Supreme God King

Chapter 2542: Epic Carol

Qiankun's Ark stepped out of that piece of complete nihility. =

Entering the eye is a world almost exactly the same as the worlds of the heavens.

When this world completely came into the eyes of the kings of the Era Alliance, all the kings were in a trance.

"Did we lose our way in Wuhai and come back again?" Zhan Tian giant asked in surprise.

Meng Fan closed his eyes and opened them again, sweeping all the sights in front of him with pale eyes of creation. After a long time, his eyes settled down and became clear again.

"Here, there is no law of heaven."

In a word, it breaks the essence.

The Zhantian Giant was stunned for a while, and immediately changed his own laws, echoing the surrounding laws of the void, and suddenly opened his eyes. Sure enough, there is no law of the heavens and the world!

There is vitality, vitality, almost everything, the only thing that is not, is the law, the power of heaven.

Even at the moment when he stepped into this place, Zhan Tian giant suddenly discovered that the power of Era Great Tribulation had also disappeared.

"This is the Chaos Realm, the end of Shenyin." Meng Fan exhaled a long breath: "We are here."

Chaos world.


A realm that is very similar to the heavens and all realms and all places in the primordial universe. The only difference is that there is no law of heaven, and it is not bound by heaven.

The Ark of Universe is still drifting slowly.

Fengshen Ark followed closely behind.

Everything seems very peaceful.

But all **** kings are extremely vigilant in their hearts.

Meng Fan slowly moved the pillar of martial art, and found that after losing the shackles of the heavenly way, his power was running extremely smoothly, and his combat power increased by more than 50%, especially because he lost the lock of the catastrophe. There is also a thrill of diving from the sky, the mind is completely unblocked, without any obstruction.

Not only him, although the kings are wary in their hearts, the feeling of freedom and freedom from any force is also real.

"I can't see the boundary of this world." After searching for a while, Meng Fan said softly: "No matter which direction you look in, there is no end--no!"

Meng Fan suddenly saw it.

In this place very much like the heavens and worlds, a vast continent appeared.

The heavens and worlds are different from many other dimensions.

No matter it's 30th heaven

, Or God's Domain, is a complete world, or a huge land, or has a complete world power.

It's like being in the Thirty Heavens. Although each Heaven is isolated from each other, the Thirty Heavens is essentially a world, but it is completely isolated by the power of the Three Lords.

God's Domain is a whole continent. It is only in the marginal area. Because of the decay of vitality, it is very empty. There are only some scattered creatures. The central area, because of the power of ambition, is the core of the entire God's Domain.

But the heavens and myriad worlds are completely different. They are scattered large worlds, separated by the path of divine hiding.

This is because of the ancient era, that century war.

The nine kings of the gods and countless heroes fought against the Great Emperor Chaos and his many sons of Chaos. As a result, huge power penetrated the realm of Chaos and reached the worlds of heavens, tearing the entire worlds of heavens and all worlds, creating the gods of the hidden world The road also makes the worlds completely separated.

If the heavens and myriad worlds were originally a complete piece of cloth, the path of the divine hidden was like a pair of scissors that had been cut indiscriminately.

At this moment, the continent that Meng Fan saw was simply too big, he could not see the end at all, and even the part he saw was hundreds of times larger than Wanyu!

"Here is a dimension." Meng Fan smiled. "It turns out that the realm of Chaos is not part of the worlds of the heavens. It is a separate dimension. In a very old age, the Great Chaos didn’t know how to cross the barriers of dimensionality, arrived here, and reshaped the world. And use this as a node, and continue to connect all dimensions, so it has become the center of the universe.

We are now on the periphery of the Chaos Realm. This place is like the heavens and myriad realms, divided into a great world by huge power. It can be imagined that this is the first battlefield of the Ancient Era, the nine kings of the gods and the Chaos Great Emperor. Also torn. "

"Then the Great Chaos, where is it?" Zhan Tian giant frowned, his fists were already squeezed, and he could see the fighting spirit.

"First save Yingyue and Gu Huang." The empress suddenly appeared in front of her and said softly.

At this moment, in the sea of ​​no sea, the ancient emperor and the princess Yueyue had been lost, but the ancient emperor could still rely on the little connection between the will of heaven and heaven to move in the direction of Meng Fan, but it was very slow and very difficult.

Meng Fan casually

Taking a look, the palm of the hand moved, and the huge Qiankun Ark immediately shrank to a fist. Shuttle into the sea of ​​no sea, it would invite Princess Yue and the ancient emperor to get involved, and then flew back in the blink of an eye, bringing the two closer.

The faces of the ancient emperor and the princess Yaoyue were still in a trance, as if they were awakening from a big dream. Seeing everything in front of them, they felt unreal, like a dream.

This is the horror of Wuhai. When the spirit of Meng Fan entered Wuhai, he was almost lost even though there were multiple great avenues in his body. If it weren't for the thought that Linglong Xinzun planted in his heart, he would be completely lost.

The same is true for Gu Huang and Princess Yueyue.

After a few breaths, the ancient emperor, who had a trace of providence, woke up first, looked at Meng Fan, stood up silently, patted his robe, still the emperor’s indifferent look, and he didn’t care at all. .

After a while, Princess Yingyue recovered and looked at Meng Fan with anger in her eyes and gritted her teeth. However, according to her personality, she did not make a bold move, but said in surprise: "There is no law of fluctuation, no power of heaven, This is... Chaos World?"

"It's the Chaos Realm." Zhantian Giant smiled and nodded: "I'm very curious, what will Chaos Great Emperor use to greet us?"

Qiankun's Ark was integrated into Meng Fan's palm.

Pillars of light, continuously lasing, quickly fell beside Meng Fan, and gathered into a torrent. The **** kings here, each of them, are the two-kilosis **** king, more than two hundred **** kings, unprecedented Powerful, there are too many legends from the heavens and all realms.

Creator Meng Fan.

The first generation overlord of Wanyu, Gu Huang.

The leader of the funeral invites Princess Yue.

The source of the great war of the giants.

Lei Tiangong, leader of the giant spirit tribe.

The leader of the Conferred God World is one.

All kinds of powerful men gathered together, standing on the edge of the chaos world, silently looking at the depths of the chaos world, waiting for what is about to happen.

They stepped into the chaos realm, they are already the same legend as the nine gods of the ancient era.

In Swing City, after experiencing the tide of catastrophe, the entire Era Alliance has attracted the attention of almost all the gods of the heavens and the world.

Their every move is seen by everyone.

In the end, the scene of stepping into the chaos world was seen by many people.

And since then recorded in the history books.

(End of this chapter)

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