Supreme God King

Chapter 2563: Three Tribulations

The Nangong family wants to build a completely unified, supreme celestial dynasty that occupies one dimension, starting from scratch, and the difficulties can be imagined.

To unify the empires, sects, and forces, it seems that as long as they have strong strength and careful thought, it is enough. Of course it is difficult, but not the most difficult.

The most difficult thing is these sects, forces, and empires. How many are actually the pawns of those ancient "gods" in other dimensions?

How many of them are extremely pious to those ancient "gods" and follow them to the death.

Those powerful beings can completely manipulate everything, change everything, and affect everything in another dimension.

In order to destroy these pawns, to destroy those followers, and to exterminate beliefs, the Nangong family actually embarked on a path of beheading the gods!

It is not to eradicate the power of those strong under their dimensional arrangement, but to chase the source and kill those strong.

It is conceivable how many powerful gods and kings of the ages exist among them.

Meng Fan felt numb all over his body when he heard it, and he was truly emotional.

For the family of Princess Nandian, he also gave birth to some respect.

"Since ancient times, many heroes in my Nangong family have sacrificed their lives for the purpose of cutting the avenue of the gods. Many people died and disappeared, but they could not even return to their ancestral graves, and their bodies did not know where they were left. We can only make a cloak mound or a weapon mound, but my Nangong family is really lucky, with many branches and leaves. Every generation has powerful characters who can lead us to move forward.

When my great ancestor’s generation had gone through millions of years of beheading the gods, our Fa Xiangtian Dynasty finally ruled the entire dimension and became one of the most prestigious cosmic dynasties.

Our tradition does not end here. Each generation of our leaders, that is, the emperor of the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty, will continue to look for evil gods, devil gods, inverse gods, and chaotic gods in all dimensions while ruling the entire celestial dynasty. As long as these exist, dare Reaching out to our dimension, even if there is only a thought, our Nangong family will send someone to kill, and the most powerful God must be shot by our emperor.

Therefore, it has been almost 8 million years since the Faxiangtian Dynasty unified the entire dimension. In fact, any **** king can last for 8 million years or thousands of years, but our Faxiangtian Dynasty has been in these 8 million years. There were six emperors successively. After the great grandfather, there are my third uncle, fifth uncle, nine uncle, and grandfather, and to this day, my father and emperor.

My ancestors, emperors of the past, all died in the process of slashing the gods. For example, my great ancestor died together with a'Qingdi Wood God', and my third uncle was a Three Tribulations who claimed to be'Liu Li Tian' The King of God beheaded and avenged by the Five Uncles.

Therefore, on average, each generation of emperors will rule the Faxiangtian dynasty for no more than a million years. This has become the tradition of our Faxiangtian dynasty. The emperors of all dynasties are in the process of beheading the gods, looking for breakthroughs, for the leader of our Nangong family. In other words, we either die from God Slashing, or we succeed in Slashing God, the blood of fighting and fighting has been circulating in the body of our Nangong family. "

After speaking, Meng Fan, who listened to it, had imagined the various actions of the Nangong family over the past dynasties, and was very impressed.

"Although I am only one hundred thousand years old, very young and immature, as a child of the Nangong family, I am also eager to fight. My father has ruled the entire Faxiang Heavenly dynasty for 1.4 million years. It is the oldest emperor in the history and has the longest rule. The longer one is also considered to be the most powerful. It is already the God King of the Five Tribulations. The father has been killed seven times and has succeeded. But in the past tens of thousands of years, the father has found that his road has entered a bottleneck , No matter how difficult it is to break through, so he is ready to step into Taixu, to kill the grand old man, looking for a breakthrough.

Since ancient times, the three dimensions of torrential gods, Taixu, and Taishang have been the battlefields of our Nangong family. In these three places, there are many "gods" that influence the dimensions that intervene in us, such as the evil god, which used to be A leader of the wild **** torrent.

And the grand old man is also a powerful **** of Tai Xu. The father is going to kill him, and the outcome is five to five. This is also what the father means. If you find a weak **** to kill, for the father, it is It doesn't make sense. You must be a strong person to make a breakthrough.

At the same time, the father's emperor also began the process of electing a concubine. Before he went to Taixu, he had to choose a prince. "

When Princess Nandian said this, she was silent for a moment and stared at Meng Fan carefully.

"At this moment, I asked my father to give me an ark. That ark, like your ancient ships without seas in the heavens and worlds, is made of a very old giant tree. Cha Sismo, the leader of one of the twelve divisions came to this chaos realm just to get some chances, or simply, to win me a protagonist, to get more chips, strength, or allies, it’s fine. And meeting Gongzi Meng is undoubtedly a chance for me."

The princess of Nandian is definitely straight to the point. She just said that she wants to seize her aunt, and come here, whether it is to find any treasures or ancient books, or get some ancient mantle inheritance like Qin Taichuan, all in order to make herself stronger , More weight.

The Superintendent Shou is the chief officer of the First Division of the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty. The entire Faxiangtian Dynasty is ruled by a court. This imperial court is composed of six ministries, nine prefectures, and twelve divisions. Obviously, the supervisory division has a lot of power. , The official position is not small, is one of the 28 chiefs of the entire court.

Moreover, the strength of the King of Two Tribulations cannot be underestimated.

Meng Fan whispered: "The reason why I stepped into the Chaos Realm is different from yours. I am not interested in getting involved in the controversy between your Dharma and Heavenly Kingdom."

The refusal is simple and clear.

The princess of Nandian smiled wildly, her face that had become more charming and charming, adding a bit of self-confidence and heroism: "Meng Gongzi, do you really think that when you step into this chaotic world, you will see the Great Chaos? Beyond any dimension I know, the chaotic fog seems to be close at hand, but it is impossible to touch at all. Can you understand the mystery in it?"

Meng Fan frowned: "Do you know the mystery in this?"

"I don’t know. There are not many people who can see through this level of mystery in the entire universe. The ancient humanity hundred sages of the heavens and the world are one of them. I don’t know the others, but my father , The leaders of the major celestial dynasties, should know!

Moreover, Master Meng, you are truly powerful as the King of Three Tribulations. There are actually four Kings of Two Tribulations beside you. Such strength, even if it is placed in my Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty, should not be underestimated. You don’t even need the four Kings of Two Tribulations beside you. It’s just that when you arrive in our Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty, you will definitely be entrusted, or even divide your borders, and give you several great worlds. However, after all, you are an outsider, Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty. Slashing the gods for so many years, for outsiders, has always been vigilant, killing intent, the patriarchal mansion will not easily accept the presence of a powerful helper such as the Three Tribulations God King next to the Princess, so I want to let Mengzi do, It's not just my ally, I hope that Meng Gongzi will marry me as his wife. "

Meng Fan was startled.

Princess Nandian stood up and smiled, her eyes turned into two crescents, she was quite charming: "The two kings of the Three Tribulations are married. They are both a Taoist couple and an extremely powerful help. You can even enter the clan mansion roster and become me. A member of the Nangong family, and I can promise you that all the children born to me, male, will bear your surname, and for your tribe, all females will bear the surname of my Nangong family. Pick one, as my inheritor. If I can really become another emperor of the Faxiang Tian Dynasty with the help of Mengzi, then your heir, a powerful woman, is my heir to the throne!"

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