Supreme God King

Chapter 2577: Celestial pride


As soon as he arrived, Meng Fan felt the majesty and majesty. There were no ships at all around this specially set up ferry leading to the chaos world. Instead, there were many guards stationed in the open and secretly, among them, there was also the breath of a god!

An ancient ship without sea, a small flat boat, slowly approached the ferry.

"The voyage to the Chaos Realm is the only one, and there is only one ancient ship that leads to the Chaos Realm. This ferry only leads to the Chaos Realm, but it is as big as a Great Thousand World. In the eyes of Gongzi Meng, Is it redundant?" Princess Nandian smiled.

"It's not superfluous." Meng Fan could see all of this huge ferry without opening the eye of creation, without missing the slightest. He saw that in the distance, there were many fortresses, fortresses, and more. Some defenses created with prohibitions and laws are layered on top of each other, very strict.

This defense is much stronger than the defense of Hundred Flowers Realm. Some of the city walls are so high that there is no edge in sight.

"This is to defend against the Great Chaos Emperor, especially the strange ghost tide and the children of Chaos."

Meng Fan saw the clue at a glance.

Princess Nandian nodded: "Yes, although the chaos realm has not been a big threat to our Faxiang Dynasty since ancient times, the past few waves of ghosts have indeed caused a lot of disasters in the eastern border of the Faxiang Dynasty. The second life was overwhelmed. The emperors loved the people like a son and couldn’t bear it. So it took more than two million years to build this ferry together, in order to resist the chaos world. The general of this ferry is also a two-kage The king of gods has been guarding here motionless for 300,000 years."

With that, the princess of Nandian took up Meng Fan's hand, the slender jade fingers were as cool as jade, she pulled Meng Fan, and ascended to the height of the ferry, pointing to the distance.

The first goal is the heavy snowfall.

The heavy snow in the sky is not a blizzard, but a gentle run of snow.

Meng Fan could see at a glance that this heavy snow was not the result of the movement of heaven, but was created with great power.

In the heavy snow, in the distance, on the periphery of the ferry, you can still see magnificent cities, but not prosperous cities, but some giant fortresses.

"Around the ferry, there are a total of twelve fortresses. Each fortress is equivalent to one-third of the world. In each fortress, there are millions of defenders, one king of gods. They have lived here for generations and never leave. , Is to defend the chaos world."

"A glimpse of the leopard in this tube can let me see the majestic atmosphere of the Faxiang Heaven." Meng Fan admired. In his heart, he first had some concepts about the various supreme celestial dynasties that ruled most of the cosmos, and also faced the powerful celestial dynasty. A shock of power.

"It's really looking at the leopard." Princess Nandian smiled: "In every fortress, there are killing formations, as well as shuttle formations leading to several military hangars. In those military hangars, there are tens of thousands of Nine Tribulations. Fire sickle and birth thunder can be deployed in the shortest time, even if it is a wave of strange ghosts, it must be directly crushed into dross.

In addition, there are many puppet stone statues, the hardness of which is comparable to that of the **** king, there are about several thousand, and they are also a large army.

These, plus some organs that I can't say, you will slowly know in the future, constitute an absolute defense against the chaos world. "

Princess Nandian smiled, pulled Meng Fan up, and continued to move forward.

"The ferry gate does not have a teleportation array directly leading to Kyoto. It is to protect the safety of Kyoto, so that no monsters from the chaos world can directly reach Kyoto through the teleportation array. The nearest teleportation array is also outside the twelve fortresses. You need to go through three fortresses and get clearance for customs clearance. It’s good. You and I will go through it once. I will show you the magical work of Faxiang Tianchao."

As he spoke, a kind of pride exuded from Nandian Princess's words and behavior.

Indeed, born into such a powerful supreme celestial royal family, her pride in her bones is right.

In the Chaos Realm, because she only saw Princess Nandian, her pride, without the foil of this majestic celestial dynasty, seemed a little immature.

Here, it is completely different.

The two walked all the way in the void, and the princess of Nandian also always held one of Meng Fan's hand, and the inspector Si Shou and the monster king followed closely.

And in Meng Fan's body, in the Great Thousand World of Origin, the kings in the Ark of Universe also looked at the scenes in front of them, a little dumbfounded.

This scene is really amazing.

High enough to penetrate the walls of the sky.

A series of vast and majestic prohibitions, these prohibitions are not complicated, but very simple and rude, but the terror is strong and heavy. I don't know how many years and how many treasures can be created. It is an epee without an edge.

When I walked out of the ferry, I started to walk towards the first fortress. The fortress was so big that some gods couldn’t see the whole picture. Each fortress was equivalent to one-third or one-half of a huge world. , The prohibition and defense on it are countless, especially there are many half-step **** kings patrolling back and forth in the air, and there are some powerful wild beasts roaming everywhere.

From afar, you can see a strange magical soldier on the fortress. They are all thirty to forty feet long. They are pitch black. They are made of some kind of mysterious iron. There is also a huge hole about five feet wide. Although he was motionless, he felt like a giant beast, as if he was about to spout flames at any time to wipe out the enemy.

There are six or seven hundred gates on every fortress.

"That's the artillery created by Champion Hou and handed over to the military mansion. It is a powerful Shengtian Lei. As for the Nine Tribulations Fire Scythe, there is no here, because the Nine Tribulations Fire Scythe can directly kill the first level of the God King. Existence, each of them is very expensive, and the entire Dharma is not stored in much."

While talking, Princess Nandian dragged Meng Fan forward and stepped into the heavy snow.

As soon as the snow entered the heavy snow, Meng Fan immediately felt a little abnormal, could not help but stop, raised his head and watched the snow falling in the sky.

The princess Nandian smiled and said: "You see the mystery? The whole Dharma-xiang dynasty occupies one dimension. It is too big. In very old times, my ancestors of the Nangong family imitated humanity, established etiquette and order, and wrote the same text and the same track , Unified many things, established an innumerable teleportation array, connected all places together, and arrived at my father, his old man believed that the entire law of the heavenly dynasty, even the operation of the heavens should be the same, so he established the Jiantian Division, three times a year The whole phase of the moon is spring, three months are summer, three months are autumn, and three months are winter. Now, it is winter, and this snow is also controlled by Jiantiansi."

"Supervisor Tiansi?" Meng Fan smiled and shook his head: "Princess Nandian, if you just want to drop Ruixue, it's not difficult, it's difficult. In Ruixue, there is a very weak spiritual mark."

Princess Nandian was startled, and then laughed: "I still can't hide from you."

Meng Fan stretched out a hand to catch a snowflake, let it melt in his palm, and then smiled and looked towards the sky.

Every snowflake is like an eye, where it falls, you can see where it is. At this moment, I don't know who it is, looking at his new visitor.

The heavy snow covering the entire Faxiang Heaven is a huge formation, monitoring every move in every corner, and everything that touches snowflakes will be seen.

Then, at this moment, it should be some official of Jiantiansi who is looking at him.

It's really amazing, a powerful method.

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