Supreme God King

Chapter 2549: Live to death

When the third **** king of the universe met with the first eternal creature, the Great Emperor Chaos, all the scenes came to an end!

Very abrupt and without warning.

Meng Fan's gaze returned to the present. At this moment, those pale eyes of creation were suddenly blindfolded, restored to their original state, and could see nothing.

There was even a sharp sting in his eyes. This sting caused him to step back a few steps before being supported by the Zhan Tian giant and almost fell.

The many gods and kings around all showed different colors. The female emperor hurriedly stepped forward and asked cautiously: "What's wrong?"

"He..." Meng Fan rubbed his eyes and opened them again. In his eyes, there was a fog, as if... the eyes of a blind man were grayish!

This scene surprised the empress, Princess Yueyue, the ancient emperor, and the giant of the sky.

Meng Fan blinked his eyes for a long while, and the ashes couldn't dissipate, yes... he lost his eyesight.

He is already blind.

Although a **** king at the creator level can see everything through other perceptions even if he has no vision, his eyes, after all, are the eyes of God’s will, the eye of creation, and can see many things that other **** kings cannot see. Things, at this moment, completely lost this ability, for him, it is undoubtedly a blow.

It also made the surrounding **** kings feel a panic, because no one appeared at all, no one shot!

"Here, there is also a way of heaven." Meng Fan was calm and light, smiling slightly. "It's the Emperor Chaos. Here, there is no need to obey the order and laws of the heavens. The true meaning of my Dao and all kinds of power can be displayed infinitely without fear. However, I have to abide by the rules of the Chaos Emperor. I spy on ancient secrets. At the most critical moment, I lost my eyes without warning because I violated the rules here, but it’s nothing."


Meng Fan stretched out his hands fiercely, pierced directly into his eyes, dug out the two creation eyeballs, and crushed them with blood, flowing straight!

The severe pain immediately swept his mind, but soon, he suppressed and dispelled it with strong willpower.

The blood in his eyes quickly stopped. After a short while, when he opened it again, two brighter and refreshing eyes appeared in his eye sockets.

In the realm of the **** king, it is completely possible to regenerate with severed limbs, but it is so easy to grow a pair of new eyes, even if it is a **** king, it is too difficult, and it will not be possible within a few months, because the stronger God kings, the more their flesh and blood have been tempered for a long time, the new flesh and blood needs time to settle to reach the strongest state, and only Meng Fan can reproduce almost any flesh and blood by the means of the Creator. To recover in a blink of an eye.

Really recovered in a blink of an eye.

"Humanity, Hundred Saints." Meng Fanchang exhaled, "I thought that the secrets of the nine gods are already all the secrets. It is already the highest achievement to get the inheritance of the nine gods, but I did not expect that the ancients In the last chapter of the epoch, the Great Chaos really hit the Great Chaos, and even burst out a huge power to create the path of divine hiding. It was not the nine gods at all, but the Hundred Saints of Humanity, Humanity, Humanity..."

He slowly soared into the air, looking at the thick mist in the depths of the Chaos World, and said coldly: "Peep into the ancients, you are not allowed, then I will see with my own eyes what earth-shattering event happened when the ancestor of humanity appeared!"

Turning his head violently and grasping with both hands, Qiankun’s Ark was immediately condensed and turned into a small node. It was integrated into his origin, the Ark of Conferred Gods, which was also placed in a middle-thousand world by means of space. In my own body, walking in the blood.

Then, stride forward, deep into the chaos world!

Regardless of how many earth-shattering things Meng Fan has done since his birth, how many times he has swept the situation, and how many times he has turned the tide, in fact, what he has done is not worth mentioning for the entire universe.

How vast is the universe?

Tens of millions of dimensions cannot be counted.

Even though he is famous in the heavens and ten thousand realms, in fact, this is only one of ten thousand dimensions.

Even though the Era Alliance behind him, there are more than two hundred **** kings, this number, compared with the primordial **** kings of the universe, is probably a fraction of a fraction.

Although he is the God King of the Three Tribulations, he is the only God King of the Three Tribulations in this era, but the entire universe is so vast, in a certain dimension, there must be such an existence like him.

Therefore, his existence and what he did, compared to the entire world of heaven and myriad worlds, might really be a drop in the bucket.

Only when he stepped into the chaos world.

Towards the Great Chaos Emperor, who was known as the number one in the past in many dimensions, and affected the fate of heaven and earth in every move.

From this moment, he really, walked out of the "corner" of the heavens and worlds, and no longer sat in the well to watch the sky, but headed towards the whole-the prehistoric universe!

What else is waiting for him?

Maybe it's death!

Meng Fan seemed to be alone, but with two large arks at the same time, he walked into the depths of the Chaos Realm with an attitude of living toward death.

When he stepped forward, suddenly, a thick voice rang in his mind.

"All beings in the world are born to life, why is it only you who live to death?

Everything in the world wants to live forever, or to live in the world, or avoid everything, and hide in a corner.

Meng Fan, why do you continue to rebel against the general trend, do not do, do not do it?

For so many epochs, staying in the chaos world that I created by myself, watching the once heroes die one by one, I am bored.

Your birth makes me feel more interesting.

Before killing you, I was curious about you.

Tell me, what is your way. "

The voice of Emperor Chaos echoed in Meng Fan's mind.

Here, in this chaos realm, the Great Chaos is of heaven. His every move involves the entire world, and his thoughts can spread throughout the world.

Meng Fan now walks on the same path that the ancient humane Hundred Saints once walked, deepening all the way towards the thick fog that represents chaos.

The thick fog is endless, and with Meng Fan's vision, it is impossible to see the end.

"Not everyone has any grand desires from the moment they look up at the sky." Meng Fan chuckled lightly. Even when he heard the voice of Emperor Chaos, he was still calm and composed.

The God King of Three Tribulations, the only one of the two epochs of the heavens and ten thousand realms, the realm that even the Immortal King of Impermanence has not reached, he certainly has his own confidence.

"Could it be that when I practice hard in Wuzhen, I will know that the universe is so vast. The heavens and the world are only a corner, and the universe is a corner of the heavens and the world. In, Wuzhen is just a humble dust?

I do not know.

So I can be said to be short-sighted.

I just want to catch my eyes and make some efforts for the people around me.

But when I go further and further.

There are more and more people around me.

I know more and more.

I am carrying more and more.

I have to do more and more.

Emperor Chaos, at the beginning of my life, my ideal was just to let my mother live a good life. "

Meng Fan smiled purely.

"And the good life in my heart at the time was to worry about eating and drinking. If you have to ask me what is the difference between me and the kings, it is that I have never thought of eternal life.

Every moment, I am heading towards death.

Everything will be annihilated, including you, including the high heavens. Everything is just a matter of time. What qualifications do I have to imagine that countless people have delusioned throughout the ages and will never die. "

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