Supreme God King

Chapter 2554: Evil way

In a punch, everything is vacuum.

The strength is getting stronger day by day, and after the achievement of the Three Tribulations God King, Meng Fan, who has risen to the next level, has displayed an unprecedented horror.

Qin Taichuan met this punch head-on.

Then he flew out, a defensive body, completely broken, vomiting blood, and his face pale and pitiful.

Although Meng Fan is a man of temperament, it does not mean that he has any compassion toward the enemy.

He is not the Chaos Emperor who has been invincible for too long.

There is no thought of playing with opponents.

At the moment when Qin Taichuan flew upside down, he shattered the vacuum, following the shape of a shadow, following his steps.

The action at this moment caused Princess Nandian's eyes to jump violently, and even trance, because with her strength, she could not catch Meng Fan's trace!

After a third of Sumi.

Princess Nandian suddenly saw Meng Fan appearing above Qin Taichuan's head, with one foot falling in the air.

Under these black and gold boots, the space is deforming.

Good luck is reversing.

Qin Taichuan's eyes revealed an unprecedented surprise.

Then, he suddenly opened his mouth, and a small ark, like a small ark as exquisite as a wenwan, spurted from his mouth, and instantly became huge, lying between him and Meng Fan!

The moment this ark appeared.

Meng Fan was also in a daze. At this moment, he even mistakenly thought it was his own Ark of Universe.

After being stunned, he realized that this was the Ark of Common People.

The reason why he admits wrong is because, in this ark, vaguely, there is a breath that is very similar and different from his Ark of Universe, as if this Ark of Common People, and his Ark of Universe, are biological Brothers!

Although he didn't understand why, after recognizing that it was the common people's ark, Meng Fan's foot did not stop without any hesitation, and he still stepped on it fiercely.

In front of the huge common people's ark, which was like one-third of the great world, Meng Fan was as small as an ant, hardly worth mentioning, and could not even be seen.

In the common people's ark, there are hundreds of **** kings, urging the whole ark. Those **** kings are the heirs of Qin Taichuan. The leader among them is Lord Yongsheng, Qin Ciyu.

Prince of Qin Taichuan.

Meng Fan's feet landed on the common people's ark.

With his foot, it was not only the common people's ark, but also the hundreds of gods and kings in the ark.


Under the violent turbulence, the Common People's Ark slowly moved three hundred miles, while Meng Fan retreated a thousand steps, trembling all over, like sifting chaff, unexpectedly unable to stop it.

He looked at the common people's ark with some shock.

In his body, in the Origin Great Thousand World, the kings in the Ark of Universe looked heavy.

"That's..." Meng Fan hesitated.

The common people’s ark hovered in the air. Meng Fan’s kick was enough to destroy a great world, but it only left a very subtle mark on the common people’s ark, and it was still slowly recovering. The Ark causes no impact.

In contrast, the hundreds of **** kings surnamed Qin in the common people's ark are a bit miserable. Among them, there are more than a dozen weak **** kings. , And blood was vomiting at the mouth, and some, even the original source was broken, twitching on the ground.


Qin Taichuan was swaying in the air. Although he was injured, he still sneered: "Meng Fan, do you know where the ancient ship without sea came from?"

Meng Fan tried his best to suppress the vibration of his body, and only then slowly calmed down.

That's right, not only him, but even the kings in Qiankun's Ark have already seen that the Common People's Ark is almost the same as Qiankun's Ark, and it is an ancient ship without sea!

"An ancient ship without a sea comes from the heavens and all realms. It is a very old giant tree. No one knows how old this giant tree is. But in my guess, this giant tree may be old. The Great Chaos, the ancient ship without sea, was forged by the Great Chaos from this giant tree, but he did not forge an ancient ship without sea!"

Qin Taichuan's sneer voice grew louder and louder, and suddenly stretched out his finger to the three princess Nandian.

"From ancient times to the present, no matter what power it is, it has not been possible to cross the sea. Only the ancient ship built by the Emperor Chaos himself can do it. As a node of many dimensions, the chaos realm has roads leading to multiple dimensions. They are bound to be surrounded by no sea, and they can step into the chaos world, which proves that they also own an ancient ship.

In the heavens and worlds, the ancient ship created by the Great Primordial Chaos himself is one, which is the Ark of Universe that you are remodeling now, but the giant tree back then did not make the most of its use. There are many fragments scattered in the world. , I spent a long time in the world to collect these fragments. Finally, the common people’s ark that I created can be said to have the same origin as your Universe Ark. Although it took more than ten days to walk through the sea, it took more than ten days to sacrifice. I trained four million monks, but everything is worth it. "

With a smile, Qin Taichuan came to the common people's Ark and faced Meng Fan. Although his face was full of blood, his aura was still arrogant and close to madness. With his palm over, a small stone tablet appeared in his hand.

This stone stele is only the size of a palm, the whole body is black and gray, and it is in a triangular shape with a word engraved on it.

This character has a distorted shape and is very weird. It is not a human character.

However, throughout the ages, all texts, except for Buddhist characters, were created by the ancestors of humanity, with the same origin. With Meng Fan's reading so many books and the creator's deductive ability, he quickly understood the meaning of the text.


Yes, this is an evil word.

It is also one of the few words most rejected by humanity throughout the ages. It is specifically used to describe any power that is not approved by humanity. It is expressed in evil words!

Unlike demon, the word demon was originally created because of the ancestor of humanity, describing the demon race. It can be said that the word demon itself does not have any derogatory meaning, just like "worms, apes, tigers, and wolves". It is a term, just because the demons act lawlessly, and they violate the concept of humanity. In the long years, the demons have gradually been rejected, despised, and feared by humanity. However, to this day, many races except for Race is regarded as an ordinary race.

The word "xie" is completely different, it's a ugly word, a derogatory word.

But for some reason, at this moment, Meng Fan saw the word on the stone tablet in Qin Taichuan's hand, but he felt a breath from ancient times, even vaguely, with a solemnity.

It's just that this kind of solemnity is not like the solemnity of the word "Buddha" when the impermanent fairy king draws a full bow, nor is it the kind of solemnity of a humane chapter. On the contrary, there is a strange taste that is unclear.

Meng Fan turned his gaze to look at Qin Taichuan's crazy smiling face.

"I stepped into the Chaos Realm and spent a lot of time, finally found the ancestor of the evil, the heritage of the ancient evil god. Meng Fan, the reason why you still know very little about the whole world is because you haven't really To come into contact with the highest power in this universe is not the true meaning of the Dao. The so-called Dao is simple, the universe is the purest, the highest power, that is-Dao!"

Qin Taichuan squeezed his palm, and the stone tablet disappeared immediately.

"Heaven, Humanity, Demon Dao, Demon Dao, Chaos Dao, Evil Dao, everything is Dao! Only Dao is the most powerful force in the entire universe!"

Meng Fan's eyes burst.

Avenue to Jane.

The most powerful force between heaven and earth is only a word of Tao!

His whole mind was opened infinitely.

At this moment, what Qin Taichuan held in his hand was a kind of Tao.

evil ways!

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