Supreme God King

Chapter 2541: Fall into no sea

Qiankun's Ark and Conferred God's Ark still penetrated into Wuhai at the speed of smashing the vacuum.

It's already the fourth day.

If it weren't for Meng Fan to grasp the meaning of time, the kings wouldn't know how long it had passed. Here, there is no concept of time.

In the four days' time, Era Alliance encountered several strange ghost waves, but they were all calm.

On this day, Meng Fan continued to move forward with the huge Ark of Universe.

With the sound of footsteps, Princess Yue and Emperor Gu came in.

"Meng Fan, how long will it take?" Gu Huang said solemnly.

"I don't know." Meng Fan replied very decisively.

The ancient emperor took a deep breath: "Can you see the other shore?"

"I can't see clearly." Meng Fan whispered: "I opened the eye of creation several times and looked far away, but I couldn't see the other shore. I only know that the Ark of Universe has been moving forward without losing its way. As for how long it will take to get there. The chaos world may be in the next moment, maybe, it will take several years."

"Era Alliance, a little restless." The ancient emperor continued. After speaking, he took a few steps forward, looking through the Ark of Universe, looking into the distance: "Here, there is no sense of time and space, and there is no vitality. With the law, everything is empty, and the king of God will be lost."

"If it weren't for Qiankun's Ark, the kings would have been lost." Princess Yueyue said coldly.

In Wuhai, except for a few powerful **** kings, most of the **** kings are a little restless.

Imagine a person who stays in a completely empty world with nothing for several days in a row, and can't even feel the passage of time, of course he will be terrified.

Only Meng Fan, the ancient emperor, the Princess Yueyue, the giant of the sky, the Zhiweiyi, and the Lei Tiangong were not affected at all.

"It is not because the kings of Qiankun Ark are not lost." The ancient emperor shook his head: "Because Meng Fan is here, the kings still have strong beliefs."

"Gu Huang, you are Meng Fan's biggest adversary, the mountain of Wanyu, so holding his stinky feet?" Princess Yingyue sneered.

As soon as he said this, the ancient emperor's eyes changed slightly, a burst of anger, and the laws of his whole body surging violently, forming waves of waves all over his body, like red and blue fish scales.

Inviting Moon Princess squinted her eyes, her vitality immediately surging, a white robe with black plum blossoms fluttering, cold and gorgeous, in her palm, five nodes formed, vaguely a five-pointed starburst array.

The meaning of the seal.

Murderous intent emerged!

Invite the moon princess, the ancient emperor, the battle giant, the female emperor, four people, it can be said that

The four walls of this era alliance.

In terms of strength, the ancient emperor and the princess Yueyue can be said to be equal to each other. The strength of the battle giant is firmly above the two. The female emperor, compared with the three, is inferior to the top. , But the influence, fame, and identity of the empress, as a woman of Meng Fan, made her one of the undisputed four walls.

Others, like Lei Tiangong, are lonely and arrogant, and have to surpass the female emperor in strength, but they either don't control the situation or have insufficient influence.

However, without Meng Fan, in private, these four gods would not deal with each other.

As the oldest and most powerful overlord of the Ten Thousand Domains, the ancient emperor, the mountain above the heads of the Ten Thousand Domains, his domineering and temperament are great.

Princess Yingyue is too arrogant. Her personality is somewhat similar to that of the Supreme One, but the Supreme One infinitely worships Meng Fan, so she admires and respects many elders in the Dark Alliance. There are certain rules, and the invitation to Princess Yue is really arrogant.

As for the others, the Zhantian Giant and the Empress had some grudges with the ancient emperor.

In addition, among the four gods and kings, apart from the Zhantian Giant and the female emperor, they have some friendship, and the others are all because of Meng Fan, and they have no friendship at all.

This point can be clearly seen from the fact that when the Era Alliance was besieged and killed by a wave of strange ghosts in the swing city, the opinions of several gods were divided, which caused the entire Era Alliance to fall apart.

Therefore, the words of Princess Yueyue naturally aroused the anger and killing intent of the ancient emperor, and Princess Yueyue was not a Yang Zun, she was gentle and frugal, and could treat everyone very humbly. Therefore, the ancient emperor burst out of killing intent and invited Yue. The princess also broke out with killing intent without hesitation!

"You two have to use all the means to fight each other. The outcome is five or five points, which means you will lose both." Meng Fan sat down and said without looking back: "You are all quite old, can you not do children's things? ?"

Princess Yingyue and the ancient emperor still confronted each other without saying a word, but their vigilance had reached their limit.

It took a long time for the ancient emperor to disperse the killing intent first. After all, he was an ancient **** king, and his temperament was still much calmer. Needless to say, Meng Fan didn't have any definite assurance about the strength of Princess Yueyue, only that Princess Yueyue was very powerful.

He stepped back first, and Princess Yueyue also lost his killing intent, but unlike the ancient emperor, as if nothing had happened, Princess Yueyue let out a cold snort.

"When the Era Alliance fell apart, Meng Fan returned, allowing the kings to gather again and have faith." The ancient emperor said lightly: "Finally, the tide of calamity came and 80% of the gods fell

Now, isn’t this result exactly the same as my plan? Just because it was Meng Fan that caused this result, the kings did not fight in anger or fight in their nests. The current era alliance is also stable because of the existence of Meng Fan. Those restless **** kings can't do anything. This is a fact, little girl, you are still young. Of course, you can't see the facts clearly, and you can only get angry. "

When Princess Yueyue, who had just calmed down, heard it, she was immediately vigorous again, her eyes were cold to the extreme, staring at the back of the ancient emperor.

"Either take action, or just keep me back!" Gu Huang said loudly without looking back, letting his back show in front of Princess Yueyue.

"Okay!" Princess Yingyue smiled suddenly, but she was extremely cold, stepping on her feet, and at an astonishing speed, she came directly to the back of the ancient emperor, spread her five fingers, blasted her with one palm, and hit the ancient queen's heart!

The meaning of the seal is pouring without reservation.

With this palm, Princess Yingyue locked the ancient emperor’s internal organs, soul and origin, to be direct and seal his whole body power, quite fierce!

Gu Huang also turned abruptly.

It's like night suddenly turns into day.

The entire space has undergone tremendous changes and strong distortions.

Both of them did their best at this moment!

The existence of the first-level **** king, especially the **** kings such as the ancient emperor and the princess Yaoyue, are easy to stay calm, and they will inevitably kill people!

Therefore, neither of them left any affection.

After all, in comparison, the ancient emperor and the battle sky giant and the female emperor are all acquainted and understand each other, and they are not so angry. Similarly, the impression of the moon princess against the battle sky giant is not bad, and it is even less likely to fight against each other. .

Only these two people can fight each other with a lore mentality!

Just when the two were about to collide.

Suddenly, a blue shirt floated between the two of them. The blue shirt waved both hands and hit the ancient emperor and Princess Yaoyue for 7,000 consecutive times, breaking the two's vitality defense and the torrent of laws. The powerful will descended on the souls of the two of them, making their minds blank for an instant, and then they were thrown out of the Ark of Universe by Qingshan and fell into Wuhai.

Throwing the two **** kings out in one sigh, Meng Fan stood gently, with a slender figure, silently watching the two **** kings lost in the sea without paying attention, and turning to look at those in the sea A node.

At this moment, the Zhantian Giant was startled by the sound of fighting and walked in slowly.

"What's wrong?"

Zhantian Giant asked.

"Chaos Realm, here." Meng Fan said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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