Supreme God King

Chapter 2572: Missed

Princess Nandian is also a meticulous figure, and she can reflect what happened in the shortest time.

It was almost at the moment when she was shaking her mind and reacting.

In a space node in the big net, a pliable but extremely hard gold thread was shot out immediately. I don't know what kind of material it was, and it entangled directly towards Princess Nandian!

"The younger generation is terrifying, the younger generation is terrible." Xuhuang's voice still echoed. "But the Four Tribulations God King, who despised me for nine million years, is a bit too arrogant? Meng Fan!"

At the moment that golden threads swiftly shot out from one big net node and went straight to the princess of Nandian, in the other big net nodes, a cloud of black mist sprayed out.

A closer look, but it is impossible to count, and you can't see clearly, only the weird spiders with big fingers!

Endless beasts!

Moreover, these knotfoot beasts are surrounded by vitality and are in the Tianyuan realm. Not only that, the moment these knotfoot beasts burst out, they are still spitting out various tough spider silks, making a huge cocoon.

The Tianyuan realm, appearing in front of a figure of Meng Fan’s level, is actually no different from the ant. It is just a thought, and it can be killed, even without thought, with his breath, it can directly shatter the soul, but, much It is impossible to count, and tens of thousands are ejected from each node. This scene is still too amazing.

With Meng Fan's deduction ability, it is impossible to calculate how many knotfoot beasts appeared in these nodes!

"It looks like I'm going to hit Huanglong!"

Meng Fan said in a deep voice. The whole person disappeared in an instant. It was stepping into the smallest space node, which was a thousand times smaller than the dust, and he continued to swiftly shuttle through the web of spider silk, heading straight to the emperor. .

However, this small space node has just rushed beyond a hundred feet.

Immediately, a few gold threads were inserted into the node, and they pierced Meng Fan accurately!

"Everything is missing, broken!"

Meng Fan uttered a voice, the tough golden thread broke the roots, but this time, his position was exposed and he couldn't hide it. He turned and stepped out of the space node.

At this moment, he knew that if he wanted to break out of this huge net and directly kill the Void Emperor, it was too difficult. The Void Emperor stepped on the eightfold void, and the big web woven with rules as threads, circling each other, Layers on top of each other, densely packed, every movement, even his method of smashing the vacuum, will be perceived by this big net, and it is impossible to silently kill the Void Emperor.

Looking at the silk threads outside, the huge Xuhuang eight feet swinging, as if dancing, Meng Fan's palm shook, and the sky-splitting spear was instantly held in his palm.

Then, assassinated to a space node and tapped it directly!

at this time!

A soft cry for help sounded in Meng Fan's mind.

He hesitated a little, turned around and rushed out without hesitation, hacking repeatedly, constantly breaking the space nodes and groups of knotted spiders, and heading straight to the direction of the call for help. With each step, he broke the vacuum and stepped on ripples.

Suddenly, a majestic breath rose up, and from a space node, suddenly a three-foot-three-foot spider king appeared.

After this **** king appeared, more **** kings continuously jumped out of each node.

In an instant, there were dozens of **** kings appearing in all directions at the same time in front of and behind Meng Fan!

A series of spider webs landed, covering Meng Fan from all directions. In the spider webs, killing intent was permeated, and there were some hidden swords and swords.

Meng Fan furrowed his brows, his heart was brazen, and he punched out!

Good luck emperor fist!

It is the shadow of the fist in the sky, densely packed, unable to distinguish.

The seven nearest **** kings were covered by fist shadows, and they did not even waile. They had turned into the purest vitality and completely dissipated.

The huge network has also been torn open.

What's more, I don't know how many tiny Knucklefoot beasts were killed at this moment.

When everything turned into nothingness, Meng Fan stepped directly beside the princess of Nandian, brazenly tore off the golden thread, and threw her, the supervisor, and the animal garden into the Ark of Universe.

Behind him, the torn net is recovering at an astonishing speed, and it continues to expand outward.

"If you continue to fight hard, you may not get any benefits." The ancient emperor said in the Qiankun Ark.

"He is building his own domain." Gu Xin proud said: "This virtual emperor has extraordinary methods. At the same time, he is stepping on the eightfold void, weaving the network, and the network is his absolute domain. Fighting here is no good for us. "

"An old monster who has lived for nine million years must have a lot of hole cards. He just released dozens of **** kings casually. This person should not be underestimated. Victory will not benefit, and failure will be broken." Princess Yueyue also said softly.

Meng Fan looked at Xuhuang's face wearing a Luotianmen mask, squinted his eyes, watched the sky full of Internet quickly approaching him, and took a step back blankly.

In this step, the vacuum is broken.

Move infinite distance horizontally.

"You can't go."

Xuhuang's voice floated.

The sky-filled network suddenly dissipated, and the virtual emperor turned into that tall human form in Xu Mi, stepping into the vacuum channel created by Meng Fan in one step.

Walking backwards, Meng Fan frowned as he watched Xuhuang follow him into the vacuum channel. Since he grasped the meaning of space and was able to crush the vacuum, no one dared to step into his vacuum channel because of this realm. , Is his absolute realm. Only he masters the profound meaning of space, so only he dares to walk in this realm where the laws of space are practiced to the extreme, Xuhuang is the first!

The virtual emperor of the striding meteor, his gaze is extremely firm, staring at Meng Fan firmly, following every step, never staying, unexpectedly in Meng Fan's absolute realm, still unscathed.

If it is another **** king, even if it is a giant of the sky, stepping into his vacuum realm like this will be seriously injured!

"Walking on the heavens and smashing the vacuum?" Xuhuang's voice can hardly spread in this field, because it is a completely vacuum world, but his movements when he opens his mouth can still be clearly captured by Meng Fan. "The power of the deity of the Heavenly Dao cannot penetrate into this chaotic world, not to mention that you are just a person who walks on the Heavenly Dao. Even if you smash the vacuum, you can never escape from here. Young man, I just borrowed your ancient ship without sea. So confused?"

"Of course not understandable." Meng Fan sneered, "Here, your web can't disperse!"

After saying this, he paused and stopped moving forward. He suddenly took a step, hitting Huanglong with both fists, hitting Xuhuang's chest.

The angle is very tricky.

Because this is Meng Fan's absolute domain, at this moment, his blows are completely seamless.

Not the previous moment, he was in one place, the next moment, he appeared in front of Xuhuang.

But at the same time he disappeared, he didn't need to cross any distance, he had already come to the front of Xuhuang.

Therefore, these two punches are completely Jedi bombing!

Not only that, in the Ark of Universe, there are many gods and kings sitting down at the same time, chanting in their mouths. At this moment, they turn their own strength into vitality and continuously integrate into Meng Fan's body in accordance with the operation of the ambition. .

Any creature, as small as an ant, also has a desire. This desire may be simple, just to survive, but it can also provide aspirational power. The stronger a creature is, the more amazing the aspirational power it provides.

The kings of the Era Alliance have a belief in Meng Fan. This belief is the trust established in the process of changing his fate again and again. Although there are strong and weak, some **** kings may provide The power of ambition is not much, but this is after all the power of ambition provided by more than two hundred two-kalpa **** kings.

Meng Fan's double fists, in one-sixtieth Xumi, had already reached the extreme, infinitely plundering and killing, frantically brewing in it.

Under such circumstances, in this absolute domain belonging to Meng Fan, if this punch hits, even if it is the Void Emperor, it will be deeply hit.

And he cannot avoid it.

But at this moment.

Meng Fan's fists failed!

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