Supreme God King

Chapter 2565: Chaotic

One of the three legs that shattered the universe!

The words spoken by Princess Nandian didn't need to be overbearing and arrogant, but just plain and straightforward, and set off a storm in the chaos world.

This animal garden was also shaking frantically in the storm.

"Are you going to kill the Great Chaos?" Meng Fan narrowed his eyes.

In the shocking palace, Princess Nandian still smiled: "Maybe."

What does it mean to behead the Great Chaos?

In fact, in Meng Fan's mind, there is no concept.

In the past, he only thought that the Great Primordial Chaos was a very powerful **** king in the entire universe, perhaps the most powerful **** king.

But after reading the classics written by the princess of Nandian, he saw the entire universe, many supreme celestial dynasties, understood the structure of the world, and knew that Emperor Chaos was one of the three legs of the universe.

He Tiandao, and the mysterious creation god, and said.

They are the three most important legs that support the entire universe. What will happen if any one is broken?

Perhaps it was the collapse of the entire universe.

"So, Mengzi, you and I are like fellows?" Princess Nandian smiled more and more charmingly.

Meng Fan also smiled freely and freely: "It's true, but it may not be a fellow who killed the Great Chaos. It is more likely that you and I are just a plaything in the hands of the Great Chaos."

"Plaything." Princess Nandian nodded slightly: "Emperor Chaos is the primordial cosmos. The most powerful creature ever appeared in history. The father said that Emperor Chaos has reached the realm of the Eight Tribulations God King and has broken through another level. , Stepping into the Nine Tribulations God King, what kind of existence it will become is unimaginable, and it is impossible to speculate. Father said that Emperor Chaos has been invincible for too long.

From the beginning of the invincible era to today, the father said that Emperor Chaos has become an ‘old urchin who is afraid of death’. On the one hand, he can live forever, and the catastrophes of heaven will not threaten him. The longer he lives, the more he fears death. On the other hand, because of the invincibility for too long, Emperor Chaos, in addition to constantly repeating the true meaning of the Dao, creates more opposites to the heavens. Strength, there is nothing to do, so he is boring, because he is bored, he has to constantly have fun and find playthings, such as the nine gods and many heroes of the ancient era, the heavens and the world, are his playthings.

That battle that changed the entire history of the heavens and all realms and destroyed many creatures, that is, his pleasure.

My father, grandfather, and great-grandfather have all said that the God Slayer clan lives by killing gods, and the greatest **** in the primordial universe is the Great Chaos.

My Nangong Jingyu, from the Nangong family, my biggest dream, of course, is to kill the Great Chaos, and kill the greatest **** in the universe. Maybe when I break this foot, the universe will be destroyed? Or a freshman? The advent of an unprecedented new era? Who knows, do it first. "

In Nandian Princess's smiling face, she became more heroic, and suddenly her slender body moved a small step forward. She was already close at hand with Meng Fan, and this time, she completely stuck to Meng Fan's body.

In an instant, all the restraints and defenses of Meng Fan's body rose up, and the atmosphere of the entire animal garden suddenly changed!

This palace originally belonged to the Princess of Nandian, because of Meng Fan's imposing manner, it seemed to have become another world, a world that completely obeys Meng Fan's orders, and a world in which all laws must follow Meng Fan's command.

In such a scene, the inspector Si Shou showed a different color, and quickly stepped forward, the folding fan in his hand was already unfolded, and the monster king, half a step slower, followed closely behind.

"Meng Gongzi, when I reach the realm of you and me, I am afraid that there is no such thing as love and love?" Nandian princess's soul flashed, and Sumima said to Meng Fan in an instant: "The road is simple, there is no other way, there is only one way of martial arts. The end, other than that, are all trivial things that can be let go at will. What you walk on is the way of heaven, and what I walk on is the way of killing gods. As long as this goal can be achieved, everything can be abandoned!

It is not impossible to marry me and kill the Chaos Emperor. Maybe this thing that no one has done in the past is done in your hands! "

Nandian Princess said, her arms wrapped around Meng Fan's waist, and for a while, a strong mind force invaded Meng Fan's mind.

At this moment, Supervisor Si Shou was fifty steps away from the two of them, and suddenly stopped and looked seriously, but did not dare to move forward.

Many monsters in the animal garden hung on the ground, groaning lightly.

In the animal garden at this moment, all power, vitality, and laws are under the control of Meng Fan. His mind can even cause the palace to burst directly. Even the superintendent, such a powerful King of Two Tribulations, thinks himself. He was about to be seriously injured, so his scalp was numb, he felt oppressed, and exclaimed in his heart. He still underestimated this character named Meng Fan!

But on the other hand, he didn't move forward because he knew that Princess Nandian was using her most powerful means-heart and soul.

There are many women with extraordinary natural aptitudes, and even possess physiques that are rare in ancient times, such as ice muscles and snow bones and natural melodious bones. This Nandian princess was born with such a congenital physique that is unique in billions-chaos. !

She possesses very powerful spirit power and willpower.

All of this is innate.

In the Faxiang Dynasty, there were many children in the Nangong family, tens of millions. Among them, there were tens of thousands of direct descendants of the royal family, that is, seniority. Among so many heirs, more than half are princes, and they are all in the realm of God Kings. Among them, there are a few of them.

But like the princess of Nandian, she has reached the realm of the Three Tribulations God King in only one hundred thousand years of cultivation, and she is the only woman who is so loved by the emperor of the Faxiang Tian Dynasty!

Of course, it goes without saying that she has all the excellent blood talents of the Nangong family, and she also has the spirit of the Nangong family's Zhanshen clan. She and those two or three who dare to blatantly say the word seizure are the only ones. The prince is only. Among the many princes, as a woman, she has her own faction, and she is the only one who has a leader to follow.

All this is due not only to her talent and blood, but more importantly, his natural chaos and charm, but when he was a hundred years old, he reached the realm of the **** king, but he was born with a calf and was extremely fierce. Xu, beheading a lot of evil demons and returning home safely. That time, I even met a powerful man named "Haoran Prince", but he became a follower of her, and even hesitated to defect and escape. Fa Xiang Tianchao became a running dog because of the chaotic and charming talent of Princess Nandian.

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