Supreme God King

Chapter 2525: King of kings

The green shirt is fluttering.

Pale eyes.

Clean short hair.

Crystal clear face.

Stepping on your feet in the air, silently watching everything happen.

At first, it was only the kings of the dark alliance who saw Meng Fan, but soon, all the gods and kings in the city of Whirlpool raised their heads in surprise and looked at him.

Then, it was originally in a completely chaotic Swing City.

It is quite now.

Everyone stopped.

The fight stopped.

The fighting spirit disappeared.

The evil spirit went out.

Meng Fan didn't do anything, he just returned, back in front of the kings of the Era Alliance.

In a certain side hall in the Whirlpool City, ignoring all the gods, talking to all the giant spirit races, and preparing to fight the ghost tide to the death, Lei Tiangong also raised his head and looked at the blue figure in the sky, completely shocked by this person. After appearing, without saying a word, the terrifying influence that can silence the entire Era Alliance, could not help but say: "He is..."

A scorching sun light fell, and Yang Zun stood beside Lei Tiangong. Before, Yang Zun had been trying to adjust the disputes between various gods and kings. At this moment, he also stopped, looking at Meng Fan's figure, and said softly. Lei Tian justified: "Meng Fan, the creator."

The ancient emperor walked out of the side hall.

Yuhan followed closely.

The two raised their heads at the same time and looked at Meng Fan in the air.

Gu Huang sneered and said, "You **** finally came back."

Do not know why.

In the city of Swirling, the gloom that had been suppressed for nearly a hundred days gradually disappeared.

In the hearts of many gods and kings, there is a clearness of clearness.

Then, under the gaze of many Taoist kings, Meng Fan walked in the air with his hands behind him step by step, raising his head, his pale eyes, looking at the raging tide of strange ghosts, penetrated their bodies, Behind them, the hidden children of Chaos.

He stretched out a hand, spread his five fingers, and in his palm, a curved, silver needle-like thing emerged.

After a while, it became a long, crooked spear.

The moment the spear appeared, the laws and vitality of the whole world suddenly had a huge change. It seemed that it was affected and affected by the spear, and there was a countercurrent.

The ancient emperor squinted his eyes: "Thirty-three days are the treasure."

Meng Fan held the Sky-Splitting Spear in his hand, stood in the air, bravely, and waved his hand again. The incomparably huge Ark of Universe, regarded as the soul of the Era Alliance, suddenly shrank, shrunk, and shrunk again. In just a few moments, from Enough to cover the size of a great world, it became the size of a palm, suddenly vacated and integrated into his body.

In the Ark of Universe, in the deepest cabin, the relic of Meng Fan's origin and great world was immediately integrated into his body.

This relic can be said to be transformed by the essence of Meng Fan's body, and is the symbol of the Creator. Throughout the ages, he has been the only **** who can create a great world in his body.

In this relic, there are many creatures. It can be said that half of the creatures in the ten thousand domains are in this relic.

When Meng Fan’s body was shattered, the origin of the great world was not annihilated, so it turned into this relic, but because this great world lost its master, its vitality and laws began to fail, and many powers also began to fall. The creatures ushered in a short "dark age" of only a hundred days or so.

At this moment, the relic returned to Meng Fan's origin. In this vast world, the sun and the day, the rivers flow, the four seasons alternate, the space is stable, the earth is heavy, the sky is strong, the vegetation grows, and all beings grow.

They have returned to the embrace of "the gods"!

The sentient beings also knelt down in excitement immediately, the billowing power of aspiration constantly surged into Meng Fan's body.

He took a deep breath and felt a steady flow of vitality.

The raging tide of ghosts calmed down.

Meng Fan moved his feet, ignoring the defenses of Swirling City, just walked out of Swirling City, into the void, and into the middle of the raging tide of ghosts.

The children of Chaos hidden in the tide of strange ghosts silently looked at Meng Fan, unexpectedly very neat, and withdrew a few steps back.

The heart is alive.

Meng Fan blinked his eyes lightly, holding the Sky-Splitting Spear, and pointed forward, buzzing... the void, ripples and undulations.

This ripple didn't seem to be anything special, but it was very fast, wave after wave, immediately covering the recent thousands of strange ghosts in the ripple.


Meng Fan said softly.

The void suddenly burst!

Law, vitality, space, many forces, all shattered into the smallest particles at this moment!

Thousands of strange ghosts were also divided into dust at this moment. Without waiting for the dust to gather again, the will of heaven and divine will spread out at the same time, and a wave of waves directly obliterated the broken consciousness of those strange ghosts.

Four thousand and five hundred strange ghosts were killed instantly!

The void, crazily collapsed!

Several sons of chaos were also affected, all of them lost most of their bodies, were severely injured, wailed in the air, and retreated madly.

In Swirling City, these giants who can only defend and cannot attack these days laughed in excitement. As soon as they moved, they jumped directly into the sky from the eyes of his guard and landed on Meng Fan's right side.

With his move, the originally very stable defense in Swirling City immediately became a little messy, and he invited Princess Moon to curse, and reluctantly broke away from his own standard. After all, the current defense of Swirling City lost a corner, which is equivalent to It was in vain, so she also came to Meng Fan's side.

The ancient emperor patted Yu Han on the shoulder, and also rose into the air.

Lonely and proudly supporting the empress, she went straight to Meng Fan.

Meng Niuniu followed lonely and proudly.

The six gods stood beside Meng Fan at the same time.

The seven main gods of the Dark Alliance, except for the Linglong Xinzun who is still in the chaos world, all gathered beside Meng Fan at this moment.

Then, it was Yang Zun.

The five dragon kings.

To be one.

Clouds fly up.

The sword reaches the sky.

Zhao Chuansheng.

One after another, the **** kings constantly vacated and gave up the defense. They came to Meng Fan's left and right, facing the tide of ghosts that had been killed by Meng Fan for thousands of miles.

In the Epoch Alliance, many gods and kings all rose from the ground, like fireflies flying in the wind on the grass plains, gathering towards Meng Fan.

This scene was completely stunned by Lei Tiangong, and he was even stunned. The tens of thousands of giant spirit races beside him looked like this, they were all dumbfounded.

As the powerful **** king who liberated all the giant spirit races back then, in his heart, race is everything, except for the giant spirit race, they are all enemies.

But he absolutely couldn't think that there really is a person in the primordial universe, who can let all races and gods abandon their prejudices and gather together!

Pure blood dragons, ancient gods, monsters, natural gods, various human forces, etc.

They all gathered beside Meng Fan.

More than two hundred gods.

Faced with hundreds of thousands of ghosts, hundreds of children of chaos.

It seems to be several times the enemy!

The Meng Fan standing among all the gods.

Just like the king of kings.

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