Supreme God King

Chapter 2567: There is no way

Outside the animal garden palace, invite Yue, Zhantian, Guhuang, and Guxinao to sit quietly.

However, none of the four people's eyes were placed on the beast garden palace, but rather at the chaotic fog on the other side.

The four **** kings of the two calamities have reached an astonishing level in their perception of the laws of heaven and earth. Although all **** kings in the current era alliance are the **** kings of the two calamities, these four characters have not entered the two calamities. He is the top figure among the kings of the Era Alliance, and now he is also overwhelming.

"What are we asking for?" Princess Yueyue suddenly spoke, breaking the silence.

The battle with Qin Taichuan can also be said to be thrilling. The collision of two ancient ships also summoned the Evil God phantom, a fight, and the four people shot, which is also earth-shattering, but for them, it really shocked them. The mental is the appearance of the word "Tao".

Seek the Tao, what is it?

After inviting Princess Yue to ask questions, there was still a long silence.

After a long while, the ancient emperor spoke softly. Although the words were very soft, the laws of heaven and earth were shaking with him.

"At the beginning of the Ten Thousand Realms, it was barbaric and all beings were ignorant. The ancient gods were the first of all beings because of their innate and powerful blood. I was born into such a powerful race."

The voice of the ancient emperor seems to have returned to a million years ago.

"I walked domineering all the way, and I also killed many powerful men. With one person, I overturned the rule of many great elders of the ancient gods and became the only king of the ancient gods. I also became the first-generation hegemon of the ten thousand domains. At the moment when the king's posture swept across the universe and the enemy could not be seen with his eyes, I thought I was the first in the universe."

Having said that, the ancient emperor couldn't help but smile, and this smile was a little self-deprecating.

That’s right, not only him, but in the hearts of almost all powerful people in Wanyu, the ancient emperor is the first strongest in the universe, the most powerful divine king in all ages, and the mountain above all living beings, if not for the later thirteen hall masters. Suddenly rise, the ancient emperor will always be that overlord.

"When I knew the existence of the path of the gods, and the three giants of the gods, who were born at almost the same age as me, all their spirits were broken, and I knew that the time I saw was only a small part of the time. After a long period of confusion, because I knew my insignificance and the majesty of the heavens, the idea of ​​changing my fate against the sky became more and more ridiculous. I once lost my direction until the rise of the thirteen hall masters. I had a new goal, beheading the thirteen hall masters and returning to the pinnacle of the ten thousand domains, but it was impossible to help me. Who would have thought that I would become a member of the Epoch Alliance and step into this chaotic world.

At this moment, I also wanted to ask what I was asking for, but couldn't get an answer. I became more and more indifferent to the desire to become the overlord of the world. "

The ancient emperor, this ancient king, in his words, is a kind of indifferent and decline that has seen through the vain.

The other three gods remained silent, but they all understood the loneliness in the words of the ancient emperor.

This ancient king used to be the overlord of heaven and earth, but when he saw that the heaven and earth he was in was so small, in the entire universe, it was not a dust, so he wanted to become the overlord of dust. Isn't this idea ridiculous and vain?

So far, I have seen too much.

Because the ancient emperor was a giant of hundreds of thousands of years, he was calm in the end, so he could still uphold his character. If he was a divine king with a weak character, he would fall into ruin.

"I was born as the eldest daughter of the landlord of the burial ground, and the path I walked is straight." Princess Yaoyue said, although her face was indifferent, in her eyes, the inherent murderous intent was hard to hide, and it was still flashing: "The confrontation and fighting with the fairy land are almost all of my life. Since I have a memory, I know the grievances and confrontations between the burial ground and the fairy land for many years. All kinds of struggles, calculations, and confrontations are the main melody. The road is a way to slay the people of the immortal land and strengthen the strength of the burial land.

It wasn't until my father retired and I started to take charge of the entire burial site. I gradually spied some traces of the cosmic prehistoric state. I realized that there were the three giants of Shenyin outside the burial site, and that there was a great Chaos Emperor in the distance. Only then did I know that there are endless secrets in the dust of history.

I don't know what I am asking for, but I know one thing, my existence must have my meaning, and I want to find the meaning of my existence. "

"My existence is definitely meaningless." The battle giant suddenly said with an urn sound, and with a single sentence princess Yueyue raised her brows: "The way of heaven hates the common people, and she also fears the king of gods. It's definitely not the way of heaven. It's just a coincidence that it's just alive."

Princess Yueyue condensed her eyebrows and said: "Isn't this muddle-headed?"

The ancient emperor said on the side: "He has this virtue, living in a muddle-headed manner is his way, and his mind is very muddy. If he only knows who wants to provoke him, he will kill whoever. He can't kill him. He can retreat for thousands of years, or go everywhere. Traveling, desperately improving his strength, and coming back to kill, he has no Dao at all. He just lives and kills, but you can rest assured that if the Dao provokes him, he will also kill the Dao."

Heaven provokes him, he will also kill Heaven.

Princess Yueyue was startled and suddenly fell into thought.

"Did you suddenly feel that Zhantian is smarter than anyone else?" Gu Huang smiled. This smile was meaningful: "Meng Fan also said that."

"I actually know better than any of you." Zhantian giant said lazily: "A group of smart people."

When Princess Yueyue heard this, she didn't bother to communicate more with the Zhantian Giant. This **** king, who was so powerful that even the ancient emperor did not dare to confront directly, had a simple mind.

However, a **** king cannot be stupid. The spirit is powerful, the spirit is majestic, and the thoughts are endless. It is certain. The Zhantian giant is the master of the original meaning, and the fifth source has been opened in the body, and the vitality is surging. To an astonishing point, even Meng Fan said that if there is no Origin and Great Thousand World, he would not dare to compare with the giants of the sky.

This kind of character, any thing, any martial arts, any knowledge, as long as he sees it, he must have flooded his mind millions of times in an instant, and he can always come up with an answer. How can he be stupid?

This is the way of Zhantian Giant.

However, what is the way of the giant of the sky?

Princess Yueyue was a little confused, raised her head, and looked at the tall body of the Zhantian Giant.

"Don't think about it." Zhan Tian giant rarely showed a clever side, and before inviting Princess Yue to speak, he directly replied: "I have no way."

The ancient emperor chuckled.

Princess Yingyue frowned more and more tightly.

"Heaven and Earth God King, who dares to say that he is innocent, it may be Zhan Tian and Meng Fan." Gu Huang said with a smile, glanced at the lonely and arrogant man who was always in a gray robe without saying a word.

The ancient emperor has always been very curious about this very powerful **** king now, who is so powerful that he is qualified to sit here.

Even, he feels very legendary.

Meng Fan was the most rebellious person the ancient emperor had seen in many years. He had no amazing talents, no strong background, and he was not a certain kind of inheritor of luck. But Meng Fan was in a short period of time. Reached such an astonishing state within the year.

The Domination Era Alliance, stepping into the chaos world, these are all too amazing.

Princess Nandian is already a genius and beautiful, but it took one hundred thousand years to reach the realm of the King of Three Tribulations.

And among the ten thousand domains, except for Meng Fan, the second person who changed his fate against the sky, should it be this lonely and proud?

Before being alone and proud of becoming a **** king, the ancient emperor didn't know the existence of this person.

He is certainly one of Meng Fan’s iron buddies, the best brother, but in the eyes of the arrogant ancient emperor, under the **** king, he is not worth mentioning. Therefore, the ancient emperor does not know how to be arrogant, or is too lazy. know.

Not only him, but also Princess Yingyue and Giants of Battle Sky, they all looked lonely and proud.

Their mentality is very similar to that of the ancient emperor.

"When you fail to ask for the truth, I will dig a grave for you." Lonely said indifferently.

"Heh." Princess Yingyue sneered, then stopped talking and looked to the side.


The four **** kings all changed their expressions slightly.

At the same time looked at one place.

A huge figure slowly approached from a distance.

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