Supreme God King

Chapter 2557: Giant puppet

Under the big **** hand, Meng Fan tried his best to lift it, but he was still unable to resist the fall. ??

This evil **** phantom had already put all its power on Meng Fan's body, representing Qin Taichuan's will, and must completely obliterate Meng Fan's mood!

Meng Fan's body did not break apart, it split inch by inch.

Qin Taichuan stood on a high place, watching the evil god's big hand still falling, his face with a wild smile, Meng Fan, had disappeared from his vision, in his opinion, it was impossible for anyone to live under the evil god's hands.

After all, although this is just a phantom, it can wield 70% to 80% of the power of the Heretic God, and the true Heretic God is the King of Five Tribulations!

Although we have reached the realm of the God King, catastrophe does not explain everything, but the more catastrophes experienced, the stronger the body and soul, and the closer to the heavens, which can see the true meaning of the heavens, but the calamity, after all, represents a **** king. If a **** king is not strong enough, it is absolutely impossible to survive his own disaster.

It can be said that in the prehistoric universe and all dimensions, catastrophe is the big wave.

The king of gods is just grains of sand.

The **** king who can survive the big waves and wash the sand must be very terrifying.

Reaching the Five Calamities means having experienced five baptisms and five great waves washing the sand.

Therefore, how terrifying the true evil **** is, ordinary people can never imagine!

So, what about the Great Chaos Emperor who can kill the evil god?

Qin Taichuan knew that in front of these characters, they still looked very immature and very young.

Just as Qin Taichuan was thinking, when Meng Fan was beheaded, he immediately plundered his true meaning and origin. Suddenly, black dragons swept over!

Thousands of black dragons!

"Huh? The means of returning life?" Qin Taichuan frowned and said softly, but there was not much surprise on his face: "I have seen this kind of means in ancient classics. The same is the expression of life force reaching the ultimate, a black dragon frenzy is also powerful."

Then, without looking back, he said harshly: "The children of the surname Qin obey orders, and kill these people on the spot!"

The decree came out.

On the common people's ark, hundreds of **** kings left the ark one after another and went straight to the black dragon frenzy.

Before these **** kings, the eternal father, Qin Ciyu, is now the great prince of the common people empire, and is also a powerful **** king.

It's just that Qin Ciyu now has lost his original heroic spirit, but rather dull.

In the world of common people, he talked with the Great Central Emperor, and brought the Great Central Emperor to see Qin Taichuan. At that time, his purpose, to put it plainly, was to force the palace. Through the Great Central Emperor, Qin Taichuan would give Qin Taichuan his position to the plump-winged Qin Ciyu. .

As a result, Qin Taichuan smiled slightly, ignoring his existence, and talked directly with the central emperor, and even said, "The children are ignorant, and the trouble is over, we adults should say business."

Especially afterwards, the fight between the central emperor, Qin Taichuan, and Meng Fan directly wiped out the imperial capital of the common world. Countless creatures were wiped out, and some gods and kings were affected and died. Dao disappeared.

The methods of the three powerful gods shocked Qin Ciyu at the time, and finally understood how ridiculous he was, and in front of these top figures, it was really not worth mentioning.

Later, Qin Taichuan changed the image of benevolent governance and directly turned the entire common people into a melting pot, absorbing all the many creatures of the 36 great worlds, and the vitality, soul, and spirit of it became Qin Taichuan’s The tonic, therefore, continued Qin Taichuan's aging life and restored him to the appearance of his twenties.

In the face of all kinds of things, he had been going smoothly all his life, stepping into the realm of the **** king, and even more so, Qin Ciyu, who was so humble and insignificant, he really looked like a walking dead.

So at this moment, he only had to obey.

Lead a group of children surnamed Qin into those black dragon frenzy.

The princess of Nandian shattered the green silk, but it shook a little and re-growth. It was waist-long and slightly swaying like a living snake. It was different from the previous heroic spirit. The re-grown green silk was longer and added to her. A lot of femininity, but her complexion changed from ruddy to a little pale.

"His Royal Highness, are you okay?" Supervisor Si Shou asked quickly.

"It's okay, but it consumes some vitality, little things. These black dragon frenzy, in front of these gods, cannot exist for too long, but they are enough to entangle them!"

After the princess of Nandian finished speaking, suddenly her figure changed, and her whole person turned into a long rainbow, piercing through the void, and went straight to Qin Taichuan!

Qin Taichuan couldn't help but exclaimed: "Awesome!" He turned his body sharply and faced Princess Nandian.

The black dragon frenzy, of course, was transformed by the qi and blood of the princess of Nandian. She is the **** king of the Three Tribulations, and the power of qi and blood is of course terrifying, but no matter how powerful she is, it is impossible for a blue silk to fight against more than two hundred **** kings.

Although, most of these **** kings have unstable foundations. It can be said that Qin Taichuan has continuously smelted sentient beings and used various captured powers to forcibly initiate and elevate them to the realm of **** kings, but the **** king is God king, no matter how weak, is also a **** king.

And the real purpose of Nandian Princess was to attack Qin Taichuan immediately after distracting these gods!

She already saw that Qin Taichuan was the King of Two Tribulations. Although the condensed Evil God phantom was very powerful, and Princess Nandian believed that there was no possibility of confrontation, all the power of this phantom was cast on Meng Fan. , Dealing with Qin Taichuan alone, Princess Nandian, is very confident.

She quickly shuttled and rushed towards Qin Taichuan, and Qin Taichuan was not waiting to die, and the vitality of her body continued to turn into pieces of magic weapon to meet the princess of Nandian.

"Why, when I first met, I felt sorry for the creator, Meng Fan, and wanted to help him?"

Qin Taichuan’s voice was cold and ridiculous: “It is said that the most attractive person is the creator Meng Fan. I am always curious about what this means. It seems that it is the most attractive. I don’t know. , But the relationship between women is pretty good!"

Princess Nandian didn’t answer at all. Qin Taichuan was an old tortoise and an old fox. His disposition, scheming, and methods were all cruel and deep, but Nandian Princess was also a king of 100,000 years, and her gestures made people feel extraordinary. , Even the ancient emperor secretly said that this person should not be underestimated, how could he be shaken by Qin Taichuan's words?

She was like a broken bamboo, constantly smashing the weapons that were killed, and she was getting closer and closer to Qin Taichuan!

"Oh, it turns out that's the case." Qin Taichuan nodded slightly and said to himself: "You think that as the King of Three Tribulations, dealing with me, the King of Two Tribulations, is bound to win, whether it is from me. It’s good to get good things or to get a favor from the Creator, right?

Little girl, you are still young, do you really think that if I sit here and deal with Meng Fan with all my strength?

When I attacked, assassinated, calculated, murdered, laid out, and understood the unpredictable, your grandfather was still sucking! "

Qin Taichuan yelled.

In the mouth, a small particle was spit out.

The particles quickly become larger.

Turned into a giant **** with six feet and six feet and a dark golden body.

The princess of Nandian saw at a glance, her brows frowned, she was shocked, that giant **** was a **** king puppet, seemed to be made after death by a **** king, how powerful it was during his lifetime is unknown, but at this moment, Give Princess Nandian a feeling of incomparably toughness that is difficult to break!

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