Supreme God King

Chapter 2555: Cthulhu phantom

Tao. ≈

One word is enough.

The most powerful force in the entire universe is reflected here.

Any power that reaches the extreme is Tao, heaven, humanity, demon, demon, chaos, evil, everything is Tao.

Meng Fan’s mind was spinning frantically, and he was caught up in all kinds of thoughts. Every moment, tens of thousands of thoughts burst out and regrouped. However, he realized that he couldn’t find anything about the word “Tao” at all. The secret is that there is no need to perform various calculations. In instinct, he seems to have touched the Tao.

He suddenly had a feeling.

Dao cannot be calculated. It is illusory, but it is real. It can only be understood but cannot be calculated.

This kind of existence has been beyond the understanding of many **** kings, because reaching the realm of **** kings, the powerful calculation ability of gods and souls is amazing, especially, the knowledge in the mind of every **** king is at least one million books. The library of books is very large. Anything can find a certain basis and think about it.

"Cthulhu is an ancient era, a powerful existence." Qin Taichuan suddenly said, awakening Meng Fan from deep thoughts: "He exists in another dimension, the time of existence is almost the third era of the heavens and the world. , Is also one of the few strong men who can sit down with the Chaos Great Emperor throughout the ages. He also led a dimensional army to kill the Chaos Realm to prevent the arrival of the strange ghost tide. It is a pity that he failed, and his mantle is also Stayed in the chaos world.

Since its establishment, the Chaos World has continuously connected all dimensions. It has become a huge node, a battlefield that hides countless acts of generosity and tragedy. Since ancient times, unknown powers have led powerful legions to enter here. There are countless reasons, whether it is to enter the next dimension through here, or to discuss the Tao with the Great Chaos Emperor, but after their death, all their strength stays here.

I stepped into the Chaos Realm just to find a certain kind of Tao and get the inheritance of Taoism! "

Qin Taichuan sneered, as the green silk was flying, and the common people's ark behind him was motionless, which formed a sharp contrast with his crazy appearance.

"Today, I will show you the power of the evil god!"

In Qin Taichuan's frantic laughter, the layers of space in the common people's ark slowly unfolded.

In those spaces.

Hundreds of different creatures have emerged one after another!

There are human races, there are monsters, gu worms, wild monsters, and ghost races, all kinds of strange creatures, and there are countless creatures, all gathered in the common people's ark.

This scene surprised Meng Fan, because in all kinds of news, it was said that the sentient beings in the common world had been thoroughly smelted by Qin Taichuan. Except for the outstanding heirs left by him, there was no vitality left. Here, what? Will there be so many creatures?

Even more than the creatures in the Ark of Universe!

More than a few times more!

Soon, Meng Fan saw some anomalies. The creatures in the Ark were not like those in the Ark of Universe. They were quietly recuperating, protected by various forces, and the weather was smooth and peaceful.

It can be said that Meng Fan has mastered two great worlds. One is the great world of his origin, and the other is the great world in the Ark of Universe.

From all angles, Qiankun Ark can be said to be an incarnation of him, and it is also equivalent to his natal device. At this point, the device spirit of the **** king realm is incomparable. .

Because the Qiankun Ark was created by Meng Fan's space from the day it was forged, and every piece of the ancient ship in it was contaminated with his power and breath.

After that, the Ark of Universe was continuously supplemented and strengthened through the hands of Meng Fan. When Meng Fan mastered the true meaning of the Great Dao, he would use the true meaning of the Great Dao to condense the Ark of Universe, and when he became the creator, Qiankun's Ark has also undergone a huge transformation.

If Qiankun's Ark is fully urged, the mighty power can be said to be the second Meng Fan!

Therefore, all the **** kings in the era alliance, including those who have not reached the realm of the **** king, but are very powerful monks, such as the half-step **** king, are in the Ark of Universe, using their power to urge the Ark of Universe.

Including many **** kings in the Conferred Gods Ark, the first class are all in the Ark of Universe, and there are only a few million young Conferred God Realm disciples left in the Conferred God Ark.

And Meng Fan’s Origin Great Thousand World is completely different from Qiankun’s Ark. In the Origin Great Thousand World, first, there is no existence of any **** king level. The highest existence is the Shen Yuan realm. However, the Origin Great Thousand World is very prosperous. The true meaning of the great avenue is nourishing all living beings. Millions of empires and sects are multiplying in them. All kinds of treasures are emerging in an endless stream. The order is perfect, and the lives are in harmony every year. He provides a steady stream of ambition.

Moreover, martial arts are also very prosperous in the Great Thousand World of Origin, among them, as long as there are powerful monks who reach a certain level, they may leave the Great Thousand World of Origin, enter the Ark of Universe, and become a member of the Era Alliance, especially these powerful monks. If you want to get this qualification, you must do merits, do good deeds, and repay the living beings in the great world.

This is the situation in the two great worlds of Meng Fan.

Qiankun Ark is the residence of the gods.

The origin of the world is a paradise for all beings.

The creatures in the common people's ark are completely different. Their lives are exactly the same as those of cattle, dogs and pigs!

There are simply too many creatures in the Common People’s Ark, more than Meng Fan’s origin, and even more, but the Common People’s Ark, let alone Meng Fan’s creator, does not possess even the power of space, only Two hundred thousand layers of space, so many creatures, detained in such a narrow space, are completely captive animals. They eat the worst food, drink stinky water, diseases are raging, and uprisings continue. Human cannibalism is completely a hell, a purgatory on earth!

In contrast, Meng Fan’s origin is as beautiful as the Heavenly Palace.

Qin Taichuan showed an evil sneer on his face: "Before I stepped into the Chaos Realm, I plundered one after another, and plundered all the creatures inside into the common people's Ark. This is the day I am waiting for! Creator Meng Fan, for You, I'm still very greedy, I'm greedy for your crafting methods, and almost endless vitality and lifespan. It is my purpose to smelt you!"

Finished in one sentence.

In the common people's ark, thousands of layers of space suddenly began to burn.

The creatures in it were sacrificed one after another and turned into the purest blood and resentment, turbulent, gathered in the air, vaguely, turned into a huge figure.

Evil way, sacrifice to the common people!

At this moment, including Meng Fan, Nandian Princess, Supervisor Sishou, and the kings in Qiankun's Ark were all shocked to the extreme.

The phantom, the breath revealed, was very terrifying.

Even more Meng Fan, even vaguely, reached the level of the Four, the Five Tribulations God King!

"Cthulhu Projection." Meng Fan narrowed his eyes.

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