Supreme God King

Chapter 2578: Kyoto wind snow

A deep palace like spring all seasons.

Several pure golden dragons, about a few feet long, were swimming in a pond.

That's right, it's a pure blood dragon!

Other places in the deep palace are full of flowers and plants, all of which are precious varieties. In many places, even the **** king will be greedy when seeing some of them. They are the best treasures for refining and cherishing pill.

Some flowers and plants have actually given birth to eyes, mouths, and noses, and they can still move around. They loosen the soil by themselves and drink water by the pond. They are already refined, and many have reached the realm of the gods!

Dragons swim in the pond and the flowers and plants become fine. This is really a fairyland-like place.

There are also some glamorous palace ladies in pink dresses, playing around, these palace ladies, without exception, fourteen or five, are all in the realm of gods!

And among these palace ladies.

But there was a woman who was not gorgeous, but graceful and luxurious. Sitting there, her soft body seemed very lazy, with her fragrant shoulders half exposed, holding a mirror in her hand, looking at it with interest.

In the mirror, heavy snow flies.

In the heavy snow, a young man wearing a blue shirt, looking crystal clear, like the most perfect creation, is now raising his head, smiling, and then lowering his head, letting the princess of Nandian next to him pull forward. .

"Xiaoyu seems to have found Ruyi Langjun?" The lazy woman smiled.

"Is the empress pleased?" Next to him, a woman dressed in Tsing Yi, with a thin backbone and a natural blush on her mouth, smiled lightly. She looked like a court lady, but she was indeed a **** king. No matter how well-behaved she was, she was also domineering. The king of heaven and earth.

"I am happy or not," the lazy woman said to herself. "Xiaoyu, a child with extraordinary talent and talent since he was a child, is not lost to any prince. He is the youngest but is already the King of Three Tribulations. I am proud of her, but sometimes it is a pity that she was born as a daughter. Xiaoyu There are no sons and daughters, they are broad-minded, and they do big things, never procrastinate, never entangled, thinking about coming, this young man who has just arrived should be quite good, and he was favored by Xiaoyu. It is also because of the benefits and interests. ."

Several court ladies covered their mouths and snickered: "His Royal Highness Jingyu really gave birth to the wrong body."

Empress yawned at random, put the mirror down, and lay back into a huge, soft, wild animal body that looked like a giant cat. The two white and slender thighs were a little dazzling.

"Your Majesty will kill the grand old man soon. Although this is a test of life and death, your Majesty also wants to break through in this test, but as a woman of your Majesty, how can I feel at ease? At that time, I will always follow. Fortunately, I have some means to avoid your majesty’s eyes and ears and quietly follow behind."

As soon as these words came out, the ladies of the palace stopped frolicking, but became serious.

The pure-blooded Tianlong in the pond no longer churned splashes, and went quiet.

The whole garden became quiet.

"I heard that the old man Hongtu already knew the purpose of your majesty. After all, this matter of slashing the gods is not a secret in the Faxiangtian Dynasty. Everyone knows that the old man Hongtu has a way to know. He is in my Faxiangtian Dynasty. There are some believers, but this grand old man does not have the mind of his majesty. He is very afraid of death, so he must have a layout and made a lot of preparations. There are many dangers. After all, the torrent of wild gods, Taixu, and Taishang, these three The dimensions are in the north, south, east, west, and west of the celestial dynasty. For millions of years, I have been interfering with the affairs of the celestial dynasty. All sorts of pawns, eyes and ears are also arranged, which is impossible to prevent.

After finishing speaking, the empress was silent for a long time, and then suddenly said: "This time I am going to Taixu, if there is an accident between my Majesty and I, who do you think is the best for the prince?"

The palace ladies were still silent.

Although it is said that the Xiangtian dynasty ruled enlightened, because the emperors of the past dynasties have taken a higher realm as the road and the end of the death of the gods, so the change of the throne is not a taboo, and it always goes through smoothly, but this is after all a matter of general rule , No matter how taboo, these palace ladies dare not say anything.

The empress didn’t seem to get any answers, she said to herself: “All the princes and princes are my flesh and blood. Your Majesty is in love with me, we are dependent on each other, and he has never had any other women. In my opinion, the third princes are of course. It's the best, the eldest son, but the strength of this realm is a big problem. If the strength is not enough, it will be difficult to subdue so many heroes in the Fa Xiangtian Dynasty...

In this way, there is only one selected from the eighth prince, the ninth prince, and Jingyu. Hey, do you think this champion is a factor of instability?

If it is, it should be killed...Should he leave a will and give him the whole body before leaving?

But doing so will definitely chill everyone's hearts, and it's hard to choose.

And champion Hou, there is nothing wrong in his life.

It's really troublesome, really troublesome..."

The empress talked to herself for a long time, and the surrounding court ladies listened silently without saying a word, but the expressions on their faces could tell the tension in their hearts, and even some court ladies had their hands trembling.

The Niangniang seemed to be a little tired, and suddenly she stretched out her hand and evoked the two pure-blooded heavenly dragons. The two heavenly dragons, which are also in the realm of the gods, suddenly became very small, like a snake, wrapped around her arm.

"Jing Yu was considerate, searched all over the world, found two pure-blooded Tianlong, and gave them to my mother, yes, yes. She has just been to Chaos Realm for only a month, and when she comes back, she should take that young man around in the sky. The last time I walked around, and then came to see my mother, I was also very curious, what kind of character that young man is, but it’s not ordinary to be able to see the mystery in the heavy snow at a glance."

"Niang Niang, please see the Ninth Prince."

Suddenly, a court lady walked in and said respectfully.

Empress smiled and nodded: "Let Jinglan come in."

Not long after, a very handsome and slender man wearing a short white robe and looking as white as jade, walked in.

After the man walked in, he immediately did various etiquettes to the lazy woman before he got up and said, "I'll come to see the queen mother and see her well-being."

"Ankang is very well." Empress smiled and nodded, and stretched out her hand to greet the Ninth Prince to approach, and the Ninth Prince also obediently approached a few steps: "Jinglan, what is the important thing about you coming to me?" Just tell me this mother, listen carefully."

"The son is leaving." The Ninth Prince suddenly said.

Niangniang's eyes flickered, and she sighed: "Are you still leaving? Your father and I have used so many words, can't you keep you."

"The way that Elder Dan Ding walked is the way that Erchen has been pursuing. This avenue, perhaps the last place to lead, is the home of Erchen. The universe is prehistoric, three thousand avenues, chaotic and complicated, Erchen thought about it For many years, I can't think of a result, and I can't think of a reason. This time, the child minister will make the last attempt. Maybe this time, he will no longer be able to fulfill his filial piety." The Ninth Prince said softly.

"Follow your filial piety, when have you done your filial piety." The empress smiled lightly, looking very kind and gentle. "After today, you are no longer a child of the Nangong family."

The Ninth Prince immediately knelt, knelt for a long while, turned around and left.

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