Supreme God King

Chapter 2556: God Slayer

The creatures in the thousands of layers of space were burned and refined in one breath.

Their blood qi continuously condenses on the top of the common people's ark and gathers in the phantom of the evil god, making this phantom more and more real.

And the one who manipulates all this is Qin Taichuan, who holds the evil spirit's mantle!

The common people’s Ark, behind Qin Taichuan, the Evil God phantom, above the ark, is like a projection of Qin Taichuan, as Qin Taichuan's body floats slightly, the phantom trembles slightly, releasing bursts A compelling breath of evil charm.

In the common people’s ark, there are more than two hundred thousand layers of space. In the blink of an eye, there are already tens of thousands of layers, turning into a sea of ​​flames. Too many creatures have become victims of this sacrifice. There are many creatures, even wailing. If they didn't come out, they had died and disappeared, and many more creatures had actually reached the realm of the gods. They were placed in the former ten thousand realms. They were princes and even powerful emperors. Here, they looked like cows and horses.

Dogs of all beings!

It is the most appropriate adjective at this moment.

In this scene, even the kings in the Ark of Universe, many of them who were decisively killed and stained with infinite blood, felt a trace of pity in their hearts, and they couldn't help but frown.

For example, the expressions on the faces of people like the ancient emperor were a little unnatural.

As for Meng Niuniu, she was already gnashing her teeth and couldn't bear it, she wanted to kill her immediately.

"Meng Fan, are you still waiting?" Zhan Tian giant suddenly roared.

"Don't wait!"

Meng Fan shouted loudly, shaking his figure, and in the blink of an eye, he had already come to Qin Taichuan. Before Qin Taichuan could feel anything in his eyes, Meng Fan's fist had already broken all his barriers. Above the bridge of his nose!

This punch came out suddenly. Meng Fan didn't use the Great Fortune Fist, or any extremely powerful means, but after all, it was a punch from the Creator, and the fierceness in it was not something that a **** king could easily bear.

But Meng Fan's boxing front had reached the moment before Qin Taichuan's nose.

A big scarlet hand fell from the sky and fell fiercely!

Meng Fan felt the earth-shattering power of this big scarlet hand, and the fluctuations that disturbed people's mind, including the laws and origins of the body, and immediately stopped attacking Qin Taichuan, and turned his hands up to lift up.

And the big **** hand, brazenly collided.

Meng Fan felt that the bones, spine, and internal organs all seemed to shatter in an instant!

If it weren't for the origin of the Great Thousand World, it was his body's Dinghai Shenzhen, which stabilized his body, this time, his whole person, I am afraid that he will be beaten to pieces!

It's too fierce.

Moreover, the big **** hand was still falling, as if to kill Meng Fan in one breath, without any mercy!

"Meng Fan, I collected the creatures from four great worlds to kill you. With so many creatures buried for you, I think you should die and stare at you! Hahahaha!"

Qin Taichuan looked at Meng Fan, who was suppressed by the big **** hand, and fell into the void deep in the chaos realm. He smiled madly and terribly, as if he was not satisfied. Holding the evil spirit's mantle in his hand, he urged again. The creatures in the 10,000-layer space have turned into blood and become victims!

The Cthulhu phantom has become more and more real, and can even see the eyebrows, eyes, nose, and mouth.

Surprisingly a woman!

A woman who looks very graceful!

It's just that the eyebrows are heavy, and the eyes are very hollow, it seems that there is no spirit.

At this moment.

Far away in the sky, the Nandian Princess, Supervisor Sishou, and Monster Beast King who were always watching the battle looked at each other.

"Princess, that's where the ancient evil comes!" Supervisor Si Shou said solemnly: "The ancient evil god, the king of five calamities!"

The princess of Nandian frowned: "Evil Daokui, the leader of the Wild God Torrent?"

"Yes, it is her! Long ago, the great grandfather of the princess stepped into the torrent of wild gods. He had to personally kill her and cut off the evil way. This would completely erase the cult inheritance in the celestial dynasty and stabilize the entire celestial dynasty. However, this one The evil spirit suddenly disappeared without a trace. I heard that it was a journey with many followers of the evil way. I don’t know where to go. But since then, the evil way in the heaven has disappeared. The great ancestor had been guarding against Wei Du for many years, about tens of thousands of years, and traveled a circle of torrents of desolate gods, Taixu, and Taishang, and finally confirmed that there were no traces of the evil gods before judging that she was dead. Unexpectedly, she arrived in the chaos world and died In the hands of the Great Chaos!"

"It turns out that there are still such grievances, but since it's dead, what has appeared now is just a phantom. It's not a big deal. It can only be this hero who has obtained the inheritance of the Heretic God, with the help of the power of the Heretic God, and can't support it too much. Long time." Princess Nandian said solemnly.

Inspector Sishou nodded: "It won't last long, but I think the one called Meng Fan, I'm afraid it won't last too long. After all, Cthulhu is the King of Five Tribulations. In your Majesty’s words, it is one of the few. Many people who can discuss the Tao with the Great Primal Chaos, even if it is a phantom, can wield 70% to 80% of the power according to this method of sacrifice, how can he resist?"

"It's a pity that he is dying!" Nandian princess said coldly: "Now that the entire universe is premature and can fight against the heavens, one is the Great Chaos and the other is a lot of creation gods, and our Fa Xiang Tian Dynasty, these epochs Resist the obliteration of the heavens, continue to flourish, and become stronger day by day, and the father is already the king of the Five Tribulations. Maybe we can grow into a powerful force comparable to the Chaos World!

However, the emperor father will step into Taixu, look for the grand old man, and perform the slaying ritual. Although this is not respected, the success of the emperor father is of course a step forward. For reaching the six tribulation gods, more Sure, but what if it fails? After all, the grand old man is one of the ancient gods, and he is not so easy to deal with. At that time, I am afraid that he will seize his son.

There are only a few people who can seize the throne, but according to the order of age, the third prince is of course the prince, but his realm is not enough. He has only stepped into the realm of the king by the means of the father and he still dare not face it. The catastrophe of his own hit.

The Eighth Prince was the King of Three Tribulations, very powerful, full of wings, and many pawns, but he was not full-bodied and too arrogant. He must be a person who harmed the country and the people.

The nine princes have no intention of the throne, and only want to worship the old emperor Danding of the Supreme Dimension, how can they inherit the Datong?

In addition to these, there is also a champion. For many years, he has been so powerful that he has heard that he has almost reached the realm of the Four Tribulations God King? He seems to be a top-ranked figure in the entire celestial dynasty, but he is not my emperor after all. He just gave the royal surname and prince etiquette, so he regards himself as a member of my clan?

Under such circumstances, today’s cosmic famine and the great tribulations of the era are coming together, with turbulent waves and danger everywhere. Everyone is in danger. If there is a problem with the father, the great cause of Dharma and Heaven is not going to be destroyed once. ?

No, no!

If someone is willing to help me... No, this kind of person may not be able to be controlled, but it is always good to make an ally, and if I destroy the phantom of the evil **** here, according to the truth, I Is it also considered to have completed the unfinished achievements of the great grandfather? "

Princess Nandian said in a sentence, looking at the inspector Sishou beside her.

Supervisor Sishou immediately gave a deep ceremony: "His Royal Highness is wise, if His Highness is the Great Ruler of the Heavenly Dynasty, then the Heavenly Dynasty will surely be able to survive this epoch calamity, continue to glory, and continue to grow!"

"Well, not bad, not bad!" Princess Nandian nodded repeatedly, and suddenly her whole body shook.

One by one, the green silk fell off her head.

Every green silk changes instantly, turning into a black dragon!

"Since the dusk of the gods, I have no chance to kill the gods anymore. Today, I will make a great achievement!"

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