Supreme God King

Chapter 2564: Smash

In the realm of Nandian Princess, she grew up in an emperor, and is still an emperor who is the overlord of one dimension in the entire universe. Her temperament and behavior change when she changes. She is arrogant in her bones, but she can keep her posture to the lowest level, she said. Fan words are completely a deal.

The two became a husband and wife. To put it bluntly, they used each other to become powerful Taoists. On the one hand, with Meng Fan’s help, Princess Nandian’s status in the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty would be greatly improved, and Meng Fan could become Faxiang. The celestial consort will become a well-known figure in the entire universe.

Looking at Princess Nandian's confident smile, it was obvious that she was completely confident about the conditions she had put forward, and she didn't believe Meng Fan could resist it.

But what responded to her was Meng Fan's silence.

Upon seeing this, Princess Nandian frowned slightly, then quickly stretched out, and said with a light smile: "Meng Gongzi, the suggestion I made may be abrupt, but it is the best condition. The entire universe is prehistoric and wants to become the highest heaven. I don’t know how many people are from the royal family. You stepped here for a different purpose than mine. I wanted to experience and find opportunities. What about you, to challenge the Great Chaos? Although you are strong, you want to challenge the Great Chaos, too. It’s difficult. It’s hard to walk into the fog of chaos. With the support of my Faxiang Heaven, I think it’s not difficult.”

After speaking, Princess Nandian stretched out her hand again and took out a small crystal box.

This crystal box, I don't know what material it is, it seems that some kind of innate treasure, with Meng Fan's eyesight, can't see through the mystery.

"Then Qin Taichuan, as well as Gongzi Meng, have already begun to'seeking the way'. This is the highest state and the most powerful state in the world. To be honest, I haven't touched it yet, but Qin Taichuan walks on the evil way. Gongzi Meng, obviously walking is the Dao of Heaven. There is a hint of change in this crystal box, which is one of the true meanings of the Dao, and I can give it to Gongzi Meng."

A trace of true meaning!

Although obtaining a trace of the true meaning of the Dao Dao is completely different from mastering a true meaning of the Dao Dao, such as Meng Fan, who is also the true meaning of multiple Dao Dao, but among them, the meaning of time is only possessed and can be driven slightly because of the meaning of time The owner is the evolving soul. It can be said that as long as the evolving soul does not die, then Meng Fan will never be able to truly grasp the meaning of time.

However, this hint of time still perfected Meng Fan’s martial arts, and perfected the original world in his body. At any moment, Meng Fan can burn his own vitality and a little vitality to accelerate the flow of time in the original world. One day, one year inside, there is no problem, it can generate amazing aspirations, and many powerful monks can appear.

Meng Fan didn't know the meaning of change and how many profound things it contained, because he had never heard of the meaning of change. However, since it was the true meaning of the Great Dao, he would cherish it very much. For him, it couldn't be better.

"God." Meng Fan raised his head and looked at Princess Nandian.

As she said, now Meng Fan has begun to "seeking the truth."

Dao, one word, is the primordial power of the entire universe, the highest and simplest power, the Great Chaos, who walked on the Chaos Dao, Qin Taichuan, got the evil way, the Central Emperor, pursued the human way, what he walked on is the way of heaven?

As the creator, he has all kinds of powers of heaven, of course he walks on the heavens.

"His Royal Highness, the most contaminated things in my life are care and cause and effect."

Meng Fan spoke softly, with a calm tone.

"The people around me, the people I love, and those who love me are all cared about by me, and they are all caused by me. Many destinies are burdened on my body. Only I know how heavy it is, but I Willing to bear these destinies, because this is my choice, this is my way."

While speaking, Meng Fan stood up, put on a green shirt, and swayed gently.

"You and I are in different ways. Since I'm ruthless, I don't want to get involved with unnecessary cause and effect, not only your cause and effect, but also the huge Dharma celestial dynasty. If you really follow what you said, you and I will join hands in the entire Dharmic celestial dynasty. Can set off a storm, even get the throne, then, by then, will I still have to bear the fate of the entire Faxiangtian Dynasty? Your Royal Highness, even the King of God, will be exhausted."

After that, the Nandian princess was quite surprised. After a while, she smiled relievedly, and smiled very softly and pleasantly: "It seems that I am a passionate person. The kings of the universe are not all born in the wild. The supreme celestial dynasty does not seem to care as much about the throne and the great cause of the past. Cumin, a happy god, is also a choice. However, Meng Gongzi, do you know that today's universe is predominant and the era is boundless. The explosion has affected every dimension. According to our Jiantiansi’s speculation, this time, too many gods and kings in the universe will fall. Only us, the powerful supreme celestial dynasty, can survive."

Meng Fan frowned: "Why?"

"Because it is powerful." Princess Nandian's answer was simple and crude: "We are strong enough to threaten the three legs of the universe, and strong enough to oppose the way of heaven."

"Heh." Meng Fan laughed: "Power is the only law of the entire universe, isn't it?"

"That's right!" Princess Nandian also stood up, and took two steps forward gracefully, only half a foot away from Meng Fan. The innate fragrance of her body is refreshing: "The order of heaven, all beings must abide by it, this is power. Only. Power is an unbreakable law. The so-called humanity, demon, and chaos are all power. Therefore, the humanity is righteous, and it is also power. Those words, classics, morals, and righteousness are all power. The rise of the gods, and the way to cut the gods, rely on strength.

This time in the Great Tribulation of the Era, all living beings will eventually be destroyed. Only the highest heavenly dynasties can face the heavens before they can remain in the world for a long time. When a new era opens, no matter how cold the heaven and the earth, the highest heaven or the highest heaven. "

"So your way is to become the empress of the Heavenly Kingdom of Dharma, dominate this powerful force, survive the tribulation of the era, and then continue the glory of the heavenly dynasty, and be safe in the world?" Meng Fan asked.

Princess Nandian shook her head: "My Nangong family is a clan of Slashing Gods. Since ancient times, I have killed countless gods. My Nangong Jingyu is also a member of the Nangong family. My way, still beheaded.

What I want to kill is the greatest **** in the universe. "

She stretched out a slender hand and pointed at the chaotic mist.

"I want to break one of the three legs of the universe, and I want to see, when one foot is broken, the entire universe will collapse?"

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