Supreme God King

Chapter 2537: remember

Beyond the sea, Qiankun's Ark and Conferred God's Ark were hibernating quietly. Above the Ark, many gods and kings were silently watching.

In the distance, the channel of the source of the heavens opened, and the surging catastrophe came.

Meng Fan, ushered in his third calamity.

His calamity is much stronger than the calamity caused by any **** king in the previous tide of calamity, and it is too vast to imagine. If the second calamity caused by other **** kings is Jianghe, then Meng Fan at this moment , The third calamity that led to it was as vast as the ocean.

Really like a vast ocean, the surging power is madly poured on him!

"The third calamity." The female emperor said solemnly: "Could it be that Meng Fan has incorporated a new kind of Dao's true meaning into the pillar of martial art, and has become stronger and intolerable by heaven, so the third calamity has come. ?"

Gu Huang said: "This is the only explanation."

"Before stepping into Wuhai, another calamity is ushered in, and it is not bad to become the God King of Three Tribulations." Zhan Tian giant grinned.

At this moment, on the Qiankun Ark and the Conferred God Ark, although all the **** kings remained silent, they were calm and calm.

No matter who it is, there is no doubt that Meng Fan can survive the third calamity.

Over time.

The catastrophe gradually disappeared.

Meng Fan walked out with a bright white luster. It was the rule that the Thunder did not dissipate, and he was still beating and flickering.

His temperament has become more pure.

What made the female emperor, the battle giant, the ancient emperor, and the Princess Yueyue all frown slightly, is that Meng Fan's temperament has not only become more pure, but...

To be precise, Meng Fan didn't feel like a creature anymore.

His breath, vast and excessive, his whole body strength, also infinitely extends into the surrounding void, it seems to be integrated with the whole world, indistinguishable.

At this moment, Meng Fan's temperament seemed to resemble the discipline of discipline, vitality, and law.

It's like the incarnation of heaven.

Therefore, the kings frowned.

Tianzhimei also squinted her eyes. She is also an extremely powerful **** king. She may be on the same level as Princess Yueyue, but the difference is not that big. She can feel the change of Meng Fan's temperament.

Meng Fan approached step by step.

Many **** kings felt a sense of depression, and even some **** kings retreated instinctively. It seemed that their laws and vitality were severely suppressed by Meng Fan, and they were a little breathless for a while.

Until Meng Fan approached.

He smiled at Tianzhimei and the empress, extremely gentle.

All the oppression in the heart of the **** king disappeared immediately, and he breathed out a long breath.

The strength of Meng Fan himself is so strong that he ranks first among the heavens and all realms. Even if Meng Fan, who has not achieved the Two Tribulations God King, faces the God King who stepped into the Two Tribulations, he did not flinch, and even had a great deal of strength. The odds of winning, for example, the Three Lords are the God King of Two Tribulations, but even before stepping into the Thirty Heavens, Meng Fan is not the God King of Two Tribulations. Any one of the three Lords alone is not Meng Fan’s. opponent.

The current Meng Fan is already the King of Three Tribulations, with multiple true meanings and the power of the Creator, holding the 33-day Arcane Sky-Splitting Spear, and the most famous artifact of the heavens and the world without the sea ancient ship, this Don't be too scary.

If it weren't for that smile, it would really make people forget that he was Meng Fan.

He would be regarded as a terrifying **** who descended from the source of the heavens.

Meng Fan jumped into the ark.

Immediately, Qiankun's Ark penetrated into Wuhai with a terrifying speed, crushing the vacuum!

Fengshen Ark followed closely behind.

In the Ark of Universe, Meng Fan sits firmly at the center, and every move is involved in the operation of the entire Ark. At this moment, he and the Ark of Universe are already integrated.

Beside him are five people: Zhantian Giant, Tianzhimei, Empress, Princess Yueyue, and Ancient Emperor.

"Emperor Chaos." Tian Zhimei whispered softly, "In our God Realm, have you never heard of this person, the strongest creature since ancient times?"

"It's all so legendary, as for the true and false." The giant Zhan Tian showed his unique sneer. "Hmph, I only know when I have seen it."

"Since ancient times, only the ancient ship without sea can cross Wuhai and reach the chaos world. The nine kings of the ancient era traveled through Wuhai on the ancient ship without sea. I heard that the ancestor of humanity also reached the chaos through the ancient ship without sea. World."

Gu Huang said softly.

Tian Zhimei curiously asked: "Then why everything can't pass through the sea without seas, and is either lost or corrupted, except for the ancient ship without sea? What is this ancient ship made of?"

"This is a huge secret, and it seems that no one has explored this secret since ancient times." The female emperor said softly, and suddenly looked at Tian Zhimei: "You really don't remember anything?"

In the words, a bit aggressive.

Hearing this tone, the ancient emperor and the princess Yingyue took a step back. Only the giant Zhantian still stared at the depths of Wuhai. His gaze wanted to extend to see the other end of Wuhai. The tone of the empress did not react at all.

Tian Zhimei looked at the empress and said softly: "Do you know me?"

"At first glance, I still can't believe it." The female emperor said quietly, "I thought I was wrong, but although Meng Fan didn't say anything, I know that many people know it the moment they see you, Ruo Shui Yizhen is resurrected."

The female emperor squinted her eyes: "Ruo Shuiyi, Meng Fan has no expression on his face, because he has become the creator, the spiritual leader of the entire dark alliance, and even the entire era alliance. He can't be happy or angry, but in his heart, Must be ecstatic, like a child, can't help laughing."

Tian Zhimei turned her eyes, looked ahead, and whispered softly: "Ruo Shuiyi, this is really my most familiar and strange name."

"The tide of ghosts."

Originally there was complete silence, but Meng Fan, who was focused on urging the Ark, suddenly spoke.

Without waiting for a few people to react, in the depths of the sea, a wave of strange ghosts appeared!

Hundreds of thousands of strange ghosts suddenly swarmed and rushed fiercely.

Meng Fan closed his eyes.

The eyeballs moved, stirring the eyelids.

The Ark of Universe suddenly shrank from its limit and became as large as a grain of rice, almost completely, disappeared from the prehistoric universe!

In an instant, an instant.

And the Ark of Conferred God, which followed the Ark of Qiankun, and was moving along the track, immediately lost its direction, lost its goal, and instantly hovered in place.

On the Ark of Conferred Gods, many gods and kings saw that the Ark of Universe suddenly disappeared, and they saw the sudden appearance of strange ghosts, they immediately looked solemnly.

But no one panicked.

After all, they had experienced the tide of catastrophe together, and they had a decisive battle. Their qualitativeness became extremely good. Although the tide of strange ghosts was huge, it was not enough to shock them.

In fact, there is only an Era Alliance with more than two hundred **** kings. There is no need for the Ark of Conferring Gods at all. It is completely possible to transfer all living beings and **** kings to the Ark of Universe, and then enter and leave freely in the sea. However, no one proposed This request.

Almost all **** kings have a tacit understanding, that is, the Era Alliance that has experienced so many winds and rains successively. It is also the only Era Alliance in the primordial universe that really confronts the tide of strange ghosts. Although there are many races and forces, they have gathered together. But it is already the number one power in the heavens and worlds, and it is impossible to put all people on an ark, and always have to stay behind. If the Era Alliance suffers a disaster, at least there will be fire.

This is the meaning of the existence of Epoch Alliance.

However, Fengshen Ark did not believe that when encountering a wave of strange ghosts, Qiankun Ark would suddenly disappear and abandon the Fengshen Ark.

The leader of Fengshen Ark is one, and he doesn't believe it at all.

They are all waiting silently.

The waiting time is not long.

Suddenly exploded in the raging tide of strange ghosts, raging laws and vitality raged wildly, forming violent storms, and rumbling!

It was the Ark of Universe, suddenly restored to its original state, jumping from a small space node back to the space plane where the kings were, completely disrupting the law and order.

The moment the Ark of Universe exploded, almost all the strange ghosts were involved in a turbulent vortex. Many strange ghosts were directly torn apart. At the same time, the beams of light in the Ark burst out, that is a god. Wang, outrageously attacked and killed the strange ghost.

Because of the appearance of Qiankun Ark, a new trajectory appeared.

The Conferred God Ark followed behind silently. On the Ark, many gods and kings turned their power to the extreme, strangling the strange ghosts along the way.

More than two hundred gods of the Two Tribulations.

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