Supreme God King

Chapter 2579: Kyoto 杀

It took a long time to pass through the three forts.

The distance is not too far, but in every fortress, various forms must be taken. First, the guards are very dedicated to their duties and ask the Princess Nandian in various ways. They also need to check the Princess Nandian and Meng through a layer of formations. Fan, afterwards, in accordance with the etiquette and law, these guards will again bow to the Nandian Princess, paving the road with millions of flowers, and send the Nandian Princess to the next fortress.

The etiquette in this one is really too cumbersome, but it also shows the atmosphere of the heavens.

For the **** king, etiquette is not of much significance, but things such as weather, aura, majesty, etc. are often manifested through these forms. These etiquettes are not for Nandian. What the princess saw was for many guards and soldiers, expressing the supreme attitude of the Nangong royal family.

After crossing the three fortresses, finally reached a shuttle formation.

This shuttle array is the closest to the ferry. It is surrounded by seven **** kings sitting quietly like stone statues, and there are many sword arrays and weapon arrays outside, moving with the wind. Just wait for an order. People in the shuttle formation will be beheaded.

Princess Nandian took Meng Fan and stepped into the shuttle formation, and the Supervisor Sishou followed closely behind.

But the monster king, instead of following, sat beside the seven **** kings very securely.

From the beginning to the end, the monster king had no sense of existence, and he didn't do anything. Meng Fan would even forget its existence several times.

"This monster beast, I have raised since I was a child, is considered a close mortal of mine. When needed, it will give up its life without hesitation and fight for me with a ray of life. No one can do the death of others."

Nandian princess saw Meng Fan's doubts and explained softly, then nodded to the **** kings who were sitting still.

Immediately, the shuttle array started.

After just a few blinks, the scene in front of me changed.

Meng Fan, Princess Nandian, and Superintendent Sishou stood on a heavily guarded square. The surrounding area of ​​the square was actually more restricted than the ferry leading to the Chaos World. Although there was no God King beside it, In the dark, I can still feel the breath of some **** king.

"His Royal Highness, I will go back to the Superintendent to fill in the dossier." The Superintendent bowed respectfully, then turned and left. Just a few steps out, a huge carriage appeared out of thin air, pulling the carriage. , Is a group of strange creatures that look like horses but have many densely packed horns on their heads.

At a glance, it can be seen that this is a dragon species, a race of dragons and certain creatures.

The one who was pulling the carriage was a horseman of a half-step **** king. First, he got out of the carriage and bowed to the princess of Nandian, then respectfully greeted the inspector and got into the carriage, and then drove the carriage away.

"Come on, Meng Gongzi, I will show you the scenery of Kyoto in our Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty."

The princess Nandian smiled and turned, and the robes on her body were changed. They were men's clothing, and she looked like Young Master Pianpian.

"On weekdays, I like this costume for wandering around in Kyoto. The whole Kyoto is equivalent to fifteen worlds. It is very large, with all kinds of strange things, and no one knows me. Let's go, son Meng?"

Princess Nandian led the way and walked out of the square with Meng Fan.

As soon as he left the square, Meng Fan was taken aback by the sight in front of him.

The most prosperous sight he had ever seen was the Ziguang World, the humanely prosperous Ziguang Empire, whose prosperity was more than a thousand times more prosperous than ten thousand domains. Compared with this, the Ziguang Empire was a little like a small corner, a small village.

The first thing I saw was the horizontal and vertical avenue.

Each avenue is as wide as a Tianhe. There are many carriages on it. Some carriages look like noble carriages. The carriages are all strange monsters, and the carriages are very huge, like a horse. An ark is like an ark, pulled by some huge beasts, and slowly moves forward. On the carriage, there are thousands of monks. Whenever it reaches a street corner, the carriage will stop, some monks will come down, and There are monks going up, and they only need to pay some vitality spar, and the speed is very fast.

On both sides of the avenue, there are various Qionglou Yuyu, various monks are doing business in it, and there are many first-level existences of God Kings, putting some heaven, material and earth treasures into small thousand worlds, showing them to Everyone sees.

The avenue itself is paved with some natural jade and spar. The vitality and spiritual energy are rising and brewing in it, rolling endlessly, walking on it, refreshing and very comfortable.

Looking up, you can see the Medical Void Channel, which was forged by a certain mighty with great means. In the Void Channel, the monks of the Shenyuan realm can shuttle at will, at a hundred times the normal speed. Because in those passages, the law of space is modified.

With these void passages as the boundary, the world in front of you is divided into hundreds of layers. Each layer has a different scene, but it is not chaotic. They are arranged unconventionally. There are even some cities in these voids. Wandering in the passage, look carefully, it is not a city, but some mobile "business".

I can even see that in some spaces, some gentlemen are giving lectures and analyzing some martial arts.

Looking up, looking far away, there are still many Zhongqian worlds in places that have broken through the sky. There are mansions there, and they are obviously some powerful monks.

The prosperity here is the real prosperity, and the existence of the **** king can be seen in the streets and alleys.

Meng Fan and Princess Nandian both hide some auras. They seem to be two **** kings, but the temperament and appearance of one or two people are too outstanding. They are still noticed by many people when they walk in the streets and alleys. Various eyes.

While walking, Princess Nandian introduced to Meng Fan the history, customs, and customs of Kyoto.

"My Nangong family, the earliest birthplace, is not here, but the first extraterritorial evil **** my Nangong family ancestor saw was here. Many years later, after another ancestor killed the god, One arm of the evil **** was buried here, as a memorial monument. Later, some of our Nangong family built palaces here one after another. After some years, we finally regarded this as the main city of my Nangong family.

When the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty was established, it became more and more magnificent, and this place became the capital of the Faxiang Heavenly Dynasty. It has a history of five to six million years. "

While the two talked, Meng Fan just listened quietly, while Princess Nandian kept introducing. In the eyes of others, Meng Fan was a **** king outside of Kyoto. He came to Kyoto and met a charming **** king. It seems to be his guide.

at this time.

Meng Fan suddenly stopped.

He felt a strong killing intent and suddenly came!

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