Supreme God King

Chapter 2538: Assault

In the entire heavens and all realms, these two hundred **** kings must be the most powerful force.

The ancient emperor once said that any ordinary **** king, as long as he can survive the two calamities and become the **** king of the two calamities, he has the qualification to fight Meng Fan.

At that time, he was besieged in Swirling City, and the ancient emperor also said that as long as more than a dozen or twenty two-tribulation **** kings were born in the Era Alliance, there was the possibility of shredding and surrounding!

Now, it's not a dozen or so gods of the Two Tribulations.

It's two hundred and dozens!

These sudden waves of strange ghosts, in front of the Epoch Alliance, were like papers, they could not be resisted.

In the Ark of Universe, Meng Fan opened his eyes.

"Before drawing the knife, you must sharpen the knife first. Chaos Great Emperor, is this sending so many strange ghosts to serve as the sharpening stone of the Era Alliance?"

Meng Fan whispered, raising his hand, and bursts of creation power blessed the Ark of Universe and flowed quickly, making the Ark move faster, and the strange ghosts were broken one by one.

How vast is no sea?

Nobody knows.

Excluding the nine gods and many heroes who crossed Wuhai in the last epoch and reached the chaos world.

However, those heroic spirits have long since passed away.

And everything that happened here was watched clearly by a few pairs of eyes.

Are the three creation gods.

In their hands, there is a huge mirror, which reflects the scene in the sea, but it is very vague. After all, the sea shields almost all the power between the heaven and the earth, although the creation **** has a horrible deduction that can not be compared with the evolving soul. Ability, but through the mirror, it is impossible to see the edge of the sea without the sea, and it is impossible to clearly see everything happening in the sea without the sea.

"The creator, Meng Fan, became the King of Three Tribulations. Is it really only because he gained another great truth that he caused the third calamity?" asked a **** of creation.

"I can't figure it out." Another creator **** said: "No matter how you deduced it, you can't figure it out."

"In other words, it is possible that Heavenly Dao... is helping Meng Fan on purpose?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the creation gods became more solemn than ever.

There is nothing magical about Meng Fan being able to survive the third catastrophe. Although the divine king’s catastrophe has wiped out 90% of the creatures who can become the divine king since ancient times, the catastrophe will also wipe out more than four-fifths. God King, the horror of every catastrophe is far beyond the last catastrophe.

But in the endless deduction of the creation god, Meng Fan can survive the third catastrophe.

It can even be said that the probability of failing to survive is very small.

Because Meng Fan's strength is indeed very powerful.

As Xiaotiandao, Meng Fan's potential is endless. In some of the deductions of the creation gods, his potential can even be comparable to that of the Chaos Emperor of the year!

In other words, if he was not born in this era, but in the era of Chaos Great Emperor, Meng Fan would almost undoubtedly grow into the second Chaos Great Emperor.

It's just that in this era, because there are too many powerful men and too many creatures in the world, and the way of heaven, it is not the aggregation of laws that operate silently back then. It has its own will and incarnation.

Therefore, in this era, the possibility of the birth of another Chaos Emperor is very slim.

Even so, it is not difficult for Meng Fan to survive his own disaster.

Even in the deduction of a few creation gods, he could survive the next fourth hit.

The coming of this third calamity of the hit made several creation gods feel surprised, because the calamity of this hit came too hasty!

Compared with the last time Meng Fan’s catastrophe broke out, it can be said that the catastrophe was brewing for many years on the 30th day of the sky, and it almost broke out several times, and then went out, because there was no certainty that it could be eliminated. Meng Fan beheaded, and finally came, because Meng Fan was in the weakest moment, the soul was still in the realm of the **** king, but the physical body completely collapsed.

And this time, Meng Fan, who has just incorporated the meaning of Hongyuan into the pillar of martial arts, and because of the charm of the sky, his mind is very full, and the whole person can be said to be in a state of prosperity anytime and anywhere, impeccable, but at this moment, hit The disaster has come.

Therefore, the three creation gods all have a very unclear premonition, that is, the way of heaven, deliberately helping Meng Fan to improve his strength and realm.

Why does Tiandao do this?

There is almost only one answer.

The creation gods have the most powerful soul power in the universe. They can understand the thoughts of other creation gods with little communication with each other, and they can even feel each other a few dimensions away.

Therefore, Meng Fan, as a small heaven, is the key news to fill the loopholes in the heaven, and all the creation gods know it.

"Meng Fan must be killed immediately." A **** of creation took a deep breath: "If Heaven has a mind, then all creatures will completely become playthings of Heaven, and their birth and death will be controlled by Heaven. All sentient beings, any existence that threatens the Dao of Heaven, including us, must be killed in the shortest possible time!"

Huh huh!

Lights and shadows suddenly descended, each with milky white skin, a few feet tall, and an extremely perfect figure, as if it were the most exquisite artwork in the world.

One by one, all are creation gods!

There are dozens of them.

They looked at the mirror together, and they were all lost in thought.

Every thought of every creation **** can be clearly felt by other creation gods, so they don't need to speak.

"There are too few who can kill Meng Fan. Those who can be called his opponents, we can find only a pair of hands."

"Yes, with one pair of hands, but those characters who have been blessed by our strength enough to fight against Meng Fan are the top characters in the primordial universe. Their minds and minds are all incomparably powerful. How can we be Manipulation? Is it worthwhile to continuously plant the stamp of thought to turn them into servants of us like puppets of the heavenly path?

"You can do this, but even if we do, are those creatures sure that they can kill Meng Fan?"

"Meng Fan is in charge of the will of heaven. If a creature that has been turned into a puppet by our thoughts is approaching him, he can immediately detect it. Even if the creature does not appear, Meng Fan will be prepared."

"The chance of success is too small."

"So, this person who kills Meng Fan must be voluntary."

"It would be great if it was someone who knew him."

After some exchanges, dozens of creation gods suddenly disappeared.

They started to think.

Use their powerful soul power to think and calculate.

Why is the creation **** the most powerful existence in the universe?

Just like the evolving soul, in the long years, with thoughts as a bet, it will continue to absorb the souls of other gods and strengthen his will. When an ordinary **** king can think about 50,000 messages at the same time, the evolving soul can think Five hundred million, so of course, the evolving soul possesses terrifying computing power.

And the soul of the creation **** is almost the same as the evolving soul.

In other words, the evolving soul has the same calculation ability as the creation god.

But the derivation of the soul is absolutely impossible to be like the creation god. Before Meng Fan was born, even if he will become a small heaven, it will become the key to fill the holes of the heaven.

The reason is that the calculation ability of each individual creation **** is not much different from that of the evolving soul, but the spirits of all creation gods are connected together!

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