Supreme God King

Chapter 2531: First life

The ladder is very long, very long.

It is difficult to measure with numbers like tens of thousands of miles or tens of millions of miles.

But too one person never felt tired, because here, every time he breathed, the vitality he swallowed was more than ten times that of the heavens and the world, and the recovery of strength was amazing.

Although he doesn't know where it is, he can feel that everything is slow here, and no one is alive in the fear of the Great Tribulation. They have a long life span, so they are willing to climb so long. The ladder does not care about wasting time.

In this environment, too one person is vigorous and resolute, and his mind is relieved a lot.

He is not in a hurry.

He even hoped to get more secrets from Luolongzi.

"So, the catastrophe hanging on the head of the Great Primordial Chaos is very terrifying. He is not sure that he can survive his own catastrophe. His chance of becoming the King of Two Tribulations is very slim?"

Too continued to ask.

"There are two points, you are wrong." Luo Longzi smiled and corrected: "First, the probability that the Great Primordial Chaos will survive his disaster is very high. According to the speculation of several creation gods, he has about nine With the confidence of success, you can survive your own hit."

Too many people blinked, and couldn't react for a while.

Luo Longzi said: "There is even a creation **** who said that the Great Primal Chaos has a ninety-nine chance that he can survive his catastrophe."

Too one person was surprised: "If this is the case, why doesn't he dare to appear under heaven?"

"Because I'm not sure about that point." Luo Longzi smiled.

As soon as these words came out, too many people were moving, and they immediately understood.

The Great Primal Chaos can be called the first **** king in the primordial universe, not just in the heavens and all realms, he can almost count all the dimensions together.

When I just learned that the universe is divided into many dimensions, Taiyi people still doubted whether there are creatures older than Chaos Great. However, they learned about the special status of the Chaos Realm and obtained many ancient times from the creation gods. After the information, he learned that the Great Primordial Chaos should be the oldest **** king in the primordial universe.

And none of the **** kings of the same age as the Great Chaos Emperor were still alive.

The ancestors of humanity, the primordial dragon, and the elephant master have all become distant legends.

These legends are so far away that even the old monsters such as Qin Taichuan, the Five Emperors, and the Immortal King, who lived for one or two epochs, only learned these names from documents much older than them.

The only creatures from that era that have survived to this day are the Emperor Chaos himself.

As a million-year-old king of gods, too one person knows one thing deeply, that is that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. The younger the king, the lighter the life and death, and the older the king, the more fearful it is. death.

When he reached the realm of Chaos Great Emperor, he could create the true meaning of the Great Dao by himself, completely shield the Dao of Heaven, and become the opposite of the Dao of Heaven. From any angle, he could be immortal.

This immortality is not the immortality of other **** kings. Other **** kings have a long life span and seem to live forever. In fact, life span is millions or tens of millions of years. Some powerful **** kings may It is hundreds of millions of years and can live for several epochs, but their lifespan will always come to an end.

Just like the ancestor of humanity, in various legends, the ancestor of humanity is the second longest-lived creature in the universe. He lived to the beginning of the era of the heavens and the world. It was he who retained the humane fire of the heavens and the world until this era. There are three humane and prosperous worlds: Wanyu, Universe World, and Ziguang Empire.

However, the ancestor of humanity also fell, and his life was exhausted.

And the Great Chaos, because he was completely uncontrolled by the laws of heaven and order, he was truly immortal.

Since he can live forever, then even if it is a possibility, he will die under the catastrophe of his own life, he may not try.

He will do this unless ten thousand assurances can be passed.

"Then the second point? What did I say wrong?" Too asked.

"If you survive this catastrophe, Chaos Great Emperor is not the God King of Two Tribulations, but the God King of Nine Tribulations." Luo Longzi said.

Too was suddenly shocked.

Because of the arrival of the catastrophe of the kings of heaven and earth, Taiyi had already known that he was above the **** king, and that there were two **** kings, but when he heard Luo Longzi say the four words of the **** king of nine calamities, he was completely Shocked.

She was so shocked that she couldn't be more, and she was dumbfounded.

"Nine... Nine Tribulations God King?"

"Yes." Luolongzi nodded: "The heavens and all realms have gone through six epochs. From the very beginning, the Great Primordial Chaos has lived until now. Unlike many other **** kings, some **** kings, although They lived for several epochs, but because they were afraid of the catastrophe, they always avoided. When the catastrophe of the era passed, the catastrophe above their heads became weak, so they could survive another era safely.

There are many such divine kings, such as the impermanent immortal kings of the heavens and myriad worlds, who have escaped the catastrophe by cutting all cause and effect. For example, Qin Taichuan hid in a realm and escaped the catastrophe. There are some other **** kings, like another dimension that you don’t know about. There are three **** kings, called the three masters. They escaped their own catastrophe by jumping to a lower dimension. .

Therefore, many veteran **** kings who have lived for a few epochs are certainly strong because they have accumulated and brewed for a long time, but they are not strong in nature, because they have not become the **** kings of the Two Tribulations.

Of course, there are some other **** kings, including the ancestor of humanity you know, who survived his own disaster. The ancestor of humanity was the **** king of the Four Tribulations. He survived the last two epochs, but the most They escaped the first four catastrophes.

As for the Great Chaos, he experienced each epoch of the heavens and worlds. He had personally experienced it and took his own disaster indifferently. In addition to the heavens and the worlds, he also went to some other dimensions to forcefully lead There have been two hits, so he is the King of Eight Tribulations.

He was 100% sure that he was able to survive these eight hits.

Only this last time, he didn't have a certainty, so for a long time, he never walked out of the chaos world.

In the speculations of several creation gods, if he experiences another catastrophe, the Great Chaos may reach an unprecedented realm, a realm that no one can understand, and a realm that even the creation **** cannot predict. Even, it will change the structure of the entire universe, threatening the status of heaven. "

Hearing these words in the ears of one person, it was horrified and unimaginable, and it was difficult to understand for a while.

"The Gods of Creation are very powerful. Their most powerful force is their terrifying thinking and will, so they can deeply feel the changes and rotations of the will of Heaven. In the past tens of thousands of years, the Gods of Creation have been surprised to discover, In addition to anger, the Will of Heaven also derives another emotion.

In the past, there was only anger in the way of heaven. This emotion was born in the great dragon who first stepped into the source of the heavens. Because he plundered the power of the way of heaven, he prompted the way of heaven to produce his own will. The oldest will is anger. Until tens of thousands of years ago, the way of heaven had only this kind of emotion.

Now, there is an additional emotion in Heaven, which is fear.

For the fear of Chaos Emperor.

Because the Great Emperor Chaos was more and more sure about going through the ninth calamity.

The possibility of not going over is getting smaller and smaller. "

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