.

"No matter what, we must suppress all the gods as soon as possible, especially the One." Gu Xin proud said.

Zhao Chuansheng frowned and said, "I'm afraid I can't do it. As for the rookie of the day, he is powerful and arrogant to the extreme. In the entire Era Alliance, the ones who have the strength to fight him are the Heavenly Giants, the Ancient Emperor, and the Moon. Princess, the ancient emperor, we can’t mobilize. The Giants of War and the Princess of Invite Moon, each guarding a position in Swirling City, can’t move around. What's more, even if we can persuade the One, how can we restrain those who are greedy for life and fear of death? God King?"

"At this moment, everyone is greedy for life and fear of death." Guxin said indifferently.

"But once we get involved, the situation will become more complicated." Yun Feiyang looked at Lonely Haughty, his eyes flickering: "It will be a bigger melee."

"Don't you just stand by and watch?" Jian Tongtian curled his eyebrows.

Yun Feiyang grasped his hands tightly: "Even if you stand on the sidelines, at least in the entire Era Alliance, and we remain unmoved, so as not to panic, otherwise, the entire Era Alliance will completely collapse!"

"Uncles." Meng Niuniu said softly. "Era Alliance, it's already chaotic, our dark alliance, can't argue anymore."

As soon as these words came out, the kings of the dark alliance were stunned for a moment, and then fell silent.

Even if the dark alliance is peaceful on the surface, they will inevitably be flustered when they hear the sound of fighting rising outside of the city.

Meng Niuniu's words made them suddenly sober.

But the current situation is really tense.

at this time.

Swing City suddenly undulated violently, and even the entire conference hall was buzzing and trembling, causing the kings of the dark alliance to cast their eyes and look outside the conference hall.

For a moment, all the dark alliance **** kings gritted their teeth and looked savage.

Outside the city of Whirlpool, a wave of strange ghosts that had disappeared for a while suddenly appeared!

They gathered together, like a monstrous river, fiercely and fiercely hitting the heavy array defense outside the city of Swirling.

In the eyes of the four sides of the swing city, the moon princess and the war sky giant each guarded an eye, and the other areas were guarded by several gods. This impact caused many gods to vomit blood immediately. Princess Yingyue also changed her complexion slightly, only the Giant Battle Sky didn't respond, but she also raised her head solemnly, looking at the strange ghosts all over the sky like moths.

It is densely packed and hard to count.

The final fight begins.

Whether it's the strange ghost tide or the son of chaos, they all felt the chaos in the city of gyration, and the kings of all walks of life were fighting each other.

However, what made the kings of the Dark Alliance frowned was that when the tide of strange ghosts had descended violently in the sky above Swirling City, constantly impacting the defenses on the periphery, the moment when they wanted to break through, the kings of all roads in Swirling City did not stop fighting. , On the contrary, the fight is more intense!

The desire to survive drove more **** kings to rush towards the Ark of Conferred God, asking for blood sacrifice to the common people and escape.

The scene is completely out of control.

The female emperor passed through the dark alliance kings and slowly came to the forefront of the crowd, watching the surging fighting spirit and murderous intent in the Whirling City, her face was full of sadness.

Just as the ancient emperor and Gu Xinao said, as a woman, the empress has taken on too many responsibilities that she shouldn't.

It was a big mistake to pin the luck of the entire heavens and worlds on her.

The defense in the sky above Swirling City is constantly flashing waves, it seems that the next instant, it will explode, a large number of strange ghosts will rush in, and the entire Era Alliance will be completely destroyed.

"Flee." Yun Feiyang said suddenly. "Let Niuniu, with the common people of Ten Thousand Territories, drive away from the Ark of Universe, as far as we can go, as for us elders." He walked in the void and walked towards the sky above Swing City: "Just fight here and make a legend. All right."


A hand suddenly grabbed Yun Feiyang's arm.

Yun Feiyang was a little surprised. Turning his head, he saw the old man Qixuan. He looked in one direction in a daze, and he was speechless, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Feiyang saw the other Dark Alliance kings, their expressions were exactly the same as those of the Qixuan old man, and the empress, tears were already welling up.

Yun Feiyang was unclear, so he followed everyone's eyes and looked at one place.

He saw the green shirt fluttering.

A slender man of seven feet six inches standing in the air, wearing a blue shirt fluttering in the wind, the cuffs and neckline are all gilt dragons, and his black boots are dazzling.

He had his hands behind his back, a pair of pale eyes, and he didn't know where to look, but the entire Whirling City, as well as countless ghosts, were shrouded in his gaze, and there was an illusion of being watched by Heaven.

In the primordial universe, he was the only one who could shuttle in without disturbing the defenses of Swing City. He was the only one who stepped into Swing City.

Meng Fan.

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