Supreme God King

Chapter 2550: Purple

"Live to death, live to death..."

The voice of Emperor Chaos is still echoing.

"What kind of Tao is it?"

"The way of a mortal." Meng Fan said softly: "In the heavens and all realms, I may be the least like a **** king, because I am not walking the way of the **** king, but the way of mortals. The life span is limited. It lasts only a hundred years, and it turns into a handful of loess. Even the emperor knows that he is only a mortal, and his life is always at the end of his life. Therefore, mortals are dying step by step.

From the moment of birth, all beings are on their way to death.

Isn't it possible that all living beings will not perish without meditation?

Do all beings live forever if there is reincarnation?

This is the way of mortals.

I, you, and we are no different, we, and mortals, are exactly the same.

Just as you fear death.

Mortals too. "

Meng Fan’s voice spread lightly, and also in Qiankun’s Ark and Conferred God’s Ark, making a huge sound. The kings, including the two arks and the sentient beings in his original world, felt peaceful when they heard it. The tranquility of death made them feel at ease, and many of them were puzzled and unwound in an instant.

Lonely and proud, he closed his eyes and said nothing, really like the gravekeeper of the entire era alliance.

"In a limited time, to expand oneself infinitely, this is my Tao. The Great Chaos, do you think I really thought that one day I can become the Creator?

In the beginning, I just hoped that I would become stronger and stronger, strong enough to protect everyone around me, strong enough to resurrect my sister.

Because the Dao’s true meaning is the most unbreakable force in the primordial cosmos, I began to constantly win the Dao’s true meaning and continuously enrich my martial arts pillars.

Therefore, due to various coincidences, I became the Creator and became the only God King who can be called the Little Heavenly Dao since ancient times.

This is not my goal, but my choice.

Even the King of Gods is just a piece of duckweed in the wobbly.

As you hide in the chaos world.

Just like other sentient beings. "

"Mortal... God King." The voice of the Great Primordial Chaos was suddenly erratic. After a long time, it was restored to its original state and the thick voice was restored. He said with a slight smile: "It's really a good conversation, how many epochs, talk to me There are fewer and fewer people who can benefit me. In the oldest era, Tailong, Elephant Lord, and the ancestor of humanity are the strong men who are qualified to talk to me. Unfortunately, among these three, only the ancestor of humanity I have a fate with me and robbed me of a part of the meaning of reincarnation. The great dragon and elephant lord have really never met. It is a pity, but today, talking with you makes me feel very good. Very good, so good... I really can't bear to kill you for a while."

Meng Fan chuckled: "Emperor Chaos, you are really the most unlike God King I have ever seen. The God King works decisively and resolutely. When the killer, he will kill without hesitation, and will not leave anything to the opponent. The opportunity to breathe is cruel, and you, have been invincible for too long, are you really lonely?"

"The **** king who is least like the **** king? Each other, each other." The voice of the Great Chaos Emperor gradually faded away. "Meng Fan, you are a very good opponent, a very good creature, but you are still too immature. Killing you when you are so immature is like picking an apple when it is still green. It’s boring. You haven’t really seen the entire universe, yet you don’t know how many secrets, powers, legends and epics there are in this universe. When you see these, when you really grow up, This is the time to confront me, not now, but in the future."

"I have reached the Chaos Realm, and the fight between you and me is at this time." Meng Fan said lightly.

"Haha..." Chaos Great Emperor's voice gradually blurred, and it was far too far away. "The Chaos Realm is the primordial universe, a node in many dimensions. Here, thousands of dimensions are connected. How vast is this place, do you know? It is not comparable to the heavens and the world. So how many times have I launched since ancient times The ghost tide, how many dimensions have been activated, do you know? How many characters like you want to step into the chaos realm and kill me, do you know? Meng Fan, I said, you , You are still immature, you should have a better vision now, it should be the time to give up the past and truly step into the road."

The sound disappeared.

Everything fell into the void again.

Meng Fan suddenly stopped.

He looked at the thick fog in the distance, and suddenly felt a little abnormal.

Although he is walking leisurely in the courtyard, at the speed of smashing the vacuum, each step burns the vitality equivalent to half of the great world, spanning an infinite distance, but the mist that seems to be close at hand is always in harmony. He kept a constant distance.

This scene made Meng Fan frowned deeply.

He suddenly felt unable to understand.

Because no matter how far he walked, the mist seemed so close.

It's all the same.

For example, if a mortal's naked eye sees a mountain from afar, then the mountain should be very far away, small and foggy.

Then as you get closer and closer, the mountain should get closer and closer. Similarly, the outline of the mountain should become clearer and larger. In the distance, it may be very small. It's near, but the mountains are upright, and I don't know the real face, because I can only see a little bit in the mountains.

However, at this moment, Meng Fan is walking towards the mist, like a mortal. He saw a mountain. It was far away, the outline was fuzzy and small. When measuring with his fingers, the mountain was only a few inches high in the line of sight, but when this Mortals have walked for days and nights, even years, decades, the mountain is still very fuzzy, still only a few inches high.

Constant distance.

Close at hand, but unable to get close.

Of course Meng Fan had to frown, because even with his Xiaotiandao means, he still couldn't see through the mystery.

He wanted to look back at the scene of the humane Hundred Saints walking into the mist, but knew that he could not do it. The reason why the Great Chaos used the rules here to blind him is because of this, the Humane Hundred Saints, and people The ancestor of Dao may have broken this constant distance and walked into the mist, but the Great Emperor Chaos did not want Meng Fan to see the mystery clearly.

The reason is just as the Emperor Chaos said.

Meng Fan is still immature now.

Although he is no longer sitting in the well and watching the sky, he is just climbing out of the well.

He hasn't seen how magnificent the whole sky, how vast, and how many scenery there are.

Just as Meng Fan stood still, a figure appeared during the whole moment of deep thought.

Three **** kings.

A heroic woman in a crimson robe.

A handsome man with a square scarf and white shirt holding a fan of broken beasts.

A tiger and wolf-like monster in the realm of the **** king.

The handsome man is the King of Two Tribulations.

The heroic woman is the King of Three Tribulations.

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