Supreme God King

Chapter 2552: Goodbye Qin Taichuan

Forty thousand and a half steps the spirit of the **** king.

Although the spirit of the half-step **** king can never be as powerful as the real half-step **** king, it is nothing more than a means of mental attack, but this method ignores the flesh and has its own horror, forty and a half. The gods and souls of the step gods rush together, and any gods will be submerged in it, and the gods and souls will be hit hard, even swallowed.

However, half of these 40,000 souls were not even approached, and they were blown to pieces!

The woman in the crimson-purple robe, the God King of Three Tribulations known as the Princess of Nandian, brows for a while, and she reacted the fastest. The first thing she saw were Meng Fan's eyes, from clear to mountain springs, they turned pale. There is no noise.

At the same time, in the void, a vast will is spreading rapidly.

The supreme, no one can violate the will!

In front of this kind of will, Princess Nandian's gaze became heavier, and she shouted: "Master Supervisor Sishou!"

In a word, the handsome man suddenly stopped his movements when he saw half of his spirits being broken, and he was about to knock out the seven gods from the folding fan.

Very obedient.

Princess Nandian whispered: "This is the true meaning of the Dao."

Supervisor Si Shou was startled: "The true meaning of the Dao? 150,000 years ago, the kind of power of the Taiping Army leader Zhang Shou?"

"That's right!" Nandian Princess said: "150,000 years ago, I was not born yet, and Zhang Shou of the Taiping Army took control of a certain force plundered from heaven, thus setting off the largest uprising of the Faxiangtian Dynasty in millions of years. More than sixty gods and kings participated in it successively. It is a big scar in my celestial dynasty. After Zhang Shou was beheaded by the champion, the true meaning of his avenue was sealed in the Hall of Nourishing the Heart. I have been prying the secrets of it since childhood. Clearly, it's just that what he just displayed is not the true meaning of Zhang Shou's Dao Dao, but... the will of heaven, the will of heaven!"

After the inspector Sishou heard it, his eyes became deeper, and he looked at Meng Fan's expression more coldly.

"Zhang Shou is just an ordinary God King, but because he has mastered the true meaning of the Great Dao, he has the qualification to fight the God King of Two Tribulations. The champion of the year was the God King of Two Tribulations, and he played against Zhang Shou. In the end, if it weren't for the champion Hou's success in the fight on the 9th, the outcome is unknown." Princess Nandian took a step forward slowly, and the purple robe on her body immediately floated, like a dragon and snake. "It seems that there is not a weak person who can step into this chaotic world. I am really curious, what is your name, I was rude before, dare to ask your Excellency, how to call it?"

Immediately, the Nandian princess had a little more respect in her words, and even when she spoke, she bowed her head slightly, as if giving a gift.

"Able to bend and stretch." In Qiankun's Ark, the ancient emperor suddenly said. Of course Meng Fan could hear him speaking here, after all, he was in Meng Fan's original world, but it was absolutely impossible for anyone to hear him outside. "Meng Fan, this woman is very unusual. Needless to say, you know you need to be careful."

Meng Fan did not respond, but looked at the woman quietly. His eye of creation has disappeared. It was just to kill those spirits, that he showed the will of the creator. In order not to be hurt by the laws of the chaos world again, he could only use it for a while.

"His name is Meng Fan."

Suddenly, a very magnificent, vast, decent voice rang.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound.

The voice came much earlier than the person himself. When everyone looked over, the person was still far away and moved very slowly. Although he was approaching, he was approaching, obviously very cautious.

Meng Fan saw the identity of this person at a glance.

It's so familiar.

Although I haven't seen him for a long time, Meng Fan will never forget this person.

In the past, there were only a few top figures in the heavens and all realms. Meng Fan was one. The other was the central emperor, the **** Xumi, the evolving soul, and the impermanent immortal king. That's all for the first-class powerhouses. As for the Five Emperors, Taiyiren, Inviting Moon Princess, and Zhiweiyi, they can only be regarded as powerful, but compared with these first-class **** kings, they are still a bit immature.

Among the top **** kings, there is another one with a very bad reputation. It was even mentioned by the five top **** kings of the heavens and ten thousand realms: Meng Fan, the central emperor, the **** Xumi, the evolving soul, and the impermanence king. , There is no good impression.

However, his strength was recognized by the five top **** kings.

Qin Taichuan.

The emperor of common people.

Melted the creatures of thirty-six great worlds, and continued the life of the heavens and ten thousand realms for themselves!

A long time ago, at the moment when he had smelted thirty-six great worlds, he built the Ark of the common people for many years, and he built it. He drove the Ark of the common people, and took the few heirs he felt proud of. Chaos Realm, Meng Fan also knew about this news, but Meng Fan never thought that he actually stepped into the Chaos Realm!

Without the ancient ship without sea, how did he enter the chaos world?

Not to say that since ancient times, only ancient ships can survive the sea without sea?

Not only that, how did the Nandian Princess, Supervisor Sishou, and the monster king step into the chaos world?

Meng Fan suddenly felt a wave of doubts. He hadn’t felt this kind of feeling for a long time. It seemed that he could see some mysterious things that were completely inaccessible to prying eyes. They seemed to no longer exist. Today, he found that His cognition is being refreshed again.

Emperor Chaos said that he is no longer a frog at the bottom of the well.

However, it just left the wellhead.

"Creator Meng Fan, long time no see." Qin Taichuan smiled, that kind of majestic appearance immediately disappeared, but it gave people a treacherous and cruel feeling. If it were before, his smile would make people feel sick, but now, he is much better, because his body is much younger and he has returned to his twenties.

"You must be wondering, why besides you, in the heavens and myriad realms, there are people who can step into the chaos realm? After all, the entire universe, the entire cosmos, the entire universe, and you alone, reshaped the ancient ship without sea? Hey, You think you have spied the growth of all things, but in fact, you are really just looking at the leopard in your tube. There are more mysteries between heaven and earth than you think. Although your Ark of Universe is very powerful, it is not unique. Many secrets of ancient times, I miss you I don't know anything."

As Qin Taichuan said, suddenly the strength of his whole body began to rise.

Vigorous and vigorous.

The law is more solid and almost entity.

At this moment, Qin Taichuan showed the strength of the God King of Two Tribulations!

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