Supreme God King

Chapter 2573: Time loophole

Meng Fan seemed to hit Xuhuang.

But then, he saw that the virtual emperor who should have been hit by him disappeared out of thin air, and in the distance of the vacuum channel, about a few hundred steps away, the virtual emperor appeared again.

This instant teleportation speed was so fast that even Meng Fan's crushing vacuum could not be compared.

So Meng Fan was dumbfounded.

Therefore, the kings in the Ark of Universe are also stunned.

And the following scene surprised Meng Fan.

A few hundred steps away, Xu Huang stopped abruptly, looking at Meng Fan in a little surprise, and then his eyes became deeper.

This performance shouldn't have appeared on Xuhuang's body at all, just like the scene where Meng Fan suddenly shot and killed with two punches, he didn't see it.

It's as if he didn't dodge Meng Fan's fists at all, but Meng Fan's fists, not like his blows.

"What happened?" Gu Huang asked hurriedly.

"I don't know." Meng Fan's brows were already frowned into a few furrows: "It's too fast, everything happened too fast, it's almost... it can't be measured by time."

Xuhuang stopped and watched Meng Fan's fists gradually reduce their sharpness. He whispered softly, "You are going to kill me with these two punches? It's really fierce. If you get hit, I'm afraid I will be at you. This vacuum field has been hit harder than ever before."

At the moment he said this sentence.

In his body, on the pillar of martial art, a brand pulsed slowly.

Feeling the beating of the true meaning of this great avenue, an electric light flashed in Meng Fan's mind, as if thinking of something, but the thought of this incident made his heart full of shock and incomprehension.

"The meaning of time?" Meng Fan's eyes widened.

That's right, there can only be one explanation for everything that just happened, and that is-the meaning of time!

At the moment when the Void Emperor was locked by Meng Fan's infinite looting and killing, he reversed his own time, returned to before, and dodged Meng Fan's blow.

This is the only explanation.

The virtual emperor suddenly disappeared, and suddenly appeared a few hundred steps away, one-sixth of the place where Sumi stood before him. This is not a means to smash the vacuum. Even if the vacuum is smashed, the virtual emperor cannot have anything beyond Meng Fan. speed.

Moreover, Xuhuang's reaction, actions, and words all proved that he did not personally see Meng Fan's move at the moment, that is to say, the passage of time was reversed on him.

But how is this possible?

Meng Fan was so shocked that he couldn't understand it.

First of all, the master of the meaning of time is the evolving soul. The entire universe is prehistoric. It is one thing to be able to use a trace of the true meaning of the Dao, but there can only be one who truly masters the true meaning of the Dao. It is impossible for two people to appear at the same time. The master of the Dao’s true meaning.

For example, the female emperor and the ancient emperor all possess a trace of providence, and nothing more, and Meng Fan, as the controller of the providence and the creator, can completely extract this trace of providence from their bodies anytime and anywhere.

The evolving soul can also be done according to the truth, but Meng Fan is too special. He is not a master of the true meaning of the Dao. His true identity is the creator, the person who walks on the heavens, and the closest person to the heavens. He has absolute control over the true meaning of any Dao Dao, so although the evolving soul is the master of the meaning of time, the trace of time in Meng Fan's body cannot be taken by the evolving soul.

At the same time, correspondingly, the evolving soul is the undoubted master of the meaning of time. Even if Meng Fan is the creator, unless he directly kills the evolving soul, he can gain control of the meaning of time, and the evolving soul is immortal. Time It means that there can only be one master.

This is something he doesn't understand.

As for what he was shocked, it was Xuhuang who was able to reverse his time!

Although the reversal at that moment was only one-sixth of Sumi, it was very short.

Sixty Xumi, for a moment.

Sixty moments, for a breath.

One breathing time is 3,600 Xumi. In many Profound meanings and classics, Xumi is the shortest time, and it can't be shorter.

But when it comes to the realm of Meng Fan, the moment is eternal, the peak is a little bit, Xumi, it is not the shortest.

Therefore, the Xuhuang can go back a sixth of Xumi's time, still making Meng Fan feel terrified!

Even if it is the evolving soul, it can only pass the long river of time and spy on the past, but it is absolutely impossible to reverse time.

At this moment, Meng Fan suddenly thought of the first son of Chaos.

Extraordinary twins.

It was an anti-sky method of spying on the timeline and then stripping the timeline. Only people in the chaos world dared to use this method, because they were born not under the control of the law of heaven.

Therefore, the first son of Chaos drew out another timeline on his own timeline, created another self, and created the "extraordinary twin". Relying on this method, he swallowed Meng Fan's former body and possessed a powerful body. Meng Fan did not know whether the first son of Chaos was out of the control of Chaos Great Emperor and where it was.

But that extraordinary twin, having two of his own methods at the same time, really impressed Meng Fan.

It's just that kind of method, it doesn't last long, time can't be parallel, let alone two selves at the same time. As time goes by, the two timelines will always overlap. In other words, the two first sons of chaos, One must die.

As for how the first son of Chaos would choose, Meng Fan didn't know.

But no matter what the first son of Chaos did, at this moment, what Xuhuang did was even more earth-shaking!

Reversing time is by no means comparable to creating a new timeline.

All this was thought of by Meng Fan in a short moment.

He was expressionless.

But the waves in my heart are hard to calm down.

Seeing this scene, Xu Huang chuckles and said: "Meng Fan, when you step into the chaos world, you should know that this vast universe is far more profound and complicated than you think. You guessed right, I, I have mastered the meaning of time, and I am much stronger than the evolving soul you know. My control of the meaning of time is about to reach its limit. Maybe soon, I will be able to jump out of time and walk in time. Beyond the long river."

"Wandering beyond the long river of time." The ancient emperor repeated this sentence, his eyes gloomy: "Time is one of the highest laws of the entire universe, and everything must be bound by time, derivation, creation, decay, and extinction. Can't stop."

Princess Yueyue also became very serious: "It seems that to grasp the true meaning of a certain Dao to reach the extreme is to break away from the true meaning of this Dao, just like the impermanence of the immortal king masters the cause and effect, reaches the extreme, and breaks away from the cause and effect?"

"No, he just cut off cause and effect." Gu Xin proud said: "The impermanence immortal king did not really grasp the power of cause and effect to the extreme. If you really grasp the power to the extreme, you should not cut off the cause and effect, but become, Master of cause and effect."

"Master of cause and effect." Zhan Tian giant muttered to himself, a little puzzled.

But it was the ancient emperor and the princess Yueyue, with shocked expressions: "It means..."

"It means that the great meaning of cause and effect, which should have belonged to the Dao of Heaven, no longer belongs to the Dao of Heaven. It has become a completely separate power, belonging to a certain person." Gu Xin proud said. "Just like the laws of heaven and earth, one of these laws will no longer be controlled by the heavens, but controlled by a certain person, and can be manipulated at will."

As soon as this remark came out, many **** kings suddenly appeared shocked.

If this is the case...

But Xuhuang's words immediately interrupted their reverie.

"Meng Fan, you don't have to be surprised. You are right. There can only be one master of the true meaning of any kind of Dao."

Meng Fan took a deep breath: "Then, who are you?"

"This question is too difficult to explain." Xuhuang shook his head: "I don't know myself, so I can't give an effective answer. In short, your vitality is exhausted, and the power of aspiration in your body is exhausted. And here , It’s your vacuum domain again, your right-hand men and women dare not walk out easily and step into this domain, so you **** it.”


Xuhuang took a step.

In Meng Fan's weakest moment, take action!

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