Supreme God King

Chapter 2574: Purple Pill Wings

Xuhuang's palm has been stretched out.

Roads of golden thunder, coiled up and down in his palm, buzzing, every Xumi was madly transforming this vacuum field.

In Meng Fan's mind, a thought rose.

He didn't conceal this idea, and it immediately spread throughout the Origin and Great World, and was clearly captured by the kings on the Ark of Universe and the Princess of Nandian.


Meng Fan wants to transfer everyone to the Ark of Universe, and then explode his body and origin to confront the Void Emperor!

Of course, this kind of action does not end up at the same time. With Meng Fan’s Creator realm, even if the origin and physical body explode, as long as the soul is still there, it can be restored again. It’s just this approach that hurts tremendously, and I don’t know how long it will take to return to normal. Extremely dangerous.

The princess of Nandian gave a deep snort, and suddenly stepped out into the vacuum channel.

As soon as she jumped out, the laws of her whole body began to vibrate wildly, and she even felt like she was not under the control of the spirits, and wanted to run away and break up. In this Meng Fan vacuum domain, ordinary **** kings really couldn't stand.

However, she is the God King of the Three Tribulations after all, even though all the laws are breaking up, but she did not hesitate at all, and faced the Void Emperor who had come to kill at an extremely fast speed.

Everything happened too fast. When Meng Fan reacted, Princess Nandian was only a few steps away from the Xuhuang.

And behind Nandian Princess, a huge purple wing suddenly emerged.

This crimson wing is more than ten feet long, and every feather on it is as clear and dazzling as the most flawless spar in the world. It can be clearly seen in the eyes of Meng Fan’s creation. A huge wing is not transformed by vitality or law, but Nandian Princess, her own flesh and blood.

She is not human!

This huge wing flapped at a speed of hundreds of times for each Xumi.

Princess Nandian and Xuhuang also collided head-on!

This is completely suicidal!

Princess Nandian is definitely the opponent of the Xuhuang. No matter how many concealing methods she has, such a hard-to-fight is a suicide, but Meng Fan could not feel any madness or recklessness from the Nandian Princess, but rather calm and calm. .

At the moment when Nandian Princess and Xuhuang collided.

Outside the vacuum channel, a ghost flashed.

This phantom swiftly pierced into the vacuum channel, but it was a huge red wing with a length of hundreds of feet!

It was very similar to the crimson-purple wings of Princess Nandian. The only difference was that this giant wing had stronger feathers, tougher, and more majestic and mighty wings.

The huge wings waved down, and the expression on Xuhuang's face changed. It was solemn and vigilant. He had hit the Nandian princess's hands indefinitely, but suddenly stopped at this moment. After a moment of hesitation, he quickly backed away!

A few words broke out in his mouth.

"Faxiang Zhenzong?"

Without waiting for his voice to fall.

On the other end of the wing, a man appeared.

The man is wearing a tight red robe, a red square scarf and red dragon boots. The appearance is not handsome, but very elegant, and the wings grow behind his right arm.

And Princess Nandian, just thought about it, Princess Nandian, who grew up on his left back.

The moment this man appeared, his eyes were completely scarlet, as gorgeous as two rare rubies, and the wings behind him flew, covering the princess of Nandian. At the same time, his left hand was facing the direction of the emperor, and one grabbed.

Bo Bo Bo Bo...

The vacuum channel immediately collapsed and broke apart every inch.

In the vacuum channel, the virtual emperor came swiftly and swiftly when he retreated.

The man used this method to break the vacuum channel, which is equivalent to blocking the path of the Void Queen's retreat.

Then, a scarlet feather shot out silently.

Before I could see the trajectory of the feather lasing, a few drops of blood had flowed out of Xuhuang's shoulder, and the feather was half inserted.

Xuhuang staggered and gave the man a cold look.

"I didn't expect that Emperor Zhenzong of the Faxiangtian Dynasty would also come to this chaos world? It is said that the Emperor Zhenzong loved his daughter Nandian princess very much. It seems that this is true." Xuhuang laughed softly: "Faxiangtian Dynasty It’s such a big dynasty, don’t you need all sorts of tactics? I heard that you still have to perform the God Slayer Ceremony and are making various preparations.

"Yes." The man nodded lightly, and blocked the Nandian Princess and Meng Fan further away with his hundred-foot-long vermillion wings: "My deity, of course, cultivates his character in the Wanji Temple, and does it for the upcoming God Slayer. Make various preparations."

Xuhuang was startled: "This is your incarnation?"

"Xuhuang, your reputation is great. In my grandfather's generation, you have already become famous. It's a pity that your progress is too slow and your eyesight is not good enough." The man chuckled slightly and sneered: "My Nangong family has been in the past. The monarchs take the responsibility of cutting the gods. All evil gods, demons, gods, monsters and gods are all enemies of my Nangong family. Assassinations, sneak attacks, and calculations are always happening. Therefore, every generation of the monarchs of my Nangong family will drip blood since they became the prince. Rebirth, refining the avatar, don't you understand the truth of the three caves of the cunning rabbit? My Nangong family is arrogant, but also very pragmatic."

Xuhuang's gaze flickered continuously, a gloomy light blooming in the depths of his eyes.

"An incarnation, not the deity, actually has this kind of strength, Nangong family, Nangong family... It is worthy of a lovebird, half human and half demon, with righteous way and ever-changing methods. It seems that today, this Ark is what I can do. Not anymore."

Xuhuang was talking.

The whole person, in an instant, suddenly disappeared.

It disappeared out of thin air.

The Emperor Zhenzong lowered his wings silently. This scarlet wing also shrank immediately, and soon was hidden behind him, while his eyes were still staring at the direction of the disappearance of the virtual emperor, thoughtfully.

After a long time, I turned my head, looked at Princess Nandian, and said solemnly: "Stepping into the chaos world is my permission. If you want to experience, I also naturally agree. Of course I am pleased that my children are constantly striving, but you have said, never Will release his original single wing and call for help from my father."

What he said was quite strict, it was exactly the way a strict father taught his daughter.

Princess Nandian blinked and smiled mischievously: "The Four Tribulations God King, nine million-year-old antiques, I really can't deal with them. If your father doesn't take action, you can lose sight of your daughter."

"Huh." The Emperor Zhenzong snorted coldly, but there was warmth in his eyes, and he could see that he was really fond of this daughter.

Then, his gaze fell on Meng Fan.

Meng Fan first bowed his head and gave a deep salute.

This is a thank you.

Then he raised his head and said to the Emperor Zhenzong: "Can your majesty see the mystery of the Xuhuang?"

The Emperor Zhenzong looked at Meng Fan’s eyes with an undisguised appreciation. Hearing Meng Fan’s question, he also simply said neatly: “The Emperor is indeed mastering the meaning of time. This is true, but his body is always There is something weird, as if he is not a person in our time and space, but in another time and space, releasing his power against us. Just now, he did not reverse time and escaped, but hidden in another time and space, covering his own exist."

Meng Fan frowned, "How did he do it?"

"Young man, have you heard of Timeline, Extraordinary Twins?" Emperor Jinzong said.

Meng Fan nodded deeply: "I know."

"This universe has so many secrets, just like the fog of chaos when you look close at hand, but you can't go no matter how far you go. When you step into the path of seeking the way, power is no longer simple. The contrast between one and one hundred is not a simple comparison that one person can carry a thousand bonds, one person can carry a thousand bonds. You are very powerful, and there are many traces of changing your fate on top of your fate, indicating that you are going against the current. And above, but compared to the many old monsters of the heavens and myriad worlds, they still seem a little immature, but I admire you very much, and I am waiting for you to visit me in the Faxiangtian Dynasty."

After the Emperor Zhenzong finished speaking, this incarnation quickly disappeared.

Meng Fan was able to vaguely capture the trajectory of this avatar, as if he had gone deep into the chaos world. Obviously, this avatar still had something to accomplish.

Princess Nandian turned around and said meaningfully.

"Meng Gongzi, this is my father's invitation."

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