Supreme God King

Chapter 2533: Creation Avatar

The top of the ladder.

Too one person saw a few creatures that were milky white, completely naked, and six or seven feet tall.

No, not a creature.

It is the **** of creation.

These creation gods, with their eyes open, there is no difference between the benevolence and the white of the eyes in their eyes, they are completely pale.

With such a sight, too one person frowned deeply, and the eyebrows were completely distorted.

The creation **** he had seen before, although his heart was beating, there was no sign of life at all, and his eyes were closed tightly.

The pair of pale eyes immediately reminded too one person was Meng Fan.

Creator Meng Fan, the biggest symbol, and one that is most familiar to the gods of the heavens and all realms, is his completely pale creation eyes. At this moment, the power and power revealed by these creation gods’ eyes The breath is exactly the same as Meng Fan's Eye of Creation.

And looking at these awakened creation gods, too many people tried their best, and they couldn't feel any signs of life in them.

In the eyes of Taiyi, these creation gods are masses of laws that are thick enough to form an entity, and there are billowing vitality, and some are condensed by laws, similar to the skin and flesh and blood of living beings, and they have more powerful spiritual power, but But no matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like a creature, but more like—

Incarnation of Heaven!

That's right, the discipline of the gods, the vitality of the gods, and the law of the gods, give people this feeling.

Too one person suddenly realized that the creation **** he met before did not have any signs of life on his body. It was not from a dying state, but the creation god. He was not a creature himself, so it should not be there. Any breath of life.

Standing on the edge of the void, he saw the five creation gods, silently fiddling with some silk threads.

It's like a woman spinning silk, very delicate and slight.

Too squinted his eyes, trying to see the silk threads, but no matter how he did it, he couldn't see the regularity of the silk threads, let alone the material of the silk threads.

"What are these creation gods doing?" Too asked.

Luo Longzi chuckled: "They are not the creation gods, to be precise... they are the incarnations of the creation gods. They are derived from the laws that the creation gods split from his body, just like gods. Although the king’s **** rebirth is exactly the same as the **** king, it is much weaker. However, although they are the creation incarnations, in our eyes, they have the same status as the creation god."

"Incarnation?" Too was taken aback for a while, he could clearly feel that the power of these incarnations was stronger than him, I don't know how many times!

"Those silk threads are not mysterious, they are some laws plundered from the source of the heavens. These creation incarnations constantly weave the laws of the source of the heavens and perform various arrangements in order to spy on some of the heavens. The secret of the source of origin. There are many "workshops" like this, and there are many incarnations of the creation gods who are doing this thing, but most of the time, the creation incarnations fail to understand from a'textile' What happened, has created one treasure after another, some of them fell into the prehistoric cosmos and were passed on as the'Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasure.

Between Luo Longzi's words and conversations, there was always secrets that shocked too many people inadvertently.

Thirty-three days treasure!

Regarded by many **** kings as the most powerful artifact in the primordial universe, the supreme **** weapon, the 33-day treasure, actually flowed from the hands of the creation incarnation!

"It's not what you think." Luo Longzi suddenly said, causing Tai Yi to shock. This Luo Longzi also seems to have a very powerful soul power. He could actually snoop out some of Tai's thoughts and immediately let Tai's People, be alert.

Seeing the vigilant look of a person too, Luo Longzi smiled again: "Don’t be so nervous, I can tell you directly, here, every thought of every creature will be clearly captured by the God of Creation. Before the **** of the world, thoughts are tangible. However, the **** of creation is like a parent who dotes on the child. He will not blame the child for his immature and immature thoughts. Throughout the ages, there have been a lot of creatures entering here from the outside world. , Indifferently there will be many creatures who doubt the God of Creation, but the God of Creation has never blamed it.

Just now, I didn't snoop into your thoughts. In the cosmos throughout the ages, no **** king can directly see the thoughts of other **** kings. Even the Great Chaos can't do it, and can only make deductions and guesses. The only one who can really see the thoughts of all beings is the Creation God, and I, as a divine envoy, can hear the creation God’s thoughts every moment. This is the glory that the Creation God bestows on me. Just now, your thoughts are creation. The world **** sensed it, and then told me.

You just thought that the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasures were passed down from the hands of the God of Creation, but that is not the case. The so-called Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasures, in fact, are the artifacts that control the most powerful laws of the universe. These treasures have the power to ignore all the laws of heaven and earth. For example, a robe that covers the sky can make a creature disappear completely. Under the control of Tiandao, it can even withstand ninety-nine percent of the laws and vitality attacks.

There is also a sky-splitting spear, which can penetrate directly even the barrier of dimension.

Simply put, any divine weapon with top strength and strong enough to ignore some laws of heaven can be said to be the Thirty-three Heavenly Treasure.

Some treasures are derived from the Tao of Heaven on its own. For example, in a distant age, Tiandao once injected a part of itself into the body of a **** king, turning that **** king into a very powerful puppet, powerful enough Facing the Great Emperor Chaos head-on, he finally died away. His body, which was also part of the Heavenly Dao, was refined into a Heavenless Umbrella. Now, it is in the hands of the first son of Chaos.

In addition, the Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasures are not thirty-three. The number of Thirty-Three Heavenly Treasures is definitely very rare, maybe only 20 or more, maybe hundreds. "

Luo Longzi said softly, with his hands behind him, silently watching the creation incarnations, spinning their heads down.

"How many creation gods are there in the universe?" Taiyi asked suddenly.

Luo Longzi shook his head, "Just as no one knows how many treasures there are in the thirty-three days. No one knows how many creation gods there are in the entire universe throughout the ages. There are many creation incarnations, and I live After so long, I have seen at least thousands of them, but the creation avatars are different from the blood rebirth of the **** king. They have no physical bodies, just laws, so over time, they will slowly dissipate. In other words, the creation avatars will not Can not be regarded as a **** of creation.

As a divine envoy, I can still see the God of Creation, but in the long years, the only God of Creation I have seen with my own eyes is only three. "

After speaking, Luo Longzi was taken aback for a moment, his expression was a little unnatural, and he said to Tai and the other person: "The God of Creation, who was brought back by you, has revived and wants to see you."

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