Supreme God King

Chapter 2539: Big kill

Dozens of creation gods are performing amazing calculations.

Each creation **** is equivalent to an evolving soul, and the spirits of the two creation gods are connected, colliding and intertwining each other, which is an infinite spark. They can think together and have computing power. One plus one is greater than two.

How amazing is the calculation ability of dozens of crude creation gods!

They are looking for any way to kill Meng Fan.

For a long time, a **** of creation first opened his eyes.

He came up with an answer.

After a while, all the creation gods opened their eyes one after another.

"The Central Emperor."

"Sumi God Buddha."

"Three masters."

The three creation gods, who respectively said three names, are all qualified to kill Meng Fan, and they are likely to be willing to kill Meng Fan's existence.

"Xumi God Buddha can't do it. He is now constantly cutting off cause and effect, and wants to emulate the impermanence immortal king of the year, get out of all the shackles, and get out of this era of catastrophe."

"The impermanence immortal king has always wanted to regain cause and effect. He chased and killed the **** Xumi for a long time, but he fought against each other several times and did not distinguish the real victory or defeat. If we help the impermanence immortal king obtain cause and effect, we promise to give With his unprecedented power, can he be willing to kill Meng Fan for us?"

Several creation gods immediately closed their eyes and began to think about these words, whether there was such a possibility.

After a long while, a **** of creation said: "If the impermanence immortal king gains cause and effect, it will become an unprecedented existence. This existence, called the'Buddha' in the cosmos, will have many uncertain factors. Even, he will be so powerful that we can't control it."

"So, what about the Central Emperor?"

"This is a good choice, but it may not be successful. The Central Emperor is rebellious in nature. Although he has been severely injured by Meng Fan several times, strictly speaking, he has never failed in his life, and even Meng Fan praised the Central Emperor several times. He is a rare hero in the ages, can he take orders from us?"

"For the time being, the central emperor has another identity, the heir of humanity and orthodoxy. According to calculations, there are still many heirs of humanity and orthodoxy in this era.

The creator Meng Fan even surpassed the central emperor in humanity and luck, and approached the position of humanity and orthodoxy infinitely, but he gave up. He chose sentient beings instead of humanity, so he became the creator, not the leader of humanity. .

If we help the central emperor and make him stronger than ever, will he complete the feat that the ancestor of humanity has not been able to accomplish in countless years and build another kind of supreme avenue? "

"What the ancestor of humanity did is just an imagination. In our endless deductions, we have not found any signs that can make his imagination a reality. How can the Central Emperor do it?"

"Yes, it is only an imagination of the ancestors of humanity to replace the heavens with humanity, to replace the heavens, to act for the heavens, and to become the master of the universe. He once thought that because all beings obey the order of the heavens, the heaven is supreme, so if all beings obey Humane order, is humanity supreme? So, can humanity replace heaven? This is a very magnificent and magnificent imagination, but it is just an imagination."

"In this case, you can find the Central Emperor."

A **** of creation nodded immediately and disappeared immediately.

"What about the three masters?"

"The words of the three masters, in the process of chasing Meng Fan, because Meng Fan crossed too many dimensions, the three masters were lost. Between them and Meng Fan, they were isolated from hundreds of dimensions. It was an insurmountable gap. They also hate Meng Fan. The three masters are stubborn and afraid of death. If we can help them avoid this era of catastrophe and give them the power to kill Meng Fan, they will definitely do it."

"it is good."

Another **** of creation, left directly.

"Is it enough to rely on the Three Lords and the Central Emperor to kill Meng Fan?"

"Not enough." Several creation gods said at the same time, their tone and attitude were exactly the same, they were completely synchronized, and the spirits were blended: "Even though the three masters and the central emperor are powerful, the current Meng Fan is better than when I met them. At the time, I don’t know how much stronger they are. Even if they get our strength blessings, they have no certainty that they can kill Meng Fan. If they can’t..."

"A character like Meng Fan, as long as he doesn't die, no matter what he experiences, he will become stronger and stronger."

"Those who can't kill him are his sharpening stones."

"So, we still need to think of more means."

"Emperor Chaos," said a **** of creation.

Many creation gods fell into silence, and then began endless deductions.

This time the deduction lasted for an hour.

Then, all the creation gods revived at the same time.

"Meng Fan is the leader chosen by the Great Primordial Chaos from the heavens and worlds in this era. Like the nine ancient gods, Meng Fan is a fish of the Great Primal Chaos."

"Using Meng Fan’s physical body, Emperor Chaos was able to create a very powerful son of Chaos. At the same time, the true meaning of the great avenues in Meng Fan’s body was also the most memorable. The power of waiting is completely the opposite of the Dao of Heaven. If he obtains the true meaning of the Dao Dao in Meng Fan's body and pushes the true meaning of the Dao Dao back out, he will become even stronger.

"Are we going to help the Great Chaos and kill Meng Fan?"

"Even if Meng Fan is strong, he is not an opponent of Chaos Great. We don't need to do this. What we need to do is to let Chaos Great know the meaning of Meng Fan's existence, and let Chaos Great know that once Heaven gains Meng Fan, he will With thinking, by then, I am afraid that Emperor Chaos will not be able to oppose the way of heaven."

"If the Great Primordial Chaos knew the meaning of Meng Fan, he wouldn't have any delay, and would not hesitate to kill Meng Fan without hesitation!"


"We, the God of Creation, the Dao of Heaven, and the Great Chaos, maintain the balance of the entire universe. We are afraid that the Dao of Heaven has a mind, and the Great Chaos is also afraid."

"This is feasible. As long as the Great Primordial Chaos knows about this, Meng Fan will definitely die. There is no possibility of surviving."

"There is only one question left, how do we tell this news to Emperor Chaos?"

Many creation gods fell silent again.

Yes, how does this news spread into the Chaos Realm that is wrapped in Wuhai, except for the ancient ship of Wuhai, that no force can reach?

In fact, it is not difficult.

The eyes of several creation gods flashed immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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