Supreme God King

Chapter 2551: Fa Xiang Tianchao

One male, one female, one monster, three figures, namely the realm of the **** king, the **** king of two calamities, and the **** king of three calamities.

In the entire history of the heavens and ten thousand realms, in the history of the two epochs, there is not one God King of the Two Tribulations. , And there has never been a King of Two Tribulations.

Many powerful people throughout the ages, and those who have left a name in history, although very powerful, have not reached the realm of the two-kalpa **** king, such as the impermanence immortal king, in the distant era, named the eternal holy king, in order to escape the hanging The catastrophe of the hit above the head cut off all cause and effect, even abandoning the physical name, and survived the catastrophe of the era.

However, he lost an opportunity to step into the God King of Two Tribulations.

Since ancient times, the reason why the God King of Two Tribulations is so rare is that, on the one hand, the Tribulation of Hit is too powerful and few people can survive it. On the other hand, it is the fear of the kings of the Tribulation of their own.

Different from the divine punishment of the heavenly catastrophe, the catastrophe of the hit is a horrible catastrophe tailor-made for every **** king and every weakness. It is the most complete manifestation of the will of heaven, and it also shows that the will of heaven wants to obliterate the kings. Determination.

Therefore, many powerhouses did not usher in their own catastrophe, but instead used all means to avoid their own catastrophe.

Meng Fan stood silently, in the quiet chaos world, his blue shirt was also hanging down, motionless, with a pair of eyes, silently looking at the three gods in front of him, he really would not expect that here, he actually saw one. Two Tribulations God King, and a Three Tribulations God King with the same realm as himself!

A strong sense of depression is permeating.

To reach the realm of Meng Fan, among the **** kings, they are all tigers in the flock.

And one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

When two powerful men of this level meet, the mutual vigilance is natural, so in vigilance, the hostility will become more and more intense.

"This is the realm of Chaos. Except for the Great Chaos, there are only the pawns of the Great Chaos. Who are you." The heroic woman who wore a purple robe and was the King of Three Tribulations with an immeasurable aura, spoke first, with amazing With momentum, start the topic first.

At this moment, to be able to break the silence, this is great courage and bosom.

Because whoever gets angry first loses.

The woman dared to speak, in addition to her tolerance, of course it was also because of her strong self-confidence. As the God King of the Three Tribulations, there were two strong men beside her. Among them, they were only monsters in the realm of the God King. They had a strong aura and were comparable to a gluttonous **** Now, these three characters just stood there and looked like cumin. In fact, Meng Fan couldn't guess how many methods they had.

Here, his eye of creation dare not cast it easily, because it will be restricted by the laws of the chaos world. Even if he can use it at will, he cannot act rashly. Once the eye of creation is displayed, it is too sensational, and it is equivalent to telling others that he is Xiaotiandao, then according to the jealousy of the kings for the heavenly way, fighting will be triggered at any moment.

Maintaining the status quo, Meng Fan, with the powerful perception of Xiaotiandao, could see the realm of the three gods, two kalpas or three kalpas, but the other party may not be able to see his realm.

"Should I introduce myself before asking my name?" Meng Fan asked back.

The corners of the purple woman’s mouth raised on one side, revealing a meaningful and somewhat arrogant sneer: "Father said that the chaos world is an important node to all dimensions. Stepping into this place, you may be able to see the scenery of all dimensions, and There are all kinds of characters, but I didn't expect that as soon as they came out, I saw a very arrogant young man."

Meng Fan turned his gaze slightly and chuckled: "You are only a 100,000-year-old **** king. Compared with many old **** kings, you are very immature, but you have to rely on the old and sell the old. Isn't it too ridiculous?"

"Presumptuous!" The handsome man wearing a square scarf, who was the King of Two Tribulations, suddenly took a step forward, with a broken beast fan in his hand, and slowly unfolded: "What is the way, dare to be rude to the Princess of Nandian? cut!"

Hearing what the handsome man said, Meng Fan frowned slightly, put his hands behind his back, and said casually: "What law?"

"The law of the law!" The handsome man said coldly, "As the inspector of the law of the law, I can enforce the law of law anytime and anywhere. The universe is prehistoric, and I am an official in a land without officials. I will kill you without mercy!"

Lang Lang's voice was awe-inspiring, quite domineering but ruthless, and extremely cold. After he said something, the man who claimed to be the inspector took a few steps forward. The vitality surged behind his back, vaguely turning into a path. The wings, four on the left and three on the right, are divided into seven colors, secretly, consistent with the seven yuan of heaven and earth.

The so-called seven yuan is closely related to the five elements and six paths. It is one of the large numbers of heaven and earth movement and one of the laws of the law of heaven and earth.

As soon as the man made his move, the method displayed was very amazing, and it was also a method that had never been seen in the heavens and all realms!

At the same time, the broken beast fan in the man's hand was also fully unfolded, and there were faces on the top of the fan, which were actually imprints of the soul!

It was the man who did not know what method he used to plunder so many powerful **** kings, brand them in the folding fan and turn them into puppets driven by him. Most of these gods are half-step **** kings, but there are seven. , Is the realm of the **** king, and, there is one, or some kind of powerful desolate beast and soul, which releases the aura of the ancient times, which is very terrifying.

Fighting at the first level of the **** king is not only a fight against the flesh, but also against the **** king. Weak will and are often the reason for failure. However, it is very rare to use the **** and soul as a weapon. The man's hand is to use the **** king and the soul to attack The spirits of other creatures, ignoring the resistance of the flesh, are really a terrifying deterrent.

This method is just a sentence.

Kill, punish the heart!

Not only to obliterate the body, but also to obliterate the soul.

The Qiyuan wings flapped, and the inspector Sishou flew across the air. His figure was vague and difficult to capture. At the same time, among the folding fans, the ghosts were crying and howling, and tens of thousands of half-step gods and spirits burst out suddenly, like a dam Discharge the flood and rush towards Meng Fan!

The moment those souls appeared.

Meng Fan felt the negative emotions in it.

Resentment, lamentation, killing, cruelty, coldness, entanglement, hesitation, regret, etc.

This folding fan is like a prison, and the people in custody are filled with painful spirits.

"Inspector Shou?" Meng Fan nodded slightly: "Dharma Xiang Tian Dynasty, I don't know which dimension of the dynasty it is. It seems to be very powerful. Inspector Shou is obviously just an official position, but he has the realm of the two-tribulation **** , And stepping out of his own dynasty, still daring to speak out the ridiculous land of the universe, he is an official's words, it is really too arrogant.

In words.

Meng Fan remained motionless.

Tens of thousands of half-steps of the spirits of the **** king rushed to kill, and immediately everywhere, there were fearful roars, the wailing of those spirits, but, the next moment.

Half of the souls broke apart!

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