Supreme God King

Chapter 2548: Man can conquer the sky

The projection of crushing and killing Emperor Xuanhuang suddenly slowed down.

A very familiar voice sounded by Meng Fan.

It is an ode to the humanitarian chapter.

It is magnificent and vast, like an epic from the oldest era of the beginning, at the moment when humanity gradually emerged.

One hundred sages of humanity appeared one after another.

Their pillars of martial art have an amazing resonance at this moment. They are no longer a hundred **** kings who promote one by one. Instead, they are transformed into a whole. A power that Meng Fan has never seen before appears. This kind, vaguely like the way of heaven, but a completely different power.

No one knows what the way of heaven looks like. It may not have its own form. As a group of law and power, the way of heaven is embodied by infinite order and laws in the primordial universe. Those frames that cannot be broken, It is the way of heaven in the hearts of all beings.

And when these humanity hundred sages appeared, the power and magnificent aura they released were vaguely like the heavenly way, but the order they displayed was completely different from the heavenly way.

Courtesy, wisdom, faith, filial piety, change, attack, retreat...

Everything and so on is not order, but more like dogmatic things, rushing toward the face, condensed into a monolith, the aura of civilization, endless, stretching to the edge of the extreme.

Emperor Xuanhuang was shocked.

His expression was almost sluggish. He quietly looked at the Humane Hundred Sages who approached him, and suddenly his hands trembled and said, "This is humanity...This is the power I can't grasp in my life..."

And because of the shackles of the humane chapter, the Chaos Great Emperor's projection, which slowed down, showed a trace of... shock on that face!

Throughout the ages, all beings in the heavens and the earth, whoever is strong, have been looking for ways to go against heaven and ignore the iron law. The process of their search is their way.

The so-called road is also the road.

On the road, there is always a goal.

The kings of heaven and earth walked on their own way, looking for their own goals, each with their own achievements, so there were three thousand great ways, infinite profound meaning.

The Great Emperor Chaos stood on the opposite side of the way of heaven, imitating the true meaning of the great way, and created the laws of sentient beings. As the way of heaven wants all life and death, he creates reincarnation, and the way of heaven wants order, so he creates chaos.

Other strong men also have their own ways.

But throughout the ages, I have never heard of any **** king who truly came to the end of his avenue and truly rebelled against the sky.

And humanity originated from the ancestor of humanity. The third **** king of the prehistoric universe changed the human race, created the characters, wrote the law, and first proposed "walking in the sky", allowing the entire human race to recuperate in accordance with the laws of heaven. Exploring oneself, but on this basis, Human Race has created its own avenues.

These avenues seem to agree with heaven.

But it is not God's will.

what is this?

When the humane hundred sages are getting closer.

The phantom of the Great Primal Chaos broke apart!

The picture of the humane hundred sages walking is like a earth-shattering painting. In front of this painting, everything is eclipsed.

Then, the Hundred Sages of Humanity continued to move forward in silence, and gradually walked into the depths of the chaotic world.

In that depth, in the mist that obscures the sky.

A tall figure is looming.

That is not the figure of Chaos Great Emperor.

It is the deity of Emperor Chaos!

The Hundred Saints of Humanity also disappeared in that mist.

Emperor Xuanhuang sat down on the spot. The expression on his face was very complicated. I don’t know whether it was shock or pain. Because of the battle with the projection of the Chaos Emperor, his body had been overdrawn to the extreme, and his life was approaching. In the end, he didn’t. Leave any last words, just sit back and disappear without a trace.

Time gradually passed.

Suddenly, a huge force, an indescribable force, suddenly exploded from the depths of the chaos realm, extended out, broke through the sea, and rushed into the heavens and all realms, a path of divine hiding, instantly formed, countless The world was also torn apart. I don't know how many creatures were destroyed in front of this unprecedented terrifying force!

The edge of the chaos world was also directly shattered by this force and turned into dust in the sky.

Those heroic spirits who stepped into the world of chaos, as well as ghosts and children of chaos, were also crushed directly without reservation.

The chaos world fell into silence.

Meng Fan couldn't see what happened to the heavens and the worlds, but he could guess that at this time, in the heavens and the worlds, the Great Tribulation of the Era should have come completely, and sentient beings were experiencing various destructions.

Not long.

A person floated out of no sea.

A middle-aged man, dressed in a red and white robe, was broad and heavy, with a kind and kind appearance, but at this moment, his expression was very serious.

He didn't actually pass the ancient ship without sea, so he walked into the Chaos World, collecting scattered ancient ship fragments along the way.

Seeing this scene, Meng Fan trembled violently.

He had already guessed who this person was.

The middle-aged man stepped into the shattered chaotic world. He watched from side to side, his gaze deeper and deeper, and finally, his gaze fell into the depths of the chaotic world, in the thick mist, and he whispered: "The Great Chaos, meet for the first time, come It's abrupt."

In the mist, a figure appeared again.

Walk out slowly.

A vital sign, very complicated, and there is no way to identify the creatures of the race. Walking out of the mist, it is Meng Fan who saw the emperor Chaos through the infinite distance beyond the sea!

It's just that in this scene from the last era, the deity of the Great Primordial Chaos has dense wounds all over the body, and there are many mysterious marks. Those marks are all human words-"Benevolence, righteousness, Taoism... …" The words and so on, like a seal, were deeply imprinted on his body and severely wounded him.

Originally in Meng Fan’s cognition, the Ancient Era was the encounter between the nine great gods and many heroes and the Chaos Emperor. The collision of various powerful forces created the path of divine hiding and divided the heavens and the world. It turns out that the one who really forced the Great Primordial Chaos to exert his full power and divide the heavens and the realms was actually the Hundred Saints of Humanity!

In that battle, the Great Primordial Chaos was not unscathed, and the Hundred Sages of Humanity severely injured him!

"The ancestor of humanity." Chaos Great Emperor said softly. Although he was seriously injured, he was still smiling. The style of the first person in ancient times is really hard to conceal: "These years, living in the chaos world, are really boring, those The ancient powerhouses have now fallen, and what is left is to talk about a few, and you have changed the entire human race and created humanity. In the entire universe, you are ranked in the forefront. This is the first time I have met with you. I'm really lucky to see you, but I'm so lucky to see you, but... your life is about to die.

"Yes." The ancestor of humanity nodded slightly: "It is enough to live for five eras."

"Unexpectedly, you actually created humanity." Chaos Great Emperor raised his head.

"No." The ancestor of humanity denied. "It was not I who created humanity. In my hands, humanity is just a bud. It took countless hours, countless human races, and common hard work to create today's humanity. What I really created is inheritance. The words are The carrier of civilization, morality, is the carrier of spiritual inheritance. The inheritance from generation to generation allows civilization to never break and the spirit to last forever. Until today, it has accumulated into the humanity you have seen. It is a pity, a pity ...These hundred sages fell into your hands, and humanity declined rapidly at the peak moment..."

"The power displayed by Hundred Sages is comparable to the Tao of Heaven. Maybe it's really like what you said. When humanity develops to its extreme, all living beings obey it. Then humanity is the Tao of Heaven." The Great Primordial Chaos voice was full of praise: "I remember. You said many years ago that man is sure to conquer the sky, haha... It seems that it is not a joke."

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