Supreme God King

Chapter 2570: promise

Borrow an ancient ship without sea.

As soon as he said this, the atmosphere immediately became a lot weird.

The person who claims to be the imaginary emperor still has a calm tone: "The ancient ship without sea is the only way to and from the chaos world. I only hope that the ancient ship without sea can let me leave."

"Why?" Meng Fan's answer was even more simple and straightforward.

Although he couldn't see the strength of the person, and the breath of the opponent was really majestic and overwhelming, even Meng Fan would have a numb scalp, and his whole body was exuding a majestic aura. Obviously he was a very old one. God King, Qin Taichuan, and the Three Lords did not have this kind of breath.

But this does not mean that ancient ships can be loaned out.

Xuhuang groaned: "For a promise. Many years ago, I promised someone to reverse life and death for her, so I searched all over the world, looking for a way to reverse life and death, and finally knew that there is a reincarnation in the chaos world. The bridge, under the bridge is the yellow spring, which can reshape life and death, so I stepped into the world of chaos. Now, I have got a hint of reincarnation and can go back, but the ancient ship without sea that I stepped into here back then has been broken. ."

"Your promise has nothing to do with me, please go." Meng Fan said softly, and at the same time his hands were already squeezed, his fists flickered, ready to kill at any time.

Xuhuang was silent for a moment, watching Meng Fan's squeezed fists and said: "Let me use the ark, and I will give you three rewards; half a dimension, an ancient Taoism opportunity, and your life."

Meng Fan laughed: "Stepping into the realm of Chaos, I first saw a princess of the Three Tribulations God from the Supreme Heaven, and then I saw the old enemy Qin Taichuan, but in half a day, I also encountered a character who regarded my life as a bag. The ups and downs are changing, the situation is not extinguished, and it is a bit fierce, in that case.

That being the case.

The voice just fell.

Meng Fan had disappeared in place, leaving only a complete vacuum, which caused the void to collapse, and surprised the nearest Nandian princess, and quickly retreated to avoid being pulled in by the void collapse.

"Smash the vacuum?" Xuhuang groaned slightly in surprise. One arm, already raised, three feet in front of him, condensed six layers of law grinding discs, rotating alternately, making a "creak" sound, making people feel Hearing the scalp tingling, and then, at the next moment, the grinding disc appeared silently and cracks, and after two breaths, it shattered suddenly, and a fist had arrived in front of the Xuhuang!

Above the fist, there was blood.

Skin and flesh spattered.

Obviously, there is a price to be paid for breaking the grinding disc.

At this moment, the front of the fist unfolded, and the five fingers were like dragons and hooks, and the powerful **** king could see them. The nails of these five fingers were full of vitality and laws, like the most perfect creation, delicate and delicate.

"For years, no one can take off my mask. Would you like to try it?" Xuhuang's voice was still calm. At this moment, he was motionless and suddenly looked like he was sitting and waiting to die, letting Meng Fan's five fingers grab the camera. On his mask.


There was a crisp sound.

Xuhuang retreated thirteen steps, and stood firmly again, unscathed, and the mask on his face did not respond, only a few small traces.

The crisp sound came from Meng Fan.

When Meng Fan fell down, his entire arm was completely shattered, leaving only bones, and even the bones were covered with cobweb-like cracks, which would explode anytime and anywhere, and his body was full of cracks.

In this scene, the four of Zhantian Giant, Princess Yueyue, Ancient Emperor, and Lone Heart Proud all squinted their eyes and became very serious.

I don't know when, Meng Fan seems to have become synonymous with invincibility in their hearts!

In the heavens and ten thousand realms, when Meng Fan defeated the central emperor, he never met an opponent. Later, although there were rumors that he lost to the first son of Chaos, it was all rumors, and it was not seen with his own eyes, and it was difficult to tell the truth.

But until this moment, several people suddenly remembered how vast the universe is. Meng Fan is not invincible. There may not be many people stronger than him, but they will not be rare. There will always be some, those who are superior. Emperor Chaos is one of them.

And that evil **** phantom.

At this moment, the person who claimed to be the imaginary emperor appeared was obviously another one!

It really didn't move, and he abruptly withstood Meng Fan's full blow, but it was unscathed, only a few marks were left on the mask, but Meng Fan's body showed signs of destruction.

The impact of this scene on several people was huge and shocking.

Unexpectedly, before they exclaimed, Xuhuang spoke first.

"Awesome, amazing..." Xuhuang said again and again, his voice still vicissitudes of life, stretched out his broad palm, gently stroked his mask, erased those few marks, and returned to normal, still exclaiming in his mouth: "But A **** king who has risen for thousands of years can actually leave scars on my mask. It's a pity that you are too reckless. You will suffer as many injuries as you hurt me. I can bear this injury, but you may not. For many years, I haven't seen a **** king who walks the way of heaven. It's a pity that I'm out of you. I can't avoid the death of my body and my soul."

Meng Fan's physical body was still cracking apart. He tried his best to suppress it, but he couldn't do it. Every inch of his flesh and blood seemed to be fleeing and was about to disperse.

The reason was that Meng Fan displayed an astonishing force in the palm of his hand, but was also counter-shocked by almost the same force. The laws and vitality in his body were completely messy, and even the original power in most of his body was shattered.

"This is..." Meng Fan said in a deep voice, with more than a dozen cracks on his face. "Why is this..."

He has deduced the result.

The power that shocked him was his own power!

"Thirty-three days is the treasure..." Meng Fan gritted his teeth.

Xuhuang nodded slightly: "Awesome, you can see the profoundness at a glance, yes, this mask of mine is one of the 33 heavenly treasures, Luo Tianmen, and the rune seal carving on it is also a kind of secret, just I still can’t understand it. Luo Tianmen, it’s rumored to be a gateway to the source of the heavens, but there is too much confusion in it, and many people who have stepped into it through the ages will return the same way, just like you showed it. The power will return to you as well."

"So that's the case." Meng Fan smiled, but his smile was a little miserable when his whole body was split apart.

Xu Huang sighed: "What a nice young man, if I give you some more years, I don't know if I can achieve a certain kind of legend? But it's a pity, a pity."

"It's not a pity." Meng Fan shook his head: "The universe is so vast, I am really just a frog at the bottom of a well."

After that, his physical body was completely shattered!

Princess Nandian, with a look of astonishment, even involuntarily stretched out her hand to cover her mouth.

After the body was dispersed, only four things remained.

One is the Sky-Splitting Spear, which is still suspended in the air. The Emperor Xu saw this simple short spear for the first time.

Second, it is a group of powerful and vast souls, the thoughts in it are more than tens of millions, and it is uncountable. In every thought, there is knowledge that mortals can't read even if they are poor.

Third, it is a pillar of martial arts that is covered with the true meaning of various avenues.

Fourth, it is a group of origins, in this group of origins, there is also a great world, in which life is prosperous and peaceful.

The Emperor Xu was surprised: "There is a great world inside the body? What kind of power is this? I have seen people who walk on the heavens, but they only master the true meaning of a great way. There are so many great ways on this pillar of martial art. , But also fusion with each other?"

Don't wait for him to slow down.

The flesh and blood that had been shattered into 6,666 drops gathered again, and once again, turned into Meng Fan.

"Break and stand." Meng Fan shrugged his shoulders. The messy rules and vitality in his body undergo an amazing reorganization, and they are restored to their original state. He looks unscathed. Then he raised his head and made a pair of Pale eyes, staring at the Xuhuang, stepped forward again, with another punch, bombarding the Xuhuang mask.

It's really "not remembering a lesson."

Only this time.

The sky-splitting spear burst out of Meng Fan's palm.

"Thirty-three days is the treasure, isn't it?"

Meng Fan's voice echoed violently.

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