Supreme God King

Chapter 2532: doubt

Nine Tribulations God King.

Luo Longzi whispered.

"Every time you experience a catastrophe, the pillar of martial arts of the **** king will be stronger, and your understanding of the law and understanding of heaven will be one step closer. In other words, every time you experience a catastrophe, the distance between the **** king and the **** , Is one step closer.

The Great Emperor Chaos is the creature closest to Heaven. "

Ever since I met the God of Creation, when I got here, I met Luolongzi again, the concept of being too one person has been subverted and refreshed several times, and all views have been completely reversed.

"Do you have any questions?" Luo Longzi asked with a smile, very kind.

Here, Taiyi is a little uncomfortable, whether it is the peaceful **** king, the marble sky, or the smiling Luolongzi, Taiyi is very uncomfortable.

The Great Tribulation of the Era is coming, the Tribulation of Hit is brewing, all power is erupting, and the natural disasters of the end are endless, all beings are living under fear, there are no creatures, and they can truly show a smile.

I only heard that in the Ark of Universe, Meng Fan watched Linglong Xinzun being taken away. The Chaos Great Emperor who was possessed by Linglong Xinzun at that time showed a kind of randomness, a kind of peace, and a smile on his face. .

What kind of character can face safely in this doomsday natural disaster?

There is only such a person as Chaos Great Emperor who is extremely confident because of his strong strength.

"I want to know, God of Creation."

Taiyi finally asked the most important question.

Luo Longzi was silent for a moment, kept walking, and continued to climb upwards, whispering softly: "The God of Creation is the greatest enemy of Heaven and the parents of all our beings."

The light voice makes people feel pressured.

The face of the God of Creation was still vague in the eyes of Taiyi.

But Luo Longzi's next sentence shocked all too many people again.

"The Dao of Heaven has existed for far longer than you think. When the sun and the earth were still in utter silence, the Dao of Heaven was born billions of years before the Age of Creation, and at the same time, the God of Creation was born.

Every creation **** is born a **** king. "

"In that case, the Great Primordial Chaos is not the oldest creature in the world. The oldest creature in the cosmos should be the God of Creation?"

Too continued to ask.

"No, the Great Primordial Chaos is the oldest creature in the primordial universe. The God of Creation is not a creature, to be precise..."

Luo Longzi was silent for a moment and seemed to be thinking. It took a long while before he said: "It is difficult for me to explain what kind of existence the God of Creation is, but is Tiandao a creature?"

Too one frowned: "It doesn't count."

"So Chuangshi Shen is not a creature." Luo Longzi nodded.

Too many people did not understand.

He couldn't understand the meaning in Luolongzi's words.

Luo Longzi saw his doubts and explained: "Every creation **** is a heaven."

Too one person was stunned.

His brain is blank.

Luo Longzi continued: "It is not difficult to understand. Simply put, everything has a beginning. It is difficult to tell what the whole universe looked like before the birth of heaven. No one knows, but it must be nothingness. .

Until a certain moment, the **** of heaven appeared, and the **** of creation appeared almost at the same time. Whether the **** of heaven was born before or the **** of creation was born before, it is difficult to tell, even a few gods of creation could not tell. An answer.

They only know that they are not creatures, but are like the Dao of Heaven, they are an aggregation of laws. It can be said that they are exactly the same as the Dao of Heaven, and they are the Dao of Heaven.

The only difference is that the God of Creation has exactly the most lacking power of Heaven, that is, emotions and thinking.

The creation **** possesses the soul, not as a pure law aggregation like heaven.

This is the only difference between the God of Creation and the Way of Heaven.

In addition, whether it is the control of the laws of Heaven's Dao, or the kind of horrible thought seal similar to the will of Heaven's Way, the God of Creation and the Way of Heaven are very similar.

In the ancient years, the long years, that is, in what many **** kings now call the "Era of the Way of Heaven", in the entire universe, apart from the way of heaven, only a few creation gods are wandering around aimlessly.

The entire universe is empty except for laws and order.

Therefore, the creation gods have always wanted to find their origins, want to know where they came from, how they were born, and why they were born, so they have spent a very long time, almost a billion years, Created a second force in the cosmos, besides the law.

This power is vitality.

When the vitality is born, just as a small sprout begins to grow and bloom, with unlimited possibilities, exploding in the prehistoric universe.

Life was born.

In that era, in order to protect the oldest beings, many creation gods were born, blooming, rooting, and sprouting in all dimensions of the primordial universe. At the cost of self-dissipation, they used their bodies to protect those ancient beings from the heavens. Power obliterates.

These are the sights you see.

The birth of the oldest creatures originated from the creation gods’ doubts about their own existence. They are almost the same as the way of heaven, but the way of heaven cannot think and can only operate silently according to a fixed law. At the same time, the power of heaven is boundless. Unbounded, far beyond the power of every creation god, so the creation **** began to doubt.

At first they thought they were part of the way of heaven, but later discovered that they were not.

They think that they are another heavenly way, but their power is really small compared to heavenly way, and they can think.

This is how the oldest creatures were born. By creating creatures, observing them, and thinking about their origins, the God of Creation came to an answer, that is, God of Creation is an existence between all living beings and heaven.

In the long years, every creature in every dimension in the primordial universe, speaking of it, is a citizen of the Creation God, and it is them who have completely changed the entire universe. . "

Luo Longzi said, his face was full of admiration.

Taiyi suddenly stopped.

Luo Longzi turned his head in surprise.

Too one person spoke softly: "You mean that the universe, the universe, the living beings, including the countless heroes of today, the reason why they will appear, will be born, will compose such a vast and magnificent epic, is just because of what they are Thinking of existence without knowing it?"

Luo Longzi blinked his eyes and nodded gently and said, "You can say that."

Too many people laughed.

"You believe it?"

Luo Longzi said decisively: "Of course."

"Why?" Too asked with a smile.

"Why is there death? Why is there catastrophe? Why is there an era? Although everything happens there must be a cause, this is cause and effect, but no one doubts it, because many things in this universe are obvious. Undoubtedly. I have lived here for nine million years, just like you, because of the grace of the God of Creation, I have seen the origin of the entire universe, and I have also spied the infinite ancient secrets. More importantly, I have seen many The miracle of the **** of creation."

Luo Longzi answered faintly, the expression on his face did not change at all, as if too many people had asked a question with an obvious answer, and there was no need to answer it.

It's like asking why it's bright during the day and dark at night.

"Haha..." Too one person smiled, did not make any response, took the lead, walked in front of Luo Longzi, and continued to climb up the ladder.

He wants to see with his own eyes what miracles the so-called creation **** can perform!

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